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Everything posted by spiffydudex

  1. I guess I would like to know if anyone has any startup scripts and if they work and doesn't crash worldd
  2. Thanks, resolved that issue. I put together a small script that will start worldd and realmd at startup: /opt/mangos/bin/mangos-realmd > /var/log/mangos/realmd.log 2>&1 & /opt/mangos/bin/mangos-worldd > /var/log/mangos/Server.log 2>&1 & I would put them in a separate screens but my bash-fu is not that good. The realm works perfectly and continues to run in the background. However, the world just seemingly ends. Is there any reason for this? WORLD: World initialized SERVER STARTUP TIME: 0 minutes 57 seconds mangos>[1 ms] SQL: UPDATE realmlist SET realmflags = realmflags & ~(2), population = 0, realmbuilds = '11723 ' WHERE id = '1' Max allowed socket connections 1024 Network Thread Starting Network Thread Starting Network Thread Exitting Network Thread Exitting [1 ms] SQL: UPDATE realmlist SET realmflags = realmflags | 2 WHERE id = '1' [0 ms] SQL: UPDATE account SET active_realm_id = 0 WHERE active_realm_id = '1' [0 ms] SQL: UPDATE characters SET online = 0 WHERE online<>0 [1 ms] SQL: UPDATE character_battleground_data SET instance_id = 0 Halting process...
  3. Not really sure why it crashes. This is a new install following the guide for Ubuntu linux. It worked fine earlier. Then after I restart the machine I get this. WORLD: World initialized SERVER STARTUP TIME: 0 minutes 36 seconds mangos>Max allowed socket connections 1024 Failed to open acceptor ,check if the port is free Failed to start network [1 ms] SQL: UPDATE realmlist SET realmflags = realmflags & ~(2), population = 0, realmbuilds = '11723 ' WHERE id = '1' [1 ms] SQL: UPDATE realmlist SET realmflags = realmflags | 2 WHERE id = '1' [0 ms] SQL: UPDATE account SET active_realm_id = 0 WHERE active_realm_id = '1' [1 ms] SQL: UPDATE characters SET online = 0 WHERE online<>0 [0 ms] SQL: UPDATE character_battleground_data SET instance_id = 0 Halting process... It seems like Mangos starts up successfully, but then crashes. I'm fairly diligent about finding and fixing errors but this one eludes me. Any ideas?
  4. I just ran into this issue last night took me a little bit to find out the issue. goto: ~/mangos/sql/updates/0.16/ run the updater python script in there. Then go back and run the updater as per the tutorial. Hopefully that helps man
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