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Everything posted by KillRIde

  1. I'm now trying to redownload the database and reinstall it but I have this when using git clone Cloning into 'database'... fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/mangoszero/database.git/': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: none CRLfile: none Probably linked to the switch of OpenSSL version
  2. ok done, Now I need to reinstall everything? or not
  3. I have openssl 3.0.2 Which one I need and how to downgrade it please?
  4. I've put in localAddress too but no success. Mangosd crash when I log into the game but I have no logs of the crash
  5. Ok I've got some good news. It works now after deleted and reinstall the database. wmonitor shows me a lot of info But when I connect using "player" account, I'm directly disconnected and wmonitor stops. Then I can reconnect but I have a loop on the realmlist. I select my realm and it disconnect and come back to the realmlist I can add that mangos crash but realm is still running. I don't know where to find logs about this.
  6. from github git clone https://github.com/mangoszero/database.git --recursive
  7. I guess I'm close to the issue. How can I apply this?
  8. And I still have this I also checked to manually update it but I have re121 and 122 not 22
  9. I can log into the game but the realm is offline
  10. Actually I can log into the game but the server is offline.
  11. Ok I did this step again. but still have the same issue after it. I'm following this guide Do you have some commands that I should check? thanks
  12. Hi guys, I'm new here and I tried to run my first server. Here is the issue I have. The table `db_version` indicates that your [Character] database does not match the expected structure! [A] You have database Version: 22 Structure: 2 Content: 1 Description: Add_field_comments [B] The core needs database Version: 22 Structure: 4 Content: 1 Description: Add_Quest_Tracker_Table You must apply all updates after [A] to [B] to use MaNGOS with this database. These updates are included in the database/Character/Updates folder. Thanks for the help
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