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Everything posted by OSIRIS

  1. hi all; i've wroted a script about custom event. and i trying to adding items on player's party. here's the code : void JustDied(Unit * killer) { Group * killerGroup = ((Player *)killer)->GetGroup(); if (killerGroup) { DoScriptText(SAY_CONGRULATIONS, m_creature, killer); for(GroupReference * itr = killerGroup->GetFirstMember(); itr != NULL; itr = itr->next()) { Player * receiver = itr->getSource(); // possible fix crash i think if (!receiver) continue; if (receiver) { // Item bla_bla_bla int32 count = 1; uint32 itemid = ITEM_BLA_BLA_BLA; //now we can add items uint32 noSpaceForCount = 0; // check space and find places ItemPosCountVec dest; uint8 msg = receiver->CanStoreNewItem(NULL_BAG, NULL_SLOT, dest, itemid, count, &noSpaceForCount); if(count == 0 || dest.empty()) continue; Item * item = receiver->StoreNewItem(dest, itemid, true, Item::GenerateItemRandomPropertyId(itemid)); if (count > 0 && item) receiver->SendNewItem(item, count, false, true); else continue; } } } } server crashed after first player's have taked the item. also there isn't any crashlog about this situation. the server don't give me any crashlog. anybody have an idea? thanks ..
  2. 62388 -> is this aura id true? www.thottbot.com/s62388 there isn't any aura or spell on that id. thanks.
  3. the revive option certainly NOT POSSIBLE.because u need a webservice or something else.because use .revive charactername command in mangos console.and it will be possible with using webService.
  4. and they're never same i'm a mcpd maybe like you but i've sloged much more classes and/or methods.
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