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About wpcLk

  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. sorry that just boardcaster for periodicly,I made a mistake if you want to show boardcaster when player login you can try add code in this handle in /src/game/CharacterHandler.cpp void WorldSession::HandlePlayerLogin(LoginQueryHolder *holder)
  2. I use this broadcaster git pull git://github.com/xeross/mangos.git broadcaster
  3. I use the code scriptdev2_projectdev to reset the instance. you can get the source with the command: git pull git://github.com/wzl7222504/mangos.git scriptdev2_projectdev and this Implementation mechanism is: void WorldSession::ResetInstances( uint64 guid ) { sLog.outDebug( "WORLD: reset character_instance" ); CharacterDatabase.PExecute("DELETE FROM character_instance WHERE guid = '%u'", GUID_LOPART(guid)); } then you can use the code in the \\src\\bindings\\scriptdev2\\scripts\\customsd2p_item_teleport.cpp or sd2p_npc_teleport.cpp pPlayer->GetSession()->ResetInstances(pPlayer->GetGUID()); when you in the game you can select with the npc or item for reset the instance. I'm so sorry my English is bad and I come from China so hard to translate Chinese into English.
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