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Everything posted by kich0

  1. nope its not in core yet, patch is working and its very simple
  2. your DB rev and mangos rev must match, means if you have DB supporting mangos 9765 and your MaNGOS is on rev 9768 you need to execute all SQL files between 9765 and 9768 (in SQL/updates/ folder)
  3. its a really small commit and I don't see why can't you apply it by hand ?
  4. why don't you just use this function ? pPlayer->UpdateSkillsToMaxSkillsForLevel();
  5. still I dont know if this is gonna work because of HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType& m = sObjectAccessor.GetPlayers(); for(HashMapHolder<Player>::MapType::const_iterator itr = m.begin(); itr != m.end(); ++itr)
  6. maybe something like this would work MiscHandler.cpp @@ void WorldSession::HandleWhoOpcode( WorldPacket & recv_data ) QueryResult *result = CharacterDatabase.PQuery("SELECT guid,name,race,class,gender,level,zone,guild FROM fake_characters WHERE online!=0 order by level"); Field *fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 level_min = fields[5].GetUInt32(); uint32 level_max = fields[5].GetUInt32(); uint32 racemask = fields[2].GetUInt32(); uint32 classmask = fields[3].GetUInt32(); uint32 zones_count = fields[6].GetUInt32(); std::string player_name = fields[1].GetCppString(); if(player_name.empty()) player_name = "Unknown"; std::string guild_name = fields[7].GetCppString(); if(guild_name.empty()) guild_name = "Unknown"; std::string wplayer_name = fields[1].GetCppString(); if(wplayer_name.empty()) wplayer_name = "Unknown"; std::string wguild_name = fields[7].GetCppString(); if(wguild_name.empty()) wguild_name = "Unknown"; std::string pname = fields[1].GetCppString(); if(pname.empty()) pname = "Unknown"; std::string gname = fields[7].GetCppString(); if(gname.empty()) gname = "Unknown"; std::string wpname = fields[1].GetCppString(); if(wpname.empty()) wpname = "Unknown"; std::string wgname = fields[7].GetCppString(); if(wgname.empty()) wgname = "Unknown"; std::string aname = fields[6].GetCppString(); if(aname.empty()) aname = "Unknown"; uint32 race = fields[2].GetUInt32(); uint32 class_ = fields[3].GetUInt32(); uint32 lvl = fields[5].GetUInt32(); uint32 pzoneid = fields[6].GetUInt32(); data << pname; // player name data << gname; // guild name data << uint32( lvl ); // player level data << uint32( class_ ); // player class data << uint32( race ); // player race data << uint8(0); // new 2.4.0 data << uint32( pzoneid ); // player zone id ofc this is not complete patch
  7. what level did you set that command?, what mangos revision are you using? make sure you are offline when you try to mod GM level
  8. Pet.cpp SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_FLAGS, UNIT_FLAG_PVP_ATTACKABLE); // this enables popup window (pet dismiss, cancel) + // DK ghouls have energy + if (cinfo->family == CREATURE_FAMILY_GHOUL) + setPowerType(POWER_ENERGY); break; case HUNTER_PET: SetUInt32Value(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_0, 0x02020100);
  9. this is vehicle topic nothing to do with dual spec talent , its already implemented in core
  10. and script part would look something like this if(pPlayer->HasFlag(PLAYER_FLAGS, PLAYER_FLAGS_XP_USER_DISABLED)) { pPlayer->RemoveFlag(PLAYER_FLAGS, PLAYER_FLAGS_XP_USER_DISABLED); pPlayer->CLOSE_GOSSIP_MENU(); } else pPlayer->SetFlag(PLAYER_FLAGS, PLAYER_FLAGS_XP_USER_DISABLED); pPlayer->CLOSE_GOSSIP_MENU();
  11. yes use MaNGOS map extractor to extract maps ( http://github.com/mangos/mangos/tree/master/contrib/extractor/ ) from the client.
  12. in first case, your DB version doesn't match you MaNGOS version so apply needed sql updates, in second you are using DBC files extracted from 3.3.2 client instead of 3.3.3a so re-extract your DBC from 3.3.3a client
  13. you need core support for this not only SQL, anyway topic answered -closed.
  14. confirm its loads normally on console but ingame theres nothing in AH...
  15. use patch -d . -p1 <Vehicles[9696].patch instead of git apply Vehicles[9696].patch
  16. dualspec implemented in core. Only gossip part missing for now.
  17. stay on topic or I'll close this
  18. EDIT: nvm pretty crashy still.
  19. also I think you're "missing" a part in Level3.cpp HandleReloadReservedNameCommand(""); HandleReloadMangosStringCommand(""); HandleReloadGameTeleCommand(""); +HandleReloadCreatureTemplatesCommand(""); +HandleReloadItemPrototypesCommand(""); return true; {
  20. yes patch has some serious problems, like you can't see anyone on vehicles, you get recalled on place where you entered vehicle after you leave it...
  21. maybe he posted the wrong SQL ? this one isn't event related to creatures?
  22. http://github.com/kicho/mangos/commit/3af63f1fbc4b4e13070ce6db06240649fc14b01d
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