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  1. Hello sounds like you have the exact issue i had before i finally gave up, it has to do with not having the correct .sql files installed, you have to get them from that link, I gave up because after several attempts, the best i could do was get the world going w/o npc's and when i tried adding other .sql's it just screwed the whole thing up and i tried uninstalling and starting over, but now it won't even let me get to the point of logging in to a npcless world.
  2. Ok Kageboshi I have the server running thnx to you and others, but there are no NPC's in the world. I am guessing it is because UDB_0.11.5_Core_7681_SD2_1012.sql is not loaded. Maybe I am going insane, but when I sift thru the links to download UDB_0.11.5_Core_7681_SD2_1012.sql the only file that looks remotely close is UDB_0.11.5_Core_7681_SD2_1012.rar. I tried running that, but seeing how it is linux file it didnt work, i renamed it .sql and still no luck. Where can I find the correct UDB_0.11.5_Core_7681_SD2_1012.sql?
  3. I am not totally sure, but the way I read it 3.1 is not yet supported by mangos
  4. bumping to the next page in case people missed it I am using sqoyog and still stuck on the updating databases part scroll up to see the latest issue
  5. Ok everything on the guide is complete up to the database portion, i have F:\\mangos server In this folder are all the .exe, .dll, .pdb files, maps and dbc folders with info extraced using the ad.exe my mangosd.conf and realmd.conf files have been set up like it shows. Still when I do the steps for the databases and i have both that you showed me it gives me the 1064 error code: which basically just prints off each line of the (in this case) characters.sql file, with each line giving the 1064 error something that I just realized when looking back at the mysql is I don't see a database called scriptdev2, where is this database and how do I get it?
  6. Yes this is a new "clean" installation I have followed the guide to the letter, I am not totally sure I did it correctly. When i compiled mangos I got 11 succeeded 0 failed so it looked good, from that point I copied the .exe..dll and .pdb files from f:\\mangos\\bin\\win32release and placed them into f:\\mangos server (I still feel i copied these files from the wrong spot) I am also not sure if I did something wrong at the start, I installed GIT and made a folder called F:\\MaNGOS, right clicked and did the whole get gui thing, but got the error that folder already exists, so I just directed it to a folder I called MaNGOS1 (which I had not yet created) and it installed there. So from reading the posts and getting some help, I assumed that F:\\MaNGOS1 would be my "source folder" and F:\\mangos server would be my compile folder? so far I have compiled Mangos (at least I think I did that correctly) ========== Build: 11 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
  7. Ok I must be doing something wrong, i get to this updating your database section and i open (what i believe is correct) the 380_corepatch_mangos_7682_to_7894.sql file onto notepad. I put it into mysql, selected mangos and select all and hit the play button and i get the following errors: error code 1064, you have an error in your sql syntax; check the manual that corrosponds to your mysql server version for the right syntax to use near <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.or at line 1 execution time: 0 transfer time: 0 total time: 0 This same error is repeated many many times with just the test of the message being different more info, i tried running mangosd.exe and got this log: 2009-06-07 18:08:11 MaNGOS/0.13.0-DEV (* * Revision 7976 - *) for Win32 (little-endian) [world-daemon] 2009-06-07 18:08:11 <Ctrl-C> to stop. 2009-06-07 18:08:11 Using configuration file mangosd.conf. 2009-06-07 18:08:11 World Database:;3306;root;fweegor007;mangos 2009-06-07 18:08:11 MySQL client library: 5.0.56 2009-06-07 18:08:11 MySQL server ver: 6.0.9-alpha-community 2009-06-07 18:08:11 Character Database:;3306;root;fweegor007;characters 2009-06-07 18:08:11 MySQL client library: 5.0.56 2009-06-07 18:08:11 MySQL server ver: 6.0.9-alpha-community 2009-06-07 18:08:11 Login Database:;3306;root;fweegor007;realmd 2009-06-07 18:08:11 MySQL client library: 5.0.56 2009-06-07 18:08:11 MySQL server ver: 6.0.9-alpha-community 2009-06-07 18:08:11 Realm running as realm ID 1 2009-06-07 18:08:11 ERROR:SQL: SELECT version, creature_ai_version FROM db_version LIMIT 1 2009-06-07 18:08:11 ERROR:query ERROR: Table 'mangos.db_version' doesn't exist 2009-06-07 18:08:11 Using World DB: Unknown world database. 2009-06-07 18:08:11 Using creature EventAI: Unknown creature EventAI. 2009-06-07 18:08:11 Using DataDir ./ 2009-06-07 18:08:11 WORLD: VMap support included. LineOfSight:0, getHeight:0 2009-06-07 18:08:11 WORLD: VMap data directory is: ./vmaps 2009-06-07 18:08:11 WORLD: VMap config keys are: vmap.enableLOS, vmap.enableHeight, vmap.ignoreMapIds, vmap.ignoreSpellIds 2009-06-07 18:08:11 ERROR:SQL: SELECT MAX(guid) FROM creature 2009-06-07 18:08:11 ERROR:query ERROR: Table 'mangos.creature' doesn't exist 2009-06-07 18:08:11 ERROR:SQL: SELECT MAX(guid) FROM gameobject 2009-06-07 18:08:11 ERROR:query ERROR: Table 'mangos.gameobject' doesn't exist 2009-06-07 18:08:11 2009-06-07 18:08:11 Loading MaNGOS strings... 2009-06-07 18:08:11 ERROR:SQL: SELECT entry,content_default,content_loc1,content_loc2,content_loc3,content_loc4,content_loc5,content_loc6,content_loc7,content_loc8 FROM mangos_string 2009-06-07 18:08:11 ERROR:query ERROR: Table 'mangos.mangos_string' doesn't exist 2009-06-07 18:08:11 2009-06-07 18:08:11 ERROR:>> Loaded 0 mangos strings. DB table `mangos_string` is empty. Cannot continue.
  8. Thank you for the guide and any help that you can offer ok now I'm really confused the guide says "-Add all the .exe files, .dll files and .pdb files in the compile folder into your Mangos folder (Ctrl + F to find them)" another poster says the compile folder is the one I created (as per the guide I created F:/MaNGOS) I'm not trying to be nitpicky on the english, but to me it sounds like i am supposed to add .exe, .dll, .pdb files to the same place they already are? I assume that the .exe, .dll and .pdb files were just created when i ran Visual C++. So should I be looking in the bin, include and lib folders for these files and moving them to f:/MaNGOS? so far I have compiled Mangos (at least I think I did that correctly) ========== Build: 11 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== I guess what is really confusing me are the terms "mangos source folder" and "compile folder" I assume it means add the .files from the compile folder to the mangos folder. If this is in fact correct then I am at a total loss for what is referred to as the compile folder and if it isn't then I am more confused than I originally thought.
  9. I was wondering is there any way to get visual C++ 2008 for XP w/o having SP2 or higher?
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