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  1. I had another problem with GIT + Win7... Everytime I right-click my desktop, the explorer.exe crashes. This problem disappeared after uninstalling msysgit. I think it's a problem with the browser extension. Does someon know a good solution?
  2. Just saw the changes after a long break. Looks good! =)
  3. Great job keep it up Finally someone cares about vehicles =)
  4. Ok, found this at mmo-champion and thought it could be usefull. Source: http://blue.mmo-champion.com/28/16473618356-116-armor-pen-only-giving-66.html ~XeNoW
  5. This is amazing! Can't wait to have this in the source ^^ Good work again!
  6. Oh man that would be so awesome if you could make it work with mangos 3.0.9a again!
  7. Well I think it won't be a good idea to add lake wintergrasp to this patch. There's really much to do to add it and a seperate patch for this would be better!
  8. Wouldn't it be better if the core would automatically create a pdump everytime a char gets deleted and add a check on startup to delete char dumps in a chosen folder that are older than ~2 weeks so you are able to backup chars?
  9. After this patch got added to Trini** w12x added a pvp holidays patch. Just for reference and a view on how to do it here is the patch file NOTE: It's not converted for GIT and it's also not converted to mangos so I don't know if this works after using the "Some Game Event Extensions"-Patch. All credits go to w12x. But maybe someone can use this to create the bg holiday system for mangos. Here's the patch: http://filebeam.com/f8dbcb96e9b24ef0ced142dae3978238
  10. I think it would be possible to write a patch for a new command that works like controlling a hunter pet (seeing anything out of the pets view) but that works with every mob and that the mob keeps his faction and flag etc. For the spells the hunter pet bar could be used by getting the spellIDs from spell1, spell2 .... in the creature_template DB. Would be much work but possible!
  11. This patch is simply amazing! ^^ If this get's added one day please post your newest sql file at projectsilvermoon.net
  12. Just some thing that is still missing in my oppinion: A table for despawned creatures and gameobjects. Eg. for mobs which are walking around in the area of the Darkmoon Fair. I'm still not quite sure if this is really needed but I think you know that better
  13. It's a bug with the client addon MangAdmin Rev 101. Revert to rev 100 until this is fixed. Has nothing to do with MaNGOS!
  14. This patch looks really great!!! Never noticed it in dev stat but now it's nearly 100%. WOW! great work and I hope it will be added to SVN soon. +1 for svn
  15. That would be really easy doing some copy past work within the code and smal modifications. I would do this, but I'm a bit busy at the moment...
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