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Everything posted by cyberium

  1. You are right, Buyer work some time. So basicaly the logical of buying items work. So it's definitly not an priority to me for now.
  2. Yes i tested or yesterday and found not working. Didn't try till now to debug it. Iam focused in new method for making statistic on ah content once a day to make easy to decide what item to add. Items vectors will olso be filled in other way to make it more complete. Olso it will be possible to blacklist some items
  3. So it seem's iam not so clear that i am supposed... No more account needed to make ahbot work. Patch your core, install included characters.houctionhousebot.sql file, and set the min/max item needed in your database(characters.houctionhousebot). Enable AHBot via your mangosd.conf file and it's done. These lines doesn't exist anymore...
  4. New version : - Removed npc entry name - Added option to enter ANY name you want on config file. Patch here for 10351 Git updated.
  5. Why not, i will implement it if it can be added safely. Thank you, yes i think too it must be more tested in regard of the new feature.
  6. Unfortunaly i cannot reproduce it, is there anyone else have such kind of problems?
  7. Thanks it's seem you got it !
  8. Thank for your support, i think the code still need some cleanning and iam actualy doing some of these. Iam olso make a reflexion to the first loop of addauction. Retrieving all item in auctionneer to get overal quantity of all defined quality can probably avoided at least in most of the case. Make this once a day is probably enought. ItemID generation loop olso probably can be lighted but no idea for now. Git updated. And here is the cleaned patch for 10342.
  9. DaViper: 1) The patch take only name of npc you want. So no matter the faction of that npc. 2) Yes, has i say all npc in database can be used. (i think) 3) There is no raison, the patch make more simple the use of AHBOT, Just patch it and enable it. The npc option is only an "option" and a brief description is on conf file. UnkleNuke I didn't understaind what you want? Ahbot doesn't need the npc to run, but if you want one (for ex add your npc with some script in one map) you can simply do it with Entry of that NPC. Get these entry it's not difficult, make .npc info in game or look at the table creature or locale_creature. Sorry if iam not clear but i need more practice of english
  10. Blueboy are you going to merge the 'delocalized-spell' in your portal repo too?
  11. Here is my version of the AHBot patch for 10337 Or Git if you prefer, git://github.com/cyberium/mangos.git ahbot Purpose : - No more account needed to be created for AHBot - Cleaned not used code. - Add some method to avoid some hack to the core. - Add possibility to assign any npc name as seller by simply add DB entry number on mangosd.conf file. I have some idea to optimise the add auction process but i need more time to implement and test. Feedback are welcome.
  12. I am about to finish the code of auctionner with fake GUID. Here is what i found. GUID=0 cannot be used because client not send query to know player name. All player class can be removed from ahbot class. I used MaxUInt32 for default Fake GUID. You will be able to use name of any npc in database. The default is "AHBot" but if you prefer "Commissaire priseur Latarge" it's up to you. No mail is created when auction is over. Iam trying to make the minimal hack on mangos core to avoid any bad side effect... Let me just finish the code and make a minimal test.
  13. It work, no problem detected. You can make test on setting account of AHBOT to 0 and player to 0 on the config file. The only problem is that we see nothing on seller name. But i already ask you, is this realy an issue? If not the code will be easly cleaned and not need lotof hack.
  14. If iam not wrong bool AuctionEntry::BuildAuctionInfo(WorldPacket & data) const { ... data << uint32(pItem->GetSpellCharges()); //item->charge FFFFFFF data << uint32(0); //Unknown data << uint64(owner); //Auction->owner data << uint32(startbid); //Auction->startbid (not sure if useful) data << uint32(bid ? GetAuctionOutBid() : 0); ... } We send only GUID to client, so i don't know how i can assign a name to an unassigned GUID... Someone have idea? If no solution, have no name in seller row is it realy an issue?
  15. Whyarp, surely that is already done now by most people using AHBot. Account requirement is not necessary. The job must be done by someone Ok for all. My code work for now, at the end of auction item is deleted (cannot found it in database). So the only need is to add name to seller and no npc needed too. Olso i didn't realised this before but there is a bad behavior with actual system. When auction is finished without buyer items is returned to his owner by mail. If you look into mail table (on characters db) there is too much mail attribued to AhBot account... I set the min/maxitem to 5000/7000 per faction... You can imagine how many mail is generated...
  16. For creation of auction this code work without any new core hack. AuctionHouseEntry const* ahEntry = sAuctionMgr.GetAuctionHouseEntryByFaction(12); AuctionHouseObject* auctionHouse = sAuctionMgr.GetAuctionsMap(ahEntry); uint32 itemID = 37809; Item* item = Item::CreateItem(itemID, 1); if (item == NULL) { sLog.outString("AuctionHouseBot> Item::CreateItem() returned NULL"); return; } AuctionEntry* auctionEntry = new AuctionEntry; auctionEntry->Id = sObjectMgr.GenerateAuctionID(); auctionEntry->item_guidlow = item->GetGUIDLow(); auctionEntry->item_template = item->GetEntry(); auctionEntry->owner = 0; auctionEntry->startbid = 1000; auctionEntry->buyout = 10000; auctionEntry->bidder = 0; auctionEntry->bid = 0; auctionEntry->deposit = 0; auctionEntry->expire_time = (time_t) (urand(2, 5) * 60 * 60 + time(NULL)); auctionEntry->auctionHouseEntry = ahEntry; item->SaveToDB(); sAuctionMgr.AddAItem(item); auctionHouse->AddAuction(auctionEntry); auctionEntry->SaveToDB(); I still don't know whats happen on the end of the auction. No name on seller row in AH. I think it's not the best sollution because of this. No matter what GUID i will assign to owner it will be take from characters table. So the best like i was supposed is to rewrite 'add auction' method to handle npc name in place of character name.
  17. Nice to see you back Xeross155. Didn't see that. Anyway we just need to create a new addauction method and handle correctly item added by ahbot on ending of auction because no real owner will be defined. Iam just trying to make it possible.
  18. Make all you want with my patch. That's why i post it here No problem for me. Cheers Ps : Yeah UnkleNuke. I was too lazy too to work on it because it's not an hard issue. Anyway i will probably take time on it if i have time. Ps2 : Mrelfire, don't know if your second point is possible but make AHBOT free of creating an account will be a good feature.
  19. Here is my Patch for [10329] 3 factions work. Hope it help.
  20. Ok Kyle1 it's work, need more testing but in first try all it seem to be alright. Just found when i say to my tank attack some target he take is time sending me some "NONE" info before... Didnt look in AI code but it's anoying.
  21. I can only confirm this. Same rev. I just add that armor computing error can be obtained too if you switch from Elf form to Travel form.
  22. Erf okay i just have to wait in this case :'(
  23. Ok so know i will send you soon some other enum, i will attack, war, hunter, palladin and priest right now. (just finishing mage before). Next will come tomorrow if i have time. cheers
  24. I will give you feedback soon. Yad give me anyway some doubt for this method. Is the usual spell ID change realy often? In this case we are going to have some difficult to maintain this mod. Anyway good work kyle1 Updtate : It work perfectly ( at least the function coded ). Just, for best practice place enum in PlayerBotMageAi.h in place of PlayerBotAi.h
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