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Posts posted by VladimirMangos

  1. In the past, before release 0.6, there where a target defined, a list of things to implement and a target release for each. Some part where planned for 0.6, others for 1.0… and so on. This has disappeared.

    It was obvious that the target was to go from 0.5 to 1.0 by stepping by 0.1 increments and target some part completed for each steps. We are now at 0.11 without paths to 1.0.[/b]

    What usefullness of this data if it filled after release, or ignored? We implement not standalone program wher we can set goals at each step and do it. Big part of work is restore someting after client switch, or dependent from finding some info about some not implemented part.

    Writing like goals not work before and will not after. I am sure in this at 100%.

    What goals you need except "make fatures work in official way". with note: this is "official way" in constant change itself.

    This is very linked to previous point; we don’t have a list of things to implement. There is still some parts never done and that are not planned/listed anywhere.

    For example: Tower taking and zone faction change in outland since TBC was launched, world events (phases in new island), fix the bad random movements, non offlike LOS checks (too restrictive), complete localization…[/b]

    I think this is easy. Create thread and add data to it. Other can add own known parts, and so on. But not expect that anyone will do any different from intrest to his personaly part from TO_DO list. I think rule "If you want something to be implemented then do it or find someone who intersting do it." appliable to any volutiers project.

    TO DO list can be useful, but not expect that someone create it, just create. This work better.

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