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Everything posted by zhenya``

  1. at this moment warden can`t detect cheats, which use dynamic memory. But you can write reading of dynamic offset add some value to it and read data from dynamic struct.
  2. cause. need to save client OS in realmd and load os into WorldSession and check os before init.
  3. It was: 2011-04-04 22:46:19 Kicking account 5 for failed check, MEM Offset 0xAC3DAC length 8 has content '02000000903C9F00' instead of '04000000903C9F00' It is not weh, so what it was? Are there any solution to find which programm it? ) remove this check. its connected with UAC may be.. this is not cheat.
  4. tobmaps, send me all cheats, which undetected by warden;) by TOM_RUS MODULE_CHECK is HMACSHA1(random_seed).ComputeHash(GetBytes(UPPER_C ASE("some.dll"))), but can rename dll and warden will not detect you. PROC_CHECK http://paste2.org/p/1328034 DRIVER_CHECK http://paste2.org/p/1327840 PAGE_CHECK: HMACSHA1(random_seed).ComputeHash(baseAddress + address, length) can be used for dll checks..
  5. try 0x71B810 - 10 - 8B81CC07000025000000 in memcheck actual data. p.s. you did forget about mac users. they have own warden modules this modules were crash macos client. p.s.s check pm.
  6. *pkt << uint8(mWardenModuleChecks[md5][WARD_CHECK_TIMING] ^ m_seed1); its for 3.3.3 ? in 3.3.5a there is no TIMING_CHECK and MPQ.
  7. The mangos project is a full featured World of Warcraft server suite, including servers for authentication, client updates, world content serving, and battlegrounds. Additional features include tools to build and develop game content. It is compatible with client version 3.3.5a. mangos is an educational project. This means, our primary interest is to learn and teach us and our users more about C++ project development in a large scale. Our software is not intended for running public servers, and we do not support that.
  8. many insert + delete queries in respawn tables.. may be make it MEMORY?
  9. try mysqlcheck -uroot -ppass characters --optimize .
  10. At first we need somehow set it to correct value. sniffer
  11. powertype can by extracted from UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0. Powers getPowerType() const { return Powers(GetByteValue(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0, 3)); }. not need to store it..
  12. # - if((sLog.getLogFilter() & LOG_FILTER_ACHIEVEMENT_UPDATES)==0) # + if (sLog.getLogFilter() & LOG_FILTER_ACHIEVEMENT_UPDATES)==0) will fault building.
  13. chmod -R 777 /var/www/armory/includes/cache?
  14. i think better to use std::map. because hash is hash..
  15. where i can download modules? link http://cpanel-01.kyvon.com/suspended.page/?q=warden is broken
  16. try to implement it in mangos 2kynox: i have some work on warden. may be irc,icq,skype?
  17. currently we have not function like Item* GetItemByGuid. i implement it in rewrite items operations when you place item in buy tabs, code move it from bag/inventory to tab.. i think need to store slot uint8 + bool per item or uint64 if guid..
  18. problem is tradeItems contain position of item. after replace bags you make invalid pos. and Item* item =_player->pTrader->GetItemByPos( _player->pTrader->tradeItems); return NULL right variant may be store slot and bool inbag.. but 2 fix work for me.
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