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About forlornsoul

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. i don't seem to have the right spell.dbc file. it says that the number of rows don't match... hmm............
  2. thanks again patman. i've been doing some more research on it, and have gotten to aura_mod parts myself as well. now i see that movement speed is forced by object->updateSpeed(). can't believe this took me a week!! one last question... what is spellwork? is it a website? i've googled it, searched source codes, but came up with unhelpful results...
  3. i've been trying to read some source codes to find out where movement debuffs are applied. so far, i've found out that speed is initialized in Unit.cpp thanks to patman128, and MotionMaster.cpp holds info on confusedmovement, fleeingmovement, etc but i think these are for creatures only? not sure about this. and from Spell.cpp and SpellEffects.cpp i can see that a lot of effects on movement are coded here, such as knockbacks, pulls, leapbacks and stuff. but i've been unable to find stuff on pure movement speed. for example, if a warrior uses 'hamstring' and the target gets 40% off his movement speed. where can i find the code that says this?
  4. Would I sound stupid to ask what DDR server is? I really need a lot of studying......
  5. hey, patman. thanks for the reply. i'm guessing MAX_MOVE_TYPE would be a number around 3, for normal, ground mounts and aerial mounts. if so, if one gets debuffed by some skill and his move speed reduces to 40%. where is that applied to? m_speed_rate? this is why i've been thinking move speed of characters would be stored somewhere.
  6. hi, i just started investigating magos out of curiosity, and i'm having trouble. i've been looking at character.data and found that most of the stats and info on character are stored here. then, i've noticed that "move speed" of characters aren't available on that file. where can i find this data?
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