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Le Froid

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Bug Comments posted by Le Froid

  1. Well, from looking at Player.cpp in Mangos two, the fields seem to be organized as
    uint32 playerBytes = .. (fetch playerBytes1) ..
    skin = uint8(playerBytes);
    face = uint8(playerBytes >> 8);
    hair style = uint8(playerBytes >> 16);
    hair color = uint8(playerBytes >> 24);

    uint32 playerBytes2 = .. (fetch playerBytes2) ..
    facial hair = uint8(playerBytes2 & 0xFF);

    Since mangos handles data in little endian format, we can just split the first player bytes column into four separate ones for skin color, face, hair style and hair color. With the second column I'm not sure whether or not anything other than facial hair is stored there but if so it shouldn't take too long to find out what those bytes are used for.

    I can take care of this when I have spare time (not sure how long that will be), but if anyone would like to take a stab at this it shouldn't be hard.
    For instance, one of my characters has the following data in playerBytes(1):
    All we would need to do is convert this into 50, 72, 51 and 29 for the four new fields and then reflect the minor change in the core.

    Edit: if it's just a matter of figuring out how this data is taken from the client, I should be able to figure that out in the next day or so.

  2. This one kind of works in the Rel19 branch, although I still have to do some work on it before it's completely functional.

    I'll continue fixing the death knight spells/talents after I finish working on the Dungeon Finder as well as updating the scripts and database for 19.

    You could probably compile a list of bugs a mile high in the master branch, it's in pretty bad shape atm :(

  3. The following script should fix that:

    -= Script Information =-
    * Zone: Durotar
    * QuestId: 808
    * Script Type: Quest
    * Npc: Spirit of Minshina

    local questId = 808
    local minshinaId = 3289
    local gadrinId = 3188 -- quest giver

    -- Minshina's Skull - Summon Minshina on Completion

    local function Minshina_OnQuestComplete(event, player, creature, quest)
    if (quest:GetId() == questId) then
    local minshina = creature:SpawnCreature(minshinaId, -820.111, -4921.800, 19.321, 3.510, 3, 10000)
    if(minshina) then
    minshina:Emote(2) -- bowing emote

    RegisterCreatureEvent(gadrinId, 33, Minshina_OnQuestComplete)

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