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Everything posted by antiroot

  1. The query I posted works when executing it straight from the mysql console, maybe an issue with how php is passing the data to mysql functions or perhaps your not even calling these functions to begin with ie: mysql_connect, mysql_select_db If you don't use those functions before using mysql_query, mysql_fetch_array then php has not yet connected to the database and the $result will not be a valid mysql resource
  2. $result = mysql_query ("SELECT count(*) FROM characters WHERE online = 1 AND account IN (SELECT id FROM realmd.account WHERE gmlevel >0"); is missing a parenthesis $result = mysql_query ("SELECT count(*) FROM characters WHERE online = 1 AND account IN (SELECT id FROM realmd.account WHERE gmlevel >0)");
  3. The highlighting styles are stored in mangos.css, which has an expire time set to (looks like) 14 days after the date you fetched it. If the file is changed your browser normally won't re-request it until after it expires. however clearing your cache or telling your browser to refresh will have it check if it's been modified, if it has it will fetch the new version and update your local cache. I was about to say that the syntax highlighting color for code=bash looked weird, but as of testing it in this post it has already been changed to a white background making it readable. The problem was that some symbols and characters [0-9/] were displayed as black and on the dark grey background they were almost invisible. cd /opt/mangos; echo 1234 > ./example.txt Also I was attempting to edit one of my other posts and add syntax highlighting and I received the error There is a problem with your [ code ] tags it only occurs when I add the code=lang part, and works fine without it
  4. I do see what you mean, but if the regex is setup properly it should check for the opening AND closing tags meaning it would not see [ i ] as italic but only when both tags [ i ]...[/ i ] are present also i just found these forums don't allow you to use the BBCode without a closing tag, so i had to add spaces to my example above. All well, if these forums aren't capable of doing this then there is no huge loss. I just thought it would be relatively simple to change
  5. Could the way BBCode is handled be changed.. with the old forum we could use [ color="Olive" ] but now we have to use the hex value (not really a problem for future posts, but makes reading old posts harder) Also can bold and color be parsed from within a code block [b]this should be bold[/b] I know code blocks should not need formatting, however in many guides that is used to emphasize a value which the user must notice/change Just wanted to ask before I start rewriting the code in the guide I created, other than that the new forums seem fast enough.. although so did that last one but I'm also behind a caching proxy that cached all the static content and delivered it to my workstation across the 1gbps LAN (only time it was slow was when I flushed the proxy's cache)
  6. You're right, /opt is a bad place.. in FreeBSD the common thing is for non base system data to go into /usr/ and /usr/local/ Still that doesn't prevent other users from access, and as you said a /home folder would be a nice way to go about it I used /opt to keep it similar to other guides since they all seemed to use that for the install directory I was actually unaware of "LogTimestamp" in the confs until you mentioned that, I think I may take your advice and change the directory permissions for the logs dir, and also enable the LogTimestamp feature (since Server.log gets overwritten on every restart, making debugging difficult) Thanks for all your opinions freghar, I'll see about revamping my guide and hopefully changing/implementing some better ways to do things
  7. The secure parts (which there are still more to add) are * running mangos as a user other than root * changing default passwords for ingame default accounts * changing default passwords for mysql * removes the need for the console (or screen) to be used (only a problem with local based intruders ie small children that are fascinated by the clicking sound of the keyboard, etc) * alter permissions of config files so other uses cannot access them (although i did just realize that log files are readable by any user, which can show them the mysql user/pass.. might need to use touch to pre-create the log files and set their permissions to prevent that) Really it's not that this guide makes it impenetrable, only that it covers the basics of making it more secure than just a regular compile-and-run guide. From how I describe daemons/services most other guides don't treat MaNGOS this way as most seem to run MaNGOS in the foreground. This guide aims to daemonize it and make it look and feel more like a real server (I do see the benefits of running it in the foreground for dubug purposes however). There is still quite a bit this guide needs, unfortunately there is also a lack of time for me to spend doing this As far as which shell is best, since this is a FreeBSD guide, in which root's default shell is csh in FreeBSD, and the root account is needed to build/install dependencies and mangos, alter file permissions, configure initial mysql install.. it seemed logical to use csh. I do like the idea of making it compatible with /bin/sh (maybe just throw instructions in on how to switch shells before hand of course) And as far as a guide explaining building a FreeBSD jail to cram all of this in, FreeBSD jails are beasts far beyond the scope of a mangos guide. and making a FreeBSD+jail+mangos guide would be 75% jail explanation/guide. My mangos server runs within a jail no problem, so it is doable, just difficult for beginners. and I don't think the devs/mods would like a 4-5 post thread explaining something non-mangos related (especially when the FreeBSD Handbook and manpages explain jails quite well) Same goes for firewall rules, etc.. OS forums, maillists, handbooks, manpages describe all these things very well
  8. I chose to make this guide using csh because it is the default shell in FreeBSD, it could be redone to work with bash unfortunately bash uses different syntax than csh which makes the foreach loops incompatible. I'll try and create a companion guide using bash when i set up my new FreeBSD 8.1 server so that users will have a choice of which shell they are more comfortable with. glad to hear you got it working using my guide as a reference
  9. Thanks Exelenz Added text stating /bin/csh is required for guide to function Fixed typo in Step 7 Once I get a FreeBSD 8.1 server setup I'll update the dependencies list and other parts of the guide.. Hard to find spare time and spare parts to get a new server up and running unfortunately Edit: It should be noted that I've tested this guide under FreeBSD 7.1, 7.2, 8.0 with a physical host, virtual host (vmware), and also within FreeBSD Jails and so far has worked in all cases
  10. sounds like an interesting idea, however your current implementation is too static. Meaning when UDB 393 comes out you'll need to update and redistribute your tool. instead of downloading the updates individually, you could just checkout the whole repository and the cycle though the files in a loop, instead of using a hardcoded list of what to execute
  11. out of curiosity, why would you want to view the ENTIRE forums through https? sounds like that would be adding a lot of extra overhead to do the encryption when all the forums are publicly visible to begin with. Maybe just enable https for private messaging and user login would be sufficient Edit: on top of that looking at the certificate that I got when I tested https on getmangos.eu just now, it's not even for this domain, so users would get errors/warning anytime they tried to access a https resource
  12. @Schmoozerd, You are correct. The information in the config files should be short and simple, My overly informative post was in reply to Nephyr's post about adding in the interface address example text. However my orignal post still stands about what freghar & Valdimir posted This seems confusing, and I know it is because of a language barrier and something is being lost in translation. If I could understand what this sentace really means I would provide an alternate for it My only opinion about changing the example/help text in the config files is that it needs to follow proper grammer and spelling for the language it is being written in EDIT: Just looked at the commit by freghar, looks good and makes sense. no complaints from me
  13. recover password will not be possible because they are one way hashed. Are you wanting something that uses PHP/SOAP to make changes or strictly PHP/DB?
  14. I think the should state "" refers to all network addresses available to the host system Maybe a note about using ifconfig/ipconfig to see available interface addresses The "" should not be listed at all. That is a public IP range which would imply that interface is publicly WAN accessible (which is not supported by the MaNGOS community). And also means that you would already have some advanced network experience in order to know how to assign your modem's WAN IP internally to your server's NIC loopback should be listed, so localhost only developers/users know how to set the BindIP to loopback instead of a network accessible address "" refers to the host system's loopback device, only accessible by the host system itself (no other network clients may connect to this) Maybe add some examples of private IP usage –, –, – 192.168.x.x range is typical in many other server software documentation examples "192.168.1.x" refers to an addresses assigned to the host system on the network Again probably add a note about ifconfig/ipconfig to know which addresses are assigned to the host system's interfaces
  15. Aside from myself, clint is the only other person I know of that has used my guide. I think some more users are required before making it a sticky. Not to mention I need to set up a FreeBSD 8.1 server and make sure the guide is compatible since 8.1 is the newest stable release
  16. I'm American, primary language English, and I cannot understand this sentance. I think this description needs adjusting before being pushed. This makes sense and should not be changed
  17. I second this proposal. I just tried to do a search limited to the database section regarding some values in the batabase and all I got back were php scripts and other things not related to MaNGOS DB structure. The PHP scripts and other "database related" topics are great because they're nice for people learning other languages or techniques aside from C++, but having these topics clutter up an area where they really aren't the main focus makes finding real database topics difficult at the least Edit: Also should the "Database" forum be renamed, or have its description changed? I've seen alot of posts recently where the author of the post is under the impression that MaNGOS is responsible for the actual data in the database, but in reality MaNGOS only creates the structure it's up to other non-MaNGOS-related third parties to generate the data
  18. so why wouldn't doing "<td>[b]" . $map[$row['map']] . "[/b]</td>" work for that? Essentially that's what your already doing but your using the unneeded variable $t_map based of the code from EARTHWALKER and Ashen
  19. If you revive a character from within the database while they are online the client will never know this happened because the server does not check the database while they are logged in for this information. If the user is offline, then reviving them from within the MySQL database will work and they will be alive the next time they login
  20. I was able to reproduce the error you are receiving, but only when there is already one instance of realmd running and I try to start another using the same port Error: MaNGOS realmd can not bind to terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): Dead Reference Abort (core dumped) Have you tried using ps -A to see if there is a mangos-realmd process running Note: Make sure to use "ps" and "netstat" as root or they will only display processes that belong to the user you are logged in as Have you tried restarting your server so that nothing will be running when you try to start realmd?
  21. Did you do everything manually From Step 1 to Step 2 to Step 3 to Step 4 or did you use the code in the All-In-One block The All-In-One section seems to be outdated code
  22. Can you provide the link to the guide you used to set up your server?
  23. @vans91 - xeross155 is saying to find what process is bound to 3724, and to stop it from running using "kill" netstat -pn | grep 3724 Then use the PID / Process ID found kill <PID>
  24. Everyone has posted what the configs should be and to make sure nothing is running on port 3724 already Maybe you followed an old guide that said to use obsolete libraries or similar and is not compatible with the current core. ACE libraries may be the issue, these are responsible for IP/Port binding Start from the beginning with a guide from the forums that is current
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