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  1. $ git pull remote: Counting objects: 9, done.←[K remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5/5), done.←[K remote: Total 5 (delta 4), reused 0 (delta 0)←[K Unpacking objects: 100% (5/5), done. From git://github.com/mangos/mangos 9b52097..7511c75 master -> origin/master You asked me to pull without telling me which branch you want to merge with, and 'branch.master.merge' in your configuration file does not tell me either. Please name which branch you want to merge on the command line and try again (e.g. 'git pull <repository> <refspec>'). See git-pull(1) for details on the refspec. If you often merge with the same branch, you may want to configure the following variables in your configuration file: branch.master.remote = <nickname> branch.master.merge = <remote-ref> remote.<nickname>.url = <url> remote.<nickname>.fetch = <refspec> See git-config(1) for details. and sources still old. after i run: $ git pull origin master From git://github.com/mangos/mangos * branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Updating 9b52097..7511c75 Fast forward src/game/ThreatManager.cpp | 15 +++++++++++++++ 1 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) and ThreatManager.cpp now with changes. p.s. i use msysgit on win xp. my config in .git directory [core] repositoryformatversion = 0 filemode = false bare = false logallrefupdates = true symlinks = false ignorecase = true [remote "origin"] url = git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/* [gui] geometry = 923x492+154+157 204 171
  2. What i must write in config to use "git pull" instead "git pull origin master"?
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