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Posts posted by Pysis

  1. Post does not have much detail.

    Did you perform the conf bind and DB IP update steps?

    If that's fine, and only on LAN, it should not be a router setting, unless it is using some sort of isolation feature, just configure an OS firewall to allow traffic for that program or port then.

  2. It may be just simple to compile the project yourself instead of following anything else explicitly.
    I want the getmangos.sh script to take care of everything for Linux OSes at least, but I always hear it's in a state of repair.

    More notes:

    From the guide you link:
    "You also need to grab and compile libace. You can get it from here. Extract it and read the instructions.They're pretty straight-forward. It should be named 'ACE-INSTALL.html' or something similar.


    Maybe you can find a download from that link, but instead I looked through the GitHub repository:

    Following deps I see acelite, and since it is bundled with the Mangos source code, I think it's important to use that version specifically.  That leads to this linked module repo and directory, where I did find that "ACE-INSTALL.html" file: https://github.com/mangos/mangosDeps/tree/1228d504656d73a3a7eaf1fe5e2b594c9e48a8a0/acelite

    I think UNIX build instructions would make the most sense from that list, since it does not have "Linux", and GNU Make/Configure is pretty common for Linux packages.

    I was hoping for an existing Ace(Lite) package in the Debian repos but did not see anything quickly from here: https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=ace&searchon=names&suite=stable&section=all
    Those usually have scripts that aid with compiling yourself automatically.

  3. I was going to reply but the process was long running.

    I saw that the issue was the linux package as she seems to realize now.

    I just following this guide for Windows which uses the Linux-style script and the more obvious Windows binaries: https://www.getmangos.eu/wiki/documentation/installation-guides/guideswindows/extracting-game-data-r20067/

    That should help, and also I can report there is no current large issues with the three's client extraction tools.

     I can post my log and some details for reference as attachments.  I have the result folders with files in them as you can see below, and some errors during the process as well.

    My tools directory for Mangos Server Three that I compiled from source on master at 18d218a2ae23ecc91b673cb163be4bc9ffe7e897 just yesterday in Release mode, but the release package should work too:



    My result folders with some meaningful information:



    811M    Buildings
    10496 files
    Sample file: Burntoutpost06.m2

    111M    dbc
    334 files
    Sample file: Achievement.dbc

    168M    maps
    3227 files
    Sample file: 0002035.map

    1.4G    mmaps
    3474 files
    Sample file: 000.mmap

    1.7G    vmaps
    13683 files
    Sample file: Sunwell.wmo.vmo



    MaNGOSExtractor.log MaNGOSExtractor_detailed.log MoveMapGen_detailed.log

  4. That's a lot of dots...

    "I am trying to setup zero using the getmangos.sh script."
    So that would be a fresh install.

    Guides have you do:

    I took the script from here:, which I found on the CentOS 7 install guide:


    Edited Wednesday at 10:08 AM by Mac Wheeler


    Now, we can download our installer:

    wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mangoszero/server/master/linux/getmangos.sh

    Set the permissions to be allowed to execute it:

    chmod 700 getmangos.sh

    And execute it:


    That doesn't have him doing any git, at least for now..

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