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Posts posted by Locario

  1. Hello

    I installed mangos but when I log in I can't log out, npc's functions are not available, and I cannot fight.

    does anyone has an idea where the problem is?

    Have you patched wow.exe file ?

    EDIT : Someone of this site don't see this step fine :

    Patching SD2 into MaNGOS
    git apply src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS-*-ScriptDev2.patch


  2. I am waiting for a Cata wiki

    Why just a cata wiki? We should have a centralized wiki, if theluda creates this i will start writing

    I don't know how to compile zero, one, two... but, if all versions wiki "how to compile" will be created and well done it, i can traslate it to spanish, no problem man.

  3. My Debian install steps (need to be fixed by the professionals) :-)

    cd /opt
    git clone git://github.com/mangos/server -b master mangos
    cd mangos/
    mkdir src/bindings/ScriptDev2
    git clone git://github.com/mangos-three/scriptdev2.git src/bindings/ScriptDev2
    git apply src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS-11167-ScriptDev2.patch
    cd /opt/mangos
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DPREFIX=/opt/mangos -DPCH=1 -DACE_USE_EXTERNAL=1 ..
    make -j5
    make install
    cp etc/mangosd.conf.dist etc/mangosd.conf
    cp etc/realmd.conf.dist etc/realmd.conf
    cp etc/scriptdev2.conf.dist etc/scriptdev2.conf
    nano etc/mangosd.conf
    nano etc/realmd.conf
    nano etc/scriptdev2.conf
    git clone git://github.com/mangos-three/database.git database
    mysql -u root -padmin1 < /opt/mangos/sql/create_mysql.sql
    mysql -u root -padmin1 < /opt/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_create_database.sql
    mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < /opt/mangos/sql/mangos.sql
    mysql -u mangos -pmangos characters < /opt/mangos/sql/characters.sql
    mysql -u mangos -pmangos realmd < /opt/mangos/sql/realmd.sql
    mysql -u mangos -pmangos scriptdev2 < /opt/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_create_structure_mysql.sql
    mysql -u mangos -pmangos scriptdev2 < /opt/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_script_full.sql
    mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < /opt/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/mangos_scriptname_full.sql
    cd database/
    chmod +x make_full_db.sh
    mysql -u root -padmin1 mangos < full_db.sql
    mysql -u root -padmin1
       use realmd;
       UPDATE realmlist SET name = 'Your Realm Name' WHERE id = 1;
       UPDATE realmlist SET address = 'Your IP' WHERE id = 1;
    copied ad.exe vmap_assembler and vmapextractor4 from  /opt/mangos/contrib/extractor_binary/ to my WoW folder
    runned ad.exe
    runned vmapextractor4.exe (lots of errors about not found blablabla) i need to download msvcr100d.dll and msvcp100d.dll from ddl-files.com to run vmapextractor4.exe
    mkdir vmaps (in WoW folder)
    runned vmap_assember Buildins vmaps
    moved vmaps, dbc and maps to /opt/mangos/bin folder
    mysql -u root -admin1
       use mangos;
       ALTER TABLE db_version CHANGE COLUMN required_0177_xxxxx_01_mangos_gameobject_template required_12112_14_mangos_command bit;

  4. Ike3, thanks for your help.

    I have created a copy from aiplayerbot.conf.dist.in to aiplayerbot.conf in my bin directory and now i can summon bots :-)

    I have noticed that this bots don't follow me, but seems this is a config that i need to do

    PD : I'm using Spanish DBC's

  5. Hi blueboy thanks for your work.

    When i enter with my bot in a raid instance (Molten Core for example) the bot not enter in the instance, how i can solve this ?

    Thanks again.


    Although this is off the topic of playerbot.

    I seem to remember sometime back, someone asked the same question. I believe there is a condition in the game itself. You need to complete the following quest,

    Attunement to the Core

    Presumably you will need to get all the bots to complete this quest too

    Hope this helps


    I will try the bots in anothers raid instances and comment you.

    Thanks for your response.

    PD : Confirmed, i can visit with bots other instances, ej : Karazhan.

    Thanks for all BlueBoy

  6. tnx for your work.

    But allways i use ".bot add Playername" allways says "error ocurred adding bot" and don't see my bot.

    I have created a guild with .guild create command and added 2 chars from other account, but when i try to add the bots from my account same error.

  7. Hi all.

    I have done this steps (from wiki) to update a mango's test server

    cd mangos
    git pull
    cd /src/bindings/ScriptDev2
    svn up
    cmake blablabla
    make -j 1
    make install

    The wiki ends with :

    DONT FORGET TO UPDATE YOUR DATABASES. Theres another post about that. 

    I don't have found any post with this matter

    then, i have updated 5 files from /opt/mangos/sql/updates to mangos db, but, i need to update more databases (scriptdev2 for example)

    tnx all, and sorry about my English

  8. Hi all.

    In this guide we will install what is cited in the case, on Linux (Debian 6) in 32-bit version.

    It assumes you already have a fresh install, and recommend in the version without graphical environment for better performance. I will comment each step.

    Install required packages from the repositories, from root:

    aptitude install mysql-server gcc g++ automake autoconf make cmake libmysqlclient-dev libtool libssl-dev subversion patch zlib1g-dev libc6 git git-core pkg-config unzip ssh

    We put in opt and download MaNGOS there:

    cd /opt
    git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git mangos

    we get in MaNGOS folder and create a folder to install scriptdev2:

    cd mangos/
    mkdir src/bindings/ScriptDev2
    svn co [url]https://scriptdev2.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/scriptdev2/[/url] src/bindings/ScriptDev2
    git apply src/bindings/ScriptDev2/patches/MaNGOS-xxxxx-ScriptDev2.patch

    MaNGOS is now compiled with cmake, and this requires a complement (ACE), now it will download and compile it as:

    mkdir ace
    cd ace
    wget [url]http://download.dre.vanderbilt.edu/previous_versions/ACE-6.0.1.tar.gz[/url]
    tar zxvf ACE-6.0.1.tar.gz
    cd ACE_wrappers/
    mkdir build
    cd build
    make install

    We insert PlayerBot, if we use this module:

    cd /opt/mangos/
    git pull git://github.com/blueboy/mangos.git master

    This done, we can compile MaNGOS (change the value # numberofcores / processors by the number of cores in your micro, you can do with a "cat / proc / cpuinfo" without the quotes):

    cd /opt/mangos/
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DPREFIX=/opt/mangos -DPCH=1 -DACE_USE_EXTERNAL=1 ..
    make -j #numberofcores/processors
    make install

    Copy the default configuration files to their routes, and then edit the first two (take your time, here is the control of almost everything) comes to mangosd.conf and realmd.conf:

    cp etc/mangosd.conf.dist etc/mangosd.conf
    cp etc/realmd.conf.dist etc/realmd.conf
    cp etc/scriptdev2.conf.dist etc/scriptdev2.conf
    cp etc/playerbot.conf.dist etc/playerbot.conf
    nano etc/mangosd.conf
    nano etc/realmd.conf

    We're going download the databases:

    cd ~ && mkdir udb && cd udb
    svn co [url]https://unifieddb.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/unifieddb[/url] unifieddb
    cd ~ && mkdir acid && cd acid
    svn co [url]https://sd2-acid.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/sd2-acid[/url] sd2-acid

    Fill databases (change PASS with MySQL password):

    mysql -u root -pPASS < /opt/mangos/sql/create_mysql.sql
    mysql -u root -pPASS < /opt/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_create_database.sql
    mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < /opt/mangos/sql/mangos.sql
    mysql -u mangos -pmangos characters < /opt/mangos/sql/characters.sql
    mysql -u mangos -pmangos realmd < /opt/mangos/sql/realmd.sql
    mysql -u mangos -pmangos scriptdev2 < /opt/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_create_structure_mysql.sql
    mysql -u mangos -pmangos scriptdev2 < /opt/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/scriptdev2_script_full.sql
    cd ~/udb/unifieddb/trunk/Full_DB
    unzip *.zip
    mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < ./*.sql
    mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < ~/acid/sd2-acid/trunk/wotlk/3.0.8/3.0.8_acid.sql
    mysql -u mangos -pmangos mangos < /opt/mangos/src/bindings/ScriptDev2/sql/mangos_scriptname_full.sql

    Now we have to put SQL patches, as are many, there is a script rescued from the wiki, which does this automatically, the steps are to create a file, and paste the following contents inside:

    PS: This script fails in some installations. If you have the patience, use the community version of sqlyog, to dump patches / opt / mangos / sql / updates by hand to the database " handles. " It's pretty simple. In this version you quoted are not many and you have just 10 minutes with the patch.

    #!/usr/bin/env python
    import glob, os
    patches = glob.glob('*.sql')
    patches = sorted(patches)
    for x in patches:
     db = x.split("_")[2].replace('.sql', '')
     os.system("mysql -u mangos -pmangos -v " + db + " < " + x)

    The file we will create from the path of SQL patches as follows:

    cd /opt/mangos/sql/updates/
    nano updatescript.py

    Within that file updatescript.py, put in the code above two steps.

    We execute permissions for that file, then run it (it is best not see a string of text that says "error"):

    chmod +x updatescript.py

    Well, there is little, let's set some parameters in the DB, as the name of the kingdom, and IP:

    mysql -u mangos -pmangos

    And once inside REALM_NAME change the name of your kingdom, and the value IP with the ip of your realm

       use realmd;
      UPDATE realmlist SET name = 'REALM_NAME' WHERE id = 1;
      UPDATE realmlist SET address = 'IP' WHERE id = 1;

    Now, let's create a special user to connect from outside with Mangolín application to our MySQL database for this purpose, go into the console sql management, and create the user with full permissions to change values in the DB:

    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO 'remote'@'%'

    Change the word PASS password

    Change the value of the / etc / mysql / my.cnf from:

    bind-address =

    to :

    # bind-address =

    And then restart the service:

    /etc/init.d/mysql restart

    Perfect, and you just have to pass the files from the Linux machine, this route (all in / opt / mangos)

       make vmaps.bat 

    These five files, the folder you put in your WoW client, which, yes or yes, a client must be CLEAN (without any previous patch) version 3.3.5a 12340.

    Then open a cmd console windows (Start - run - cmd), you stand in the path where you copied the files, and run two files, first ad.exe, and when the file has finished removing the need to extract, makevmaps_SIMPLE.bat run. This process will have created four folders.

    Three of these folders, vmaps, maps, and dbc, the going to happen with WinSCP or whatever, to / opt / mangos / bin

    We will install a program called screen, this program lets you open new terminals, is like a TTY TTY1 emulated in real, and can open many. This allows you to start the two below files through ssh, and when you close the ssh session, which still continue binaries running on those created with TTY's virtual screen.

    aptitude install screen
    screen -S wow

    This has created a virtual TTY, named wow, and here we load the first file:

    cd /opt/mangos/bin

    Now press CTRL + A + D, this will disconnect from the TTY, but the file is still running :D

    again run another tty, named world

    screen -S world

    And within this new TTY, run:

    cd /opt/mangos/bin

    Again press CTRL + A + D

    If we want to recover some of the TTY above, we:

    screen -r wow

    That we would load the first file executed TTY realmd to disconnect, you know: CTRL + A + D

    If you want to see all TTY's created:

    screen -ls

    Enjoy your new server

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