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Posts posted by Toinan67

  1. Mini Diablo x)

    No, more along the lines of six months in a row, then breaks, and in total I might have had 10 to 14 months :)

    That's what I thought, I don't know anyone who played every month for 5 years. With WOTLK, a lot of them stopped because the game was getting too casual.

    I'd like to see some greens posters here! VladimirMangos, laise, Lynx3d, etc, tea or coffee? ^^

  2. Since I asked for this section, let's try to initiate a discussion here!

    So first subject will be quite simple : what do you guys do in your life?

    Are you student, do you have a job, do you play WoW 20h/24? What are your hobbies?

    Other question : for how many hours/days/weeks/months/years do you know MaNGOS?

    Personnaly, I'm a student (informatics of course...) and I'm in internship in a news company. (Bored all day, that's a bit why I asked for this section)

    I've heard about MaNGOS about 2 years ago, and well I was quite impressed (How the ... do they make a WoW server?)

    I must say MaNGOS is a great experience for me, it teached me a lot in many domains (other than C++).

    Except this, IRL, nothing important to say. I like all types of music (except the ones I don't like.), I used to do sports but I stopped few years ago, I like watching TV shows, sleep, eat and I breath.

    Your turn!

  3. Hi,

    I'm surprised nobody talked about it yet, but I think it would be nice to have a "Relaxation" section in the forum.

    We're just humans after all, and I'm sure we all like to sometimes talk about something else than MaNGOS, WoW, C++, spells and vmaps. (Well...I hope we all like.)

    That's what makes a great community too, when you start to learn a bit more knowing other contributors.

    Just talk about actuality, debate on something that happened, sports, music whatever you want :)

    It would definitely make some people come more often, therefore contribute to the project too.

    I know these forums were not made to speak about the death of Michael Jackson or the climate change, but sometimes share something with the community might be great :)

    What's your opinion?

  4. plz forgive me for this noob question but what this fix? i dont understud

    I just noticed a "todo" in the source code :

    data << uint32(guild->GetMemberSize());                 // amount of accounts (TODO: implement)

    The number sent was the number of members, not the number of accounts. This patch sends the number of accounts.

    I don't even know if this number is still used in the client, but well at least I tried ^^

  5. Hi,

    I noticed something in some tables of the mangos database.

    Some GUIDs fields are not unsigned, but I don't understand why. A GUID is always positive, am I right?


    Table creature : `guid` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT

    Table gameobject : `guid` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT

    Moreover, in other tables, those GUIDs are unsigned

    Table creature_respawn : `guid` INT( 10 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'

    Is there any reason for not making those fields unsigned?


    • * What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?
      Send the guild accounts numbers instead of the members number in HandleGuildInfoOpcode
      * For which repository revision was the patch created?
      * Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.
      Didn't found any
      * Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.
      porteyoplait (=me)

    Here is the patch : http://paste2.org/p/929774

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