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  1. Hey gang, I've tried searching for this but can't seem to find this issue.. When trying to use a new display ID from ICC, and then adding the npc to world, I get this error. This was when trying to add Marrowgar (with model id 31119)... I know there's nothing wrong with the entry in creature_template because if I give him an old model, like say Illidan (modelid: 27571), then restart, and add npc, Marrowgar spawns, just looking like Illi. Also, I can .mod morph him into the right Marrowgar Model by using .mod morph 31119, but that doesnt save in the `creature` table, so when server restarts, he is back to illidan model. Im running the new dbc's and maps from the ad.exe that just came out with the 3.3.2 merge.
  2. Mangos Version: 9232 Custom Patches: None SD2 Version: 9214+ Database Name and Version : UDB 386 How it SHOULD work: When a paladin has the "Infusion of Light" talent, it should give the paladin a buff called "Infusion of Light" when he/she crits with Talent "Holy Shock". How it DOES work: If the paladin has item 42614 "Deadly Gladiator's Libram Of Justice" equipped, the Infusion talent no longer works. The Combat Log shows "Infusion of Light Refreshed" then immediately after "Infusion of light faded away" or some crap like that. Anyway you have to unequip the libram and RELOG to get IoL working again.
  3. Mangos: 9129 DB: UDB 0.11.6 (386) for MaNGOS 8994 with SD2 SQL for rev. 1516 http://pastebin.com/m67b33b5d
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