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Everything posted by asumos

  1. when compile without using cmake compile fails when compile with cmake it says all succeeded but it does not output files am i missing something?
  2. my branch located at https://github.com/asumos/mangos is upto date with mangos 10979 i still havnt located what to modify in the mangchat files that need changing but i have also been looking at other things as well.... i get sidetracked easily... oooooooo shiny
  3. if you have ssh access the ability to access your files from a command style window ( putty is good to use, or bitvise tunneler ) then yes you will, if you dont have this access then no you will not be able to compile or run mangos from your account. most hosting providers for websites dont offer this type of service. if your looking for a vps which you can host a website and mangos on i would personally recomend https://www.zazeen.com/OnlinePC.html their basic package is a good starter package and as things grow you can move into larger packages or migrate to a full dedicated server
  4. there is no difference in installing mangos in a VPS or dedicated machine, just find the guide for your operating system and follow that guide ( ie. if its linux follow the linux tutorial if its windows follow the windows tutorial )
  5. yup, pm coming your way, and i am glad there were no errors.. i was getting a little worried LOL
  6. oh you got that on compile? i compiled it fine.. what are your trying to compile under? i can install that same os and give it a shot and see whats up and if anything fix it but now that i am more awake and reading better i could be wrong tho but that could just be that its saying no ID is declared in the script because the ID is declared via the database... i have had no issues on compile at the end it says 14 succeeded and 0 failed. but as i said if you tell me what OS and version you use i can install a copy on a dummy machine and test it out and see if i get any issues
  7. i havnt made a patch file, just do the git pull git://github.com/asumos/mangos.git broadcaster and compile like normal, i am almost sure the error you are getting is due to not adding the two sql files that are found in sql/broadcast add mangos_mangos_string.sql to your mangos database add realmd_broadcast_strings.sql to your realmd database there are also a few entries you may need to edit in your mangosd.conf file ( near or at the end of the file ) the realmd_broadcast_strings.sql is where all the autobroadcast messages are stored, the frequency of when they are posted are in the mangosd.conf
  8. I have updated the broadcaster to 10682. I have done just a little testing. (ie. compiled and added some broadcast messages ) nothing extensive. It's on my git account at https://github.com/asumos/mangos of course most know but those that do not you can just use: git pull git://github.com/asumos/mangos.git broadcaster i'm attempting the mangchat now, having compile errors so i am probably going to be awhile if i even get it running at all... hope this saves you some time on the great work you have offered us Xeross
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