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Everything posted by Terranzin

  1. When adding Shadow Weaving to your talents spell stops to work The spell Devouring Plague 2946 works just fine. Been doing some testing, and when you add the talent Shadow Weaving id 15332, the devouring plague stops to work, the only thing that triggers is the shadow vulnerability spell id 15258, on the mob you hit, but the devouring plague does not tick damage any longer.
  2. Mana drained but no damage is made. When Mind Flay is cast at max range the spell cancels instantly draining mana but doing no damage is done. The spell is registered though, since the target can be afflicted by blackout (if specced into it). In addition to this, the Vanilla Mind Flay mechanics will allow the spell to remain channeled and active on a target that moves out of the original range like any other spell being cast on a moving target will allow a successful hit on targets moving 10 yards out of range, which it does not do here at the moment, instead the Mind Flay breaks instantly when the target moves out of the 20 (or 24 specced) yard range where it should not break untill 30 (or 34 specced) yard range.
  3. After some more testing this also applies also on: Freezing trap spell id: 1499 Gouge spell id: 1776 Polymorph spell id: 118 So it seems like any CC effect as long as the player has a shield, the CC does not break when protecting shield still being on.
  4. The spell does not always work. When you login first time and instantly use the lesser invisibility on your succubus, it usually tends to work. After second time, it will keep on saying that the succubus is in combat, and cannot use it (spell id: 103140) This case also applies to Spell Lock Devour Magic of Fellhunter and Fire Shield of Imp, sometimes it works but sometimes it simply says you are in combat
  5. Sap ability does not break when user has some kind of shield on him. Rogue ability Sap (6770) doesn't seem to go away after taking damage if the damage is absorbed by a shield (example power word shield: 17)
  6. Poison cleansing totem does not extract poison The spell 38306 (Poison Cleansing totem) does not remove poison affected to the nearby players (group), or yourself. Tried the normal poison at Blasted Lands by the scorpions, stood about 15-20 seconds (should tick every 5th second) but same poison was still applied.
  7. For some reason, I picked "Mangos One", it was ment for Mangos Zero
  8. No mana is gained when used. I had about 20% mana left in combat, when I used the mana tide (16190). I did not get higher MP5 then normal, and nothing really happens. Also tried this with a party member when we where out of combat, none of us regained any mana.
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