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Posts posted by Diablox

  1. LoL i just noticed required_7644_01_characters_character_pet. How old is your DB?

    Anyway start in sql/updates/0.13 folder from 7802_01_characters_character_achievement.sql and execute every file that has characters in file name. Then move to 0.14 and 0.15 folder doing exactly same thing. And after 0.15 run all charaters updates from sql/updates al the way to 9767_03_characters_characters

  2. Why do you go back with updates. If it says `db_version` have field `required_9704_01_mangos_achievement_reward` then you need to apply the next update witch is 9710_01_mangos_command.sql and next 9716_01_mangos_npc_vendor.sql and next 9716_02_mangos_mangos_string.sql all the way to ERROR: Unknown column 'required_9794_02_mangos_command' in 'field list'. I cant understand that so much people failed to understand this very simple thing.

  3. Weird problem, first time I started the server I was unable to walk through some doorways. I restarted server (but didn't restart client, just disconnected) and it works fine now. I can't seem to reproduce it.

    Anyone else have this problem?

    I can confirm this even with mangos vmaps but just on the first start with fresh vmaps idk why.

  4. shutdown the server

    Set the rate back to Rate.Talent = 1

    and then run this query on characters DB

    UPDATE  `characters` SET `at_login` = `at_login` + 4;

    Start the server and everyone's talents should be reset and set to 71. I think it should do the trick

  5. Bumps, i have a quesiton with the last patch, in my script PhP how have the good id mail_external with the good mail_id mail_external_items ?

    I make this bur it's not good because the mail_id it's always = 0 >< ...

    mysql_query("INSERT INTO mail_external (`id`, `receiver`, `subject`, `message`, `money`) VALUES
    ('', $guid, 'Items', 'Thanks for your items', 0)");
    $mail_id_num = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM mail_external WHERE receiver='$guid'") or die("ERREUR SQL!!");    
    mysql_query("INSERT INTO mail_external_items (`id`, `mail_id`, `item`, `count`) VALUES
    ('', '$mail_id_num', 29434, 10)");

    Thanks if you can help :)

    That is not the best way to send mail. Insert mail is done this way

    mysql_query('INSERT INTO mail_external (`receiver`, `subject`, `message`, `money`) VALUES
    ('.$reciver_guid.', "'.$subject.'", "'.$message.'", '.$money.')')or die(mysql_error());
    $mail_id = mysql_insert_id();
    mysql_query('INSERT INTO mail_external_items (`mail_id`, `item`, `count`) VALUES
    ('.$mail_id.', '.$item_id.', '.$count.')')or die(mysql_error());

  6. mangosd.conf

    # LogTimestamp

    # Logfile with timestamp of server start in name

    # Default: 0 - no timestamp in name

    # 1 - add timestamp in name in form Logname_YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.Ext for Logname.Ext

  7. While some admins might like this idea as being more "hardcore" than retail, I see Patman's point. Why does the core need modifying to support this behavior when proper scripting could achieve the same effect?

    There is a third way. I for example do not care if players interact only with one NPC. Only thing i care about is the quest itself working as it should (aside from the fact that you can talk to one NPC instead of 5 and still complete the quest).

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