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Posts posted by wolftang32000

  1. When you enter stealth or prowl it appears like a debuff and you can't leave stealth/prowl using steath/prowl button, only using attacks getting damage or shapestift (druid).

    UDB 386

    MaNGOS 9100 Linux_x64

    SD2 1536

    yeah i had this same problem on mines. did you have any core modifications? cuz that was what i was beginning to assume it would have been. but not too sure on that after looking at this patch

    PSDB 279

    Mangos 9110 windows_x86

    SD2 1539

  2. lol the code int he first post still works fine for me

    mangos revision 9020

    took a while to manually write it in but it works fine. decided to actually save my copies of my patch files this time so i dont have to redo it... now if i can find a way t make my cpp files compare with the original mangos one and extract a patch that shows only the difference, that would be awesome.

  3. 8944 With Dual Spec, AHbot and Anti-Cheat, still working great

    Can we get an official acceptance before Christmas?

    i been curious how you went around and mixed the two together, i couldn't find the specific files to mix together. which ones you had to mix together to get both in one? >_> (i don't think i asked my question properly)

  4. Yes, you compile mangos in usual way. You just need to copy those 2 new dlls into your mangos server folder ^_^

    oh thats great!

    does that yes alo means that even if you were to compile it on one operating system like "windows xp" then moved it to "windows vista" without doing a new compile, would it still be fine or would it work better if the compile worked for the specific operating system?

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