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Posts posted by TOM_RUS

  1. You should first check if player is in group, then broadcast packet to the group (may be in limited range?).

    Something like that:

    if(GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER)
       if(Group *group = ((Player*)this)->GetGroup())
           WorldPacket data(SMSG_PARTYKILLLOG, (8+8)); //send event PARTY_KILL
           data << uint64(GetGUID()); //player with killing blow
           data << uint64(pVictim->GetGUID()); //victim
           group->BroadcastPacket(&data); // there's some more arguments available...

  2. Whoot!!!!!

    Loading Warden System...
    Warden System Loaded
    User logs in
    Warden Seed:     95ADF5753747995905AC96D1DC6A7E2DC96E1B4D8324A605067B68B3192E613B7D527AB42227527F
    Warden Out Seed: B98ADD9ACDF9CBCF332C1B23B94CF58F
    Warden In Seed:  C0900D9A2983B193D06A2B20350FA722
    Warden Crypt Keys Generated!
    Warden send packet: Len: 37
    SESSION: received unexpected opcode CMSG_WARDEN_DATA (0x02E7) the player has not
    logged in yet

    When exactly is Warden initially sent on the real server? I have it sent before logging in after verification simply because that was simplest.

    Change Opcodes.cpp

       /*0x2E7*/ { "CMSG_WARDEN_DATA",                             STATUS_LOGGEDIN, &WorldSession::HandleWardenDataOpcode          },


       /*0x2E7*/ { "CMSG_WARDEN_DATA",                             STATUS_AUTHED, &WorldSession::HandleWardenDataOpcode          },

  3. Hmm, if I get it right Warden would allow the server administrators to run any code they like on the clients (simply by writing some new Warden module)?

    I don't think that this is something we would like to support here.

    There's signature in warden module and client checks it before loading...

  4. I hope you will stay at 3.0.9... For a simple reason: DK is not even working like supposed and many 3.0 stuff is still bugged... Instead of releasing 3.1.2 full of bugs there should be a kinda "bug free" version of 3.0.9 which will make it much easier for 3.1.0 development.

    You are wrong. Delays produce even more bugs because too much things changing over time.

  5. MaNGoS now supports the latest client version 3.0.3 build 9183. Enjoy it!

    Please update yours dbc, maps and vmaps.

    To convert your current characters and their items use following sql updates:



    PS: 2.4.3 may continue to be be supported for some time. The "mangos-0.12" branch has been created for it where some fixes may be backported from master if we have time. To create and switch to a local branch named 243 that points to the mangos-0.12 remote branch, you may use the following command: git checkout -b 243 origin/mangos-0.12

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