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Everything posted by shlainn

  1. I see one huge problem with reporting all and any bugs directly to the project base, which is custom mods/fixes. I see no way in enabling this kind of reporting only under the circumstance that an unmodified DB/Core/SD2 is used. Therefore I would definitely vote for the local GM thing. [RANT] But seriously, gentlemen, what is our main problem here: Getting Bug reports on new Issues, or really finding people who are willing to sift through the copious amount of Bug reports in this forum as well as UDB/SD2 and invest some real work in fixing them? I think that a systematic sweep through the various forums collecting, sorting, classifying and verifying bug reports (possibly in an automated way) would be much more helpful... [/RANT]
  2. Nice! I was wishing for a long time that someone who has a good overview over what needs to be done hands out tasks - I believe a major problem for many people who want to contribute is that Mangos/SD2/(U)DB is huge, and people have no idea where to start and what is needed. I know that it is part of the MaNGOS learning philosophy to figure this out for yourself, but it can be... unproductive. Go Go Go TheLuda!! P.S.: Joined the IRC channel - see you there
  3. Here! Here! Pick me! Pick me! (Maybe there is something in it for PseuWoW too...)
  4. "Possible To Make A Client?" is missing as far as I can tell...
  5. From what I can see here, you can get most of this stuff from the DB (except for the latency and some other data). Meaning that you don't need to modify the core but just read the DB with a PHP script or something similar.
  6. This is interesting in some ways. The problem I see is to find out, which spells/skills/abilities use which of the 27 records in this DBC. Is there any field in, say, Spell.dbc which is of unknown function and only takes values of ??
  7. Hell, BThallid, thanks a bunch for that patch, I will test it ASAP. Probably it will be necessary to update a whole lot of other packet structures, but this is a great start. EDIT: Commited your patch, thank you! About the GUI vs CLI apps: In the beginning, Pseu was just a CLI tool with the scripting possibilities to make a bot (FalseGenesis, intervene if I am telling crap here). The GUI was slapped onto the existing structure later. As you might have seen, this is messy at some points... Anyway, having two separate apps is pretty pointless because they use the same code anyway (and always will, no point writing different code to perform the same functions...). Basicly, the CLI-only thing is Pseu with deactivated GUI part and the GUI-only thing is Pseu with hidden CLI. The only way I can see, in which Pseu can benefit from GIT is, if using Github, the possibility for separate forks which we could watch and pull useful features from. The size of the project itself does not require any specific version control system (oh, btw, why don't you come over to mangosclient.org and help out a bit? ) shlainn
  8. Hey UnkleNuke, thank you for your interest and supporting words! It would be great if anybody could help along. The main problem right now is that interest and time are very limited for at least me right now. There are several issues right now, the main one being, that Pseu lags behind Mangos since 3.1.3 or so. I personally have no experience with the code needed to update. Until this is done, logging into current MaNGOS is not possible. I hope someone will help soon, shlainn
  9. Sorry for the late answer. I personally prefer OpenGL. But as far as functionality is concerned they are pretty much the same. But this gets a little bit off topic...
  10. Seeing the under review section of this forum, I honestly cannot believe that too few people are contributing patches. It's just the patch review process takes quite a long while. IMHO It is definitely not necessary to study the whole codebase to contribute a small local fix to something like a broken spell. If on the other hand someone wants to fix something big, like say, the Vehicles, or some core mechanics, it is impossible to avoid reading the actual code on a global level. I completely agree with Vladimir on self-documenting code. It takes some getting used to, definitely, but code can't be as misleading as a badly written comment. And if it is, it needs to be rewritten anyway to be more clear - this is something we regularly see in the commits. So while I think that some kind of introductory stuff explaining what is where and interacts with what to get people started into the code would be useful, a standalone documentation project might be overkilling the problem. Have a nice day, shlainn
  11. Not quite, it is DX or OGL depending on availability. The PS3 is not known for it's good DX support, y'know...
  12. Actually it has been in "under review" since I can remember...
  13. No, it is not. Devs just busy in real life.
  14. It works fine with omen3 (and the built-in blizz threat gui)
  15. This is a huge bug with warlocks, still exists in [88**], please test this patch
  16. Works for me! Thanks a lot! Although I had to apply it manually, as git apply did not like it
  17. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude, ScriptDev2 is compiled separately. From it's own solution. As is described in detail on the page I linked in my last post. Please read it and follow it, and then post again
  18. http://www.scriptdev2.com/scriptdev2-svn-and-t4.html For the location of your scripts - try what you suggested yourself: ScriptDev2/scripts/custom
  19. Did you install SD2? https://scriptdev2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scriptdev2/include/precompiled.h
  20. ScriptDev2 is still a separate project, just EventAI has moved to the core. "precompiled.h" is part of scriptdev2, i suggest looking there. and "..\\..\\..\\game\\player.h" is in the "src/game" directory. Where did you find those bots? shlainn
  21. Thanks to some recent fixes by clearer Pseuwow compiles just fine on Linux x64 and even on a PS3 running Linux. Feel free to try and report any bugs you encounter on http://www.mangosclient.org
  22. Just one stupid question: shouldn't it be enough to hust change the reputation of that char so that alliance is at hate/war and horde is neutral++ ?
  23. I agree BTW: PseuWoW is right now in the process to become more "Mod-friendly". Check the forums @ http://www.mangosclient.org
  24. Hi shinzon I agree with you on "scalping" the customers. But then you say that you want to sell the tools for creating custom content - isn't that "scalping" too? This is pretty ambitious. Can you elaborate on what this estimate is based?Now, IMHO a good story and background is very important, but the most important thing you need is a stable working engine. On client and server side. Including a rock solid implementation of your "special feature" and a graphics engine that is at least decent on the client side (if that is still required having your "special feature"). As for going up against the big guys: people always tell you that it's not possible. I would love to see them proven wrong! On a side note, are you by chance familiar with http://www.mxac.com.au/drt/ ? shlainn P.S.: Your "new game interface" thingy is not by chance some exotic piece of hardware, is it? People are so ignorant when asked to abandon their well-known point-and-click interfaces...
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