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Everything posted by tsunamirus

  1. It is only used in Sunwell Radiance, so everything should be ok with this code.
  2. Try to add this in Aura->HandleSpellSpecificBoosts
  3. If you get a stack, and then right click to remove it, you will have visual effect forever, which isn't correct.
  4. Try this: if (spellProto->SpellFamilyFlags & UI64LIT(0x800000)) { // Mind Flay buffs - each depends on Shadow Word: Pain present on the target if (pVictim->GetAura(SPELL_AURA_PERIODIC_DAMAGE, SPELLFAMILY_PRIEST, UI64LIT(0x8000), 0, GetGUID())) { // Twisted Faith if (Aura * aur = GetAura(SPELL_AURA_OVERRIDE_CLASS_SCRIPTS, SPELLFAMILY_PRIEST, 2848, 1)) DoneTotalMod *= (aur->GetModifier()->m_amount+100.0f) / 100.0f; // Glyph of Mind Flay if (Aura *aur = GetAura(55687, EFFECT_INDEX_0)) DoneTotalMod *= (aur->GetModifier()->m_amount+100.0f) / 100.0f; } }
  5. Does not work as intended, when stacks fade the effect still persist. And it does not trigger on first stack, only on second.
  6. This wont work because you need to remove first break.
  7. float Unit::MeleeMissChanceCalc(const Unit *pVictim, WeaponAttackType attType) const { if(!pVictim) return 0.0f; // Base misschance 5% float misschance = 5.0f; // DualWield - Melee spells and physical dmg spells - 5% , white damage 24% if (haveOffhandWeapon() && attType != RANGED_ATTACK) { bool isNormal = false; for (uint32 i = CURRENT_FIRST_NON_MELEE_SPELL; i < CURRENT_MAX_SPELL; ++i) { if( m_currentSpells[i] && (GetSpellSchoolMask(m_currentSpells[i]->m_spellInfo) & SPELL_SCHOOL_MASK_NORMAL) ) { isNormal = true; break; } } if (!isNormal && !m_currentSpells[CURRENT_MELEE_SPELL]) misschance += 19.0f; } int32 skillBonus = int32(pVictim->GetDefenseSkillValue(this)) - int32(this->GetWeaponSkillValue(attType, pVictim)); if (abs(skillBonus) <= 10) misschance += skillBonus * 0.1f; else misschance += 1.0f + (skillBonus - 10) * 0.4f; // Hit chance from attacker based on ratings and auras if (attType == RANGED_ATTACK) misschance -= m_modRangedHitChance; else misschance -= m_modMeleeHitChance; // Hit chance for victim based on ratings if (pVictim->GetTypeId()==TYPEID_PLAYER) { if (attType == RANGED_ATTACK) misschance += ((Player*)pVictim)->GetRatingBonusValue(CR_HIT_TAKEN_RANGED); else misschance += ((Player*)pVictim)->GetRatingBonusValue(CR_HIT_TAKEN_MELEE); } // Modify miss chance by victim auras if(attType == RANGED_ATTACK) misschance -= pVictim->GetTotalAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACKER_RANGED_HIT_CHANCE); else misschance -= pVictim->GetTotalAuraModifier(SPELL_AURA_MOD_ATTACKER_MELEE_HIT_CHANCE); // Limit miss chance from 0 to 60% if ( misschance < 0.0f) return 0.0f; if ( misschance > 60.0f) return 60.0f; return misschance; } whole MeleeMissChanceCalc function with formula accordng to Wowwiki.
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