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Posts posted by DaveJ61

  1. On 2/20/2021 at 8:55 PM, Elmsroth said:

    This why perhaps some commands are maybe faulty. It also could be due to a lack of privileges since some commands require higher GM levels. But if you are Gm level 3 there should be not any problems.

    Hi could you please tell me where I could check the required GM levels?

    Also I maybe interested in making contributions if I knew where to start. For instance, are spells created by in the core or by scripts, or both? Is there a good guide on the big picture and how this is all done? I do have skills in C++ (allbeit a bit rusty) and I have read the guide ...

    ... but this does not give the big picture on how everything is put together.

  2. I actually thought you responded quite quickly 🙂 - I do indeed have a working copy of MaNGOS 3 running on Ubuntu Server 20.04. This is what I can and cannot do but it is certainly not limited to just these commnds. There are others.

    I can :-

    .modify money

    .modify hp

    .modify mana

    .tele <place>

    I cannot :-

    .learn <spell>

    .learn all_crafts

    .learn all_recipes $profession


    I do find that some of the syntax explanations are misleading in that a parameter appears to require that it needs to be in square brackets. It does not. There are others.

    On another note, I came across today where the mage blink spell is broken. Using blink puts your character off map and falling to infinity. Also something else... it said that I had 2308 talent points to add!! 🙂

    I should be able to help address any problems you have with a MaNGOS 3 server.


  3. After getting my MaNGOS Three server running, recently, I have noticed a couple of annoying quirks with my characters. After dismounting, they run at the same speed as the mount they have just dismounted from.

    Also, when logging in or sometimes dismounting, the characters float a foot or so off the ground.

  4. After getting my MaNGOS Three server running on my UbuntuServer 20.04, I have come across a few commands that are not working at all. The following are the most common ones that work on TBC but don't appear to work on the Cata server... There are others but these are my top wishlist commands.

    .learn all_crafts

    .learn all_recipes

    .modify rep

    I wouldn't mind a pointer as to how to fix these myself. I do have some programming experiance in C++ but mostly on inux platforms.

  5. On 2/11/2021 at 7:34 AM, antz said:

    Going forward, I personally advise switching to MariaDB. Some of the changes made by Oracle on MySQL have made what should be an easy install process into a nightmare.

    Thanks Antz, I'll do that. The server is working, however there are other more minor issues which I will start in a new topic.

  6. Here we go again.... I have sorted my problem with SQL syntax errors and make errors but now another issue.

    It appears that when using the ExtractResources.sh script, not all map files are generated. I end up with a load of files from 2692527.map to 9773232.map. However, when trying to run mangosd, it throw the following error:-

    Check existing of map file '/opt/wow/gamedata/maps/0004331.map': not exist!
    Correct *.map files not found in path '/opt/wow/gamedata/maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in '/opt/wow/gamedata/vmaps'. Please place *.map and vmap files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file.

    As far as I know, the client is completely up to date and is Cata 4.34 -15595. I have this file from my TBC server but if I try and use it, then I get an out of date error.

    Map file '/opt/wow/gamedata/data/maps/0004331.map' is non-compatible version (outdated?). Please, create new using ad.exe program.
    Correct *.map files not found in path '/opt/wow/gamedata/data/maps' or *.vmtree/*.vmtile files in '/opt/wow/gamedata/data/vmaps'. Please place *.map and vmap files in appropriate directories or correct the DataDir value in the mangosd.conf file.


    I seem to have sorted this now as I had a copy of the maps which I created last week.

    However, the ExtractResources.sh script does not now create all the necessary map files. I know the extraction tools were fixed the other day, could this have something to do with it?


  7. Ok... I have managed to solve the SQL syntax error. It appears the 1064 error was caused by the use of reserved words, so I have encapsulated them with backticks.


    These were on lines 77 and 78 of the Rel21_05_001_update_deprecated_ROW_FORMAT.sql update file.

  8. As well as the above errors, I've spent many, many hours on trying to get this working and there clearly are many problems with missing files and sql syntax errors. The below is from a fresh installation. And it shows that the Rel22 directory of updates is missing as well as a syntax error.

    ls: cannot access 'World/Setup/FullDB/Rel21/*.sql': No such file or directory
    Creating realm database realmd
    Loading data into realm database realmd
    Updating data into the character database character3
    Applying update Character/Updates/Rel21/Rel21_05_001_update_deprecated_ROW_FORMAT.sql
    ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 8: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'groups ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC ENGINE=INNODB;
    ALTER TABLE group_member ROW_FORMAT=DYN' at line 70
    ls: cannot access 'Character/Updates/Rel22/*.sql': No such file or directory

    Also there appear to be different ways that update versions are being used. For example, Rel21_05_001 and Rel21_05_01 and Rel21_5_01 and Rel21_5_1... Do these all mean the same thing? If so then they really need to be standardised, as it could cause confusion. I have seen all of these types of versions being used.

    One last thing, it is really irritating to use a 'clear' command just at the end of the ExtractDatabase.sh in order to display the MaNGOS logo. This makes it impossible to scroll up and check back for errors. I managed to scrape the above before the screen started scrolling again.

    This is the result of trying to run mangosd on a fresh install...

    mangos@ubuntu:/opt/wow/install/mangos/bin$ ./mangosd
    2114001 [world-daemon]
    <Ctrl-C> to stop.
      __  __      _  _  ___  ___  ___   _____ _
     |  \/  |__ _| \| |/ __|/ _ \/ __| |_   _| |_  _ _ ___ ___
     | |\/| / _` | .` | (_ | (_) \__ \   | | | ' \| '_/ -_) -_)
     |_|  |_\__,_|_|\_|\___|\___/|___/   |_| |_||_|_| \___\___|
     Powered By MaNGOS Core
     Website/Forum/Wiki/Issue Tracker: https://www.getmangos.eu
    Using configuration file ../etc/mangosd.conf.
    OpenSSL 1.1.1g  21 Apr 2020 (Library: OpenSSL 1.1.1g  21 Apr 2020)
    Using ACE: 6.4.5
    World Database total connections: 2
    Connected to MySQL database mangos@localhost:3306/mangos3
    MySQL client library: 8.0.23
    MySQL server ver: 8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
    Connected to MySQL database mangos@localhost:3306/mangos3
    MySQL client library: 8.0.23
    MySQL server ver: 8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
    You have not updated the core for few DB [World] updates!
    Current DB content is 5, core expects 1
    This is ok for now but should not last long.
    Character Database total connections: 2
    Connected to MySQL database mangos@localhost:3306/character3
    MySQL client library: 8.0.23
    MySQL server ver: 8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
    Connected to MySQL database mangos@localhost:3306/character3
    MySQL client library: 8.0.23
    MySQL server ver: 8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
    The table `db_version` indicates that your [Character] database does not match the expected structure!
      [A] You have database Version: 21
                          Structure: 4
                            Content: 1
                        Description: Add_field_comments
      [B] You need database Version: 21
                          Structure: 5
                            Content: 1
                        Description: Update deprecated ROW_FORMAT
    You must apply all updates after [A] to [B] to use MaNGOS with this database.
    These updates are included in the database/Character/Updates folder.
    Wait 10 secs for continue.
    [**************************************************] 100%

    This the Character directory...

    mangos@ubuntu:~/db/Character/Updates/Rel21$ ls
    readme.txt  Rel20_to_BaseRel21_Updates  Rel21_05_001_update_deprecated_ROW_FORMAT.sql

    and I can clearly see I need to update with the Rel21_05_001_update_deprecated_ROW_FORMAT.sql file... but this is what happens...

    mangos@ubuntu:~/db/Character/Updates/Rel21$ mysql -umangos -p character3 < Rel21_05_001_update_deprecated_ROW_FORMAT.sql
    Enter password:
    ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 8: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'groups ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC ENGINE=INNODB;
    ALTER TABLE group_member ROW_FORMAT=DYN' at line 70


  9. Hi Antz,

    Here is the contents of that 7z file and 21_02_003 does not exist... Do you mean 21_02_03? If so, that's pretty much all of them, and I have already tried and get this:-

    ===== Status =====      ===== DB is on Version: =====
    * UPDATE FAILED *       creature_template changes

    Here is the contents of the 7z file and I can't see how this is going to work...

    mangos@ubuntu:~/db/World/Updates/Rel21/Rel20_to_BaseRel21_Updates$ ls
     mysql                                                 Rel21_11_004_item_9574_text_update.sql
     Rel21_01_00_db_version.sql                            Rel21_11_005_npc_text_definition_update_pt1.sql
     Rel21_02_00_Script_refactoring.sql                    Rel21_11_006_npc_text_definition_update_pt2.sql
     Rel21_02_01_script_binding_populated.sql              Rel21_11_007_npc_text_definition_update_pt3.sql
     Rel21_02_02_creature_template_changes.sql             Rel21_11_008_fix_npc_text.sql
     Rel21_02_03_many_cmangos_updates.sql                  Rel21_11_009_page_text_translation.sql
     Rel21_02_03_start_up_error_fixes.sql                  Rel21_11_010_correct_localisation_tables.sql
     Rel21_03_00_new_tables_added.sql                      Rel21_11_011_Add_many_creature_ai_scripts.sql
     Rel21_03_01_many_cmangos_updates.sql                  Rel21_11_012_gossip_option_condition.sql
     Rel21_03_02_burster_worms.sql                         Rel21_11_013_creature_ai_scripts.sql
     Rel21_03_03_npc_shaheen.sql                           Rel21_11_014_add_ai_scripts.sql
     Rel21_04_00_player_exiting_battleground.sql           Rel21_11_015__Ravenous_Windroc_Script.sql
     Rel21_04_01_missing_script_assignments.sql            Rel21_11_016_MovementType_Update.sql
     Rel21_04_02_npc_trainer_template.sql                  Rel21_11_017_The_Inn_Update.sql
     Rel21_04_03_creature_ai_scripts.sql                   Rel21_11_018_NPC_23691_script.sql
     Rel21_04_04_start_up_error_fixes.sql                  Rel21_11_019_NPC_27832_Update.sql
     Rel21_04_05_BRD_updates.sql                           Rel21_11_020_NPC_24464_scripted.sql
     Rel21_04_06_Remove_field_from_dbDocs_Subtable.sql     Rel21_11_021_NPC_24178_script_rework.sql
     Rel21_04_07_dbdocs_update.sql                         Rel21_11_022_fix_typo_in_quest_384.sql
     Rel21_04_08_Majordomo_Executus_Ragnaros_text.sql      Rel21_11_023_fix_typo_in_quest_5064.sql
     Rel21_04_09_item_cub_first_toy.sql                    Rel21_11_024_Update_gossip_script.sql
     Rel21_04_10_NPC_trainer_template_clean-up.sql         Rel21_11_025_NPC_29579_db_script_update.sql
     Rel21_04_11_Remove_Obsolete_quests.sql                Rel21_11_026_Valiance_Keep_Rifleman.sql
     Rel21_04_12_More_Quest_cleanup.sql                    Rel21_11_027_Captain_Tyralius_Q10422.sql
     Rel21_04_13_NPC_movement_update.sql                   Rel21_11_028_Skull_Pile_go_z_position.sql
     Rel21_04_14_Return_to_Razor_hill_q.sql                Rel21_11_029_q_11467_script.sql
     Rel21_04_15_script_bind_updates.sql                   Rel21_11_030_added_a_game_tele_location.sql
     Rel21_04_16_Battle_Worg_movement.sql                  Rel21_11_031_Remove_duplicate_GO_188164.sql
     Rel21_04_17_Blackrock_spy_NPC.sql                     Rel21_11_032_NPC_5592_z_axis_fixed.sql
     Rel21_04_18_Fix_gossip_for_creature_6669.sql          Rel21_11_033_Large_Bonfire_radius_update.sql
     Rel21_05_001_dbscripts_refactor.sql                   Rel21_11_034_NPC_18733_ai_script_added.sql
     Rel21_06_001_autobroadcast.sql                        Rel21_11_035_NPC_18733_ai_script_added_pt2.sql
     Rel21_06_002_Lunar_Firework_credit_marker.sql         Rel21_11_036_Saronite_Animus_EventAI.sql
     Rel21_06_003_Verog_increase_spawn_chance.sql          Rel21_11_037_Unstable_Fel_imp.sql
     Rel21_07_001_dbscripts_refactor.sql                   Rel21_11_038_Illidari_Succubus.sql
     Rel21_07_002_Gizrul_the_Slavene.sql                   Rel21_11_039_game_tele_Northrend.sql
     Rel21_07_003_NPC_9568_SD3_support.sql                 Rel21_11_040_Anton_waypoints.sql
     Rel21_07_004_remove_obsolete_tables.sql               Rel21_11_041_NPC_25618_and_25730_script.sql
     Rel21_07_005_Populate_missing_item_descriptions.sql  'Rel21_11_042_DEHTA_Quest Series.sql'
     Rel21_07_006_Populate_missing_GO_desc.sql             Rel21_11_043_Quest_11878_setup_pt2.sql
     Rel21_07_007_kodo_roundup_fix.sql                     Rel21_11_044_Quest_11878_setup_pt3of3.sql
     Rel21_07_008_kodo_roundup_tidyup.sql                  Rel21_11_045_go183853_and_183854_rotation.sql
     Rel21_07_009_add_comment_column.sql                   Rel21_11_046_Vindicator_Haylen.sql
     Rel21_07_010_remove_dbDocs.sql                        Rel21_11_047_Haaleshi_Talonguard.sql
     Rel21_07_011_remove_npc_gossip.sql                    Rel21_11_048_Keeper_of_the_Cistern_.sql
     Rel21_08_001_force_version_change.sql                 Rel21_11_049_quest_11314_poi.sql
     Rel21_08_002_Quest_10855_Fix.sql                      Rel21_11_050_Quest_emote.sql
     Rel21_08_003_Inactive_Fel_Reaver.sql                  Rel21_11_051_Jormungar_Meat.sql
     Rel21_08_004_Valiance_Keep_Footman..sql               Rel21_11_052_Mammoth_Shark.sql
     Rel21_09_001_Quest_relations.sql                      Rel21_11_053_various_EventAI_updates.sql
     Rel21_10_001_Disables.sql                             Rel21_11_054_Illidari_Ravager.sql
     Rel21_10_002_condition_comments.sql                   Rel21_11_055_Crazed_Dragonhawk.sql
     Rel21_11_001_Add_Field_Comments_pt1.sql               Rel21_11_056_Feral_Dragonhawk_Hatchling.sql
     Rel21_11_002_Add_Field_Comments_pt2.sql               Rel21_12_001_Warden_Refactor.sql


    It seems to me that something is wrong here...

    mangos@ubuntu:~/db/World/Updates/Rel21/Rel20_to_BaseRel21_Updates$ mysql -umangos -p mangos3 < Rel21_02_01_script_binding_populated.sql
    Enter password:
    ===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
    * UPDATE COMPLETE *     script_binding populated
    mangos@ubuntu:~/db/World/Updates/Rel21/Rel20_to_BaseRel21_Updates$ mysql -umangos -p mangos3 < Rel21_02_02_creature_template_changes.sql
    Enter password:
    ===== Status =====      ===== DB is now on Version =====
    * UPDATE COMPLETE *     creature_template changes
    mangos@ubuntu:~/db/World/Updates/Rel21/Rel20_to_BaseRel21_Updates$ mysql -umangos -p mangos3 < Rel21_02_03_many_cmangos_updates.sql
    Enter password:
    ===== Status =====      ===== DB is on Version: =====
    * UPDATE FAILED *       creature_template changes

    as despite it stating that Rel21_02_02_creature_template_changes.sql was installed correctly, the next one (Rel21_02_03_many_cmangos_updates.sql) failed, and then I get this on the rest of them:-

    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      NULL    creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      NULL    creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      NULL    creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      NULL    creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      NULL    creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      NULL    creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      NULL    creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      NULL    creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      NULL    creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      NULL    creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_04_05 - IS NOT APPLIED    21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_04_06 - IS NOT APPLIED    21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_04_07 - IS NOT APPLIED    21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_04_08 - IS NOT APPLIED    21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_04_09 - IS NOT APPLIED    21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_04_10 - IS NOT APPLIED    21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_04_11 - IS NOT APPLIED    21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_04_12 - IS NOT APPLIED    21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_04_13 - IS NOT APPLIED    21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_04_14 - IS NOT APPLIED    21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_04_15 - IS NOT APPLIED    21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_04_16 - IS NOT APPLIED    21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_04_17 - IS NOT APPLIED    21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      NULL    creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_05_01 - IS NOT APPLIED    21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_06_001 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_06_002 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      NULL    creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_07_001 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_07_002 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      NULL    creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_07_004 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_07_005 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_07_006 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_07_007 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_07_008 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_07_009 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_07_010 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_07_011 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_08_001 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_08_002 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_08_003 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_08_004 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_09_001 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_10_001 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_10_002 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_001 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_002 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_003 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_004 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_005 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_006 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_007 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_008 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_009 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_010 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_011 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_012 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_013 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_014 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_015 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_016 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_017 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_018 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_019 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_020 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_021 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_022 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_023 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_024 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_025 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_026 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_027 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_028 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_029 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_030 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_031 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_032 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_033 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_034 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_035 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_036 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_037 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_038 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_039 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_040 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_041 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_042 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_043 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_044 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_045 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_046 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_047 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_048 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_049 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_050 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_051 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_052 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_053 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_054 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_055 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes
    ===== Status =====      === Expected ===        ===== Found Version =====
    * UPDATE SKIPPED *      Rel21_11_056 - IS NOT APPLIED   21_2_2 - creature_template changes


  10. I really don't understand this at all. I do the updates  and all that happens is that [B] gets bigger. There are no more updates. Why isn't this done on first installation - I understood that it should be up-to-dateo...

    Using configuration file ../etc/mangosd.conf.
    OpenSSL 1.1.1g  21 Apr 2020 (Library: OpenSSL 1.1.1g  21 Apr 2020)
    Using ACE: 6.4.5
    World Database total connections: 2
    Connected to MySQL database mangos@localhost:3306/mangos3
    MySQL client library: 8.0.23
    MySQL server ver: 8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
    Connected to MySQL database mangos@localhost:3306/mangos3
    MySQL client library: 8.0.23
    MySQL server ver: 8.0.23-0ubuntu0.20.04.1
    The table `db_version` indicates that your [World] database does not match the expected structure!
      [A] You have database Version: 21
                          Structure: 2
                            Content: 2
                        Description: creature_template changes
      [B] You need database Version: 21
                          Structure: 14
                            Content: 1
                        Description: Update deprecated ROW_FORMAT
    You must apply all updates after [A] to [B] to use MaNGOS with this database.
    These updates are included in the database/World/Updates folder.
    Wait 10 secs for continue.
    [**************************************************] 100%


  11. Unfortunately, I'm still getting loads of errors. Is this nortmal as the files this is trying to patch do not exist:-

    Input Path: .
    Output Path: .
    Flat export: false
    Extract dbc: true
    Extract maps: true
            __  __      _  _  ___  ___  ___
           |  \/  |__ _| \| |/ __|/ _ \/ __|
           | |\/| / _` | .` | (_ | (_) \__ \
           |_|  |_\__,_|_|\_|\___|\___/|___/
           DBC Extractor & Map Generator for MaNGOSThree
     Detected locale: enGB
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13164.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13164.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13205.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13205.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13287.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13287.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13329.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13329.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13596.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13596.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13623.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13623.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13914.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13914.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14007.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14007.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14333.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14333.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14480.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14480.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14545.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14545.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15005.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-15005.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15050.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-15050.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15211.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15354.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15595.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13164.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13164.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13205.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13205.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13287.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13287.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13329.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13329.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13596.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13596.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13623.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13623.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13914.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13914.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14007.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14007.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14333.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14333.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14480.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14480.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14545.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14545.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15005.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15005.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15050.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15050.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15211.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15354.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15595.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13164.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13164.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13205.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13205.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13287.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13287.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13329.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13329.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13596.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13596.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13623.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13623.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13914.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13914.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14007.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14007.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14333.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14333.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14480.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14480.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14545.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14545.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15005.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15005.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15050.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15050.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15211.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15354.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15595.MPQ
     Detected client build: 15595
     Extracting client database files...
     Extracted 333 files
     Using locale: enGB
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13164.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13164.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13205.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13205.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13287.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13287.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13329.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13329.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13596.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13596.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13623.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13623.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13914.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13914.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14007.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14007.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14333.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14333.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14480.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14480.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14545.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14545.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15005.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-15005.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15050.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-15050.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15211.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15354.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15595.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13164.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13164.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13205.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13205.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13287.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13287.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13329.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13329.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13596.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13596.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13623.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13623.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13914.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13914.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14007.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14007.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14333.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14333.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14480.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14480.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14545.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14545.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15005.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15005.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15050.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15050.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15211.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15354.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15595.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13164.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13164.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13205.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13205.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13287.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13287.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13329.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13329.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13596.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13596.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13623.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13623.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13914.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13914.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14007.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14007.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14333.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14333.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14480.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14480.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14545.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14545.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15005.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15005.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15050.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15050.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15211.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15354.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15595.MPQ
    Detected locale: enGB
     Extracting maps...
    Found Map.dbc in archive!
     Reading maps from Map.dbc... Could not read header in DBCFile . err=10006
    Fatal error: Could not read Map.dbc!
    Wed 10 Feb 2021 10:30:47 AM UTC: Extracting of DBCs and map files finished



  12. I have totally lost track of where I am now. I have heaps of directories and copies of cloned repos - all of which do not work. The guide I was working from

     appears to be out of date now, expecially the setting up the databases section as it talks about the world database - mangos_world(), which is now just referred to as mangos0 or mangos1 etc. There is also missing details on what to do with stuff, such as where I should put the extracted data files. I am presuming it does not necessarilly matter provided the .conf files are configujred to point to the right place. Something else I picked up on was that the conf files are in the etc directory on the linux version rather than the conf directory, despite it being present.

    The main ball ache I have is the following, which is freshly cloned from the repo:-

    The table `db_version` indicates that your [Character] database does not match the expected structure!
      [A] You have database Version: 21
                          Structure: 4
                            Content: 1
                        Description: Add_field_comments
      [B] You need database Version: 21
                          Structure: 5
                            Content: 1
                        Description: Update deprecated ROW_FORMAT
    You must apply all updates after [A] to [B] to use MaNGOS with this database.
    These updates are included in the database/Character/Updates folder.
    11:31:49 11:31:49 11:31:49 11:31:49 11:31:49 11:31:49 11:31:49 11:31:49 11:31:49 11:31:49 11:31:49 11:31:49 11:31:49 11:31:49
    Wait 10 secs for continue.
    [**************************************************] 100%

    I believe that the update [B] above fails and this is why I am having so many problems. More on this below...

    One thing the guide does not tell us is the difference between extracting the data and also the data from the db clone and InstallDatabases.sh script. I only just twigged yesterday what was going on.


    Here are my database update statuses which are all from the same git clone



    mysql> SELECT * FROM db_version ORDER BY VERSION DESC, structure DESC, content DESC LIMIT 0,1;
    | version | structure | content | description   | comment       |
    |      21 |        14 |       5 | GO 180797 fix | GO 180797 fix |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)





    mysql> SELECT * FROM db_version ORDER BY VERSION DESC, structure DESC, content DESC LIMIT 0,1;
    | version | structure | content | description        | comment                               |
    |      21 |         4 |       1 | Add_field_comments | Base Install of 21000_00 to Rel21_4_1 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)





    mysql> SELECT * FROM db_version ORDER BY VERSION DESC, structure DESC, content DESC LIMIT 0,1;
    | version | structure | content | description | comment    |
    |      22 |         1 |       1 | Release 22  | Release 22 |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)


    As you can see, they are all different...


    And... there are problems trying to update due to MySQL syntax errors etc:-

    mangos@ubuntu:~/Character/Updates/Rel21/Rel20_to_BaseRel21_Updates$ mysql -u mangos -p character3 < Rel21_2_2_Remove_field_from_dbDocs_Subtable.sql
    Enter password:
    ===== Status =====      ===== DB is on Version: =====
    * UPDATE FAILED *       match_client_limits
    mangos@ubuntu:~/Character/Updates/Rel21$ mysql -u mangos -p character3 < Rel21_04_001_Add_Field_Comments.sql
    Enter password:
    ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 8: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'groups MODIFY COLUMN `groupId` INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'Uniquie ID for' at line 275
    mangos@ubuntu:~/Character/Updates/Rel21$ mysql -u mangos -p character3 < Rel21_05_001_update_deprecated_ROW_FORMAT.sql
    Enter password:
    ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 8: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ''spell' ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC ENGINE=INNODB;
    ALTER TABLE character_ticket ROW_FORMA' at line 63


    This also fails on running InstallDatabases.sh but not sure why:-

    Applying update World/Updates/Rel21/Rel21_14_001_update_deprecated_ROW_FORMAT.sql
    * UPDATE FAILED *       NPC 19007 and 19006 pos updat


  13. I still cannot get this going. I can log in fine but there are no realms showing at all. The configuration is the same as my windows version except for the realmlist file which points to my Ubbuntu server instead of my windows machine.

    I decided to revist the game data extraction again and received the following patching errors... but why? They are present and the permissions are fine. The error message "Error open patch patch archive" is not very helpful. Any ideas on why the extractor cannot open these?

    Mon 08 Feb 2021 07:03:01 AM UTC: Start extracting data for MaNGOS, DBCs/maps 1, vmaps 1, mmaps 1 on 1 processes
    Map & DBC Extractor
    Detected locale: enGB
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13164.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13164.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13205.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13205.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13287.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13287.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13329.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13329.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13596.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13596.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13623.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13623.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-13914.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-13914.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14007.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14007.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14333.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14333.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14480.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14480.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-14545.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-14545.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15005.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-15005.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15050.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/wow-update-base-15050.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15211.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15354.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/wow-update-base-15595.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/enGB/wow-update-enGB-15211.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/enGB/wow-update-enGB-15354.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/enGB/wow-update-enGB-15595.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13164.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13164.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13205.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13205.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13287.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13287.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13329.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13329.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13596.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13596.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13623.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13623.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13914.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-13914.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14007.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14007.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14333.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14333.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14480.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14480.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14545.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-14545.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15005.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15005.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15050.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15050.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15211.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15354.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/patch-base-15595.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13164.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13164.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13205.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13205.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13287.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13287.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13329.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13329.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13596.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13596.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13623.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13623.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13914.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-13914.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14007.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14007.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14333.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14333.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14480.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14480.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14545.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-14545.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15005.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15005.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15050.MPQ
    Error open patch archive: ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15050.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15211.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15354.MPQ
    Patching : ./Data/Cache/enGB/patch-enGB-15595.MPQ
    Detected client build: 15595


  14. Hi,

    Thanks for answering but my system is already up to date. I checked the ace library anyway and it is the latest:-

    libace-dev is already the newest version (6.4.5+dfsg-1build4).

    Anyway,  I checked and found that the ACE_USE_EXTERNAL:BOOL setting in the CMakeCache.txt was set to OFF. So I set this to ON:-

    //Use external ACE

    ...and this compiled beautifully:-

    [ 99%] Built target vmap-assembler
    Scanning dependencies of target vmap-extractor
    [ 99%] Building CXX object src/tools/Extractor_projects/vmap-extractor/CMakeFiles/vmap-extractor.dir/adtfile.cpp.o
    [ 99%] Building CXX object src/tools/Extractor_projects/vmap-extractor/CMakeFiles/vmap-extractor.dir/dbcfile.cpp.o
    [ 99%] Building CXX object src/tools/Extractor_projects/vmap-extractor/CMakeFiles/vmap-extractor.dir/gameobject_extract.cpp.o
    [ 99%] Building CXX object src/tools/Extractor_projects/vmap-extractor/CMakeFiles/vmap-extractor.dir/model.cpp.o
    [100%] Building CXX object src/tools/Extractor_projects/vmap-extractor/CMakeFiles/vmap-extractor.dir/vmapexport.cpp.o
    [100%] Building CXX object src/tools/Extractor_projects/vmap-extractor/CMakeFiles/vmap-extractor.dir/wdtfile.cpp.o
    [100%] Building CXX object src/tools/Extractor_projects/vmap-extractor/CMakeFiles/vmap-extractor.dir/wmo.cpp.o
    [100%] Building CXX object src/tools/Extractor_projects/vmap-extractor/CMakeFiles/vmap-extractor.dir/__/shared/ExtractorCommon.cpp.o
    [100%] Linking CXX executable vmap-extractor
    [100%] Built target vmap-extractor

    Then ran make install :-

    [ 21%] Built target storm
    [ 22%] Built target detour
    [ 23%] Built target recast
    [ 27%] Built target g3dlite
    [ 29%] Built target zlib
    [ 30%] Built target loadlib
    [ 30%] Built target bzip2
    [ 30%] Built target framework
    [ 33%] Built target shared
    [ 33%] Built target realmd
    [ 33%] Built target pchdef.cpp_dephelp
    [ 34%] Built target precompiled.cpp_dephelp
    [ 34%] Built target generate_precompiled.cpp
    [ 79%] Built target mangosscript
    [ 79%] Built target generate_pchdef.cpp
    [ 97%] Built target game
    [ 97%] Built target mangosd
    [ 98%] Built target vmap
    [ 98%] Built target movemap-generator
    [ 99%] Built target map-extractor
    [ 99%] Built target vmap-assembler
    [100%] Built target vmap-extractor
    Install the project...
    -- Install configuration: "Release"
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/lib/libstorm.a
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/include/StormLib.h
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/include/StormPort.h
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/realmd
    -- Set runtime path of "/opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/realmd" to "/opt/wow/install/mangos/lib"
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/etc/realmd.conf.dist
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/etc/ahbot.conf.dist
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/mangosd
    -- Set runtime path of "/opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/mangosd" to "/opt/wow/install/mangos/lib"
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/etc/mangosd.conf.dist
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/tools/ExtractResources.sh
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/tools/make_vmaps.bat
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/tools/mmap_excluded.txt
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/tools/MoveMapGen.sh
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/tools/offmesh.txt
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/tools/README.txt
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/tools/movemap-generator
    -- Set runtime path of "/opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/tools/movemap-generator" to "/opt/wow/install/mangos/lib"
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/tools/map-extractor
    -- Set runtime path of "/opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/tools/map-extractor" to "/opt/wow/install/mangos/lib"
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/tools/vmap-assembler
    -- Set runtime path of "/opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/tools/vmap-assembler" to "/opt/wow/install/mangos/lib"
    -- Installing: /opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/tools/vmap-extractor
    -- Set runtime path of "/opt/wow/install/mangos/bin/tools/vmap-extractor" to "/opt/wow/install/mangos/lib"


    As I've already got the mysql database running with a windows version, I think all I need to do is to configure the realmd.conf and the mangosd.conf.

    Thanks for the direction. I will post on my progress later today.


    • Like 1
  15. I have successfully compiled and made a MaNGOS3 server on my windows 7 box but ideally, I would like it to run from my Ubuntu server 20.04. However, I have come across the following problem:- 

    mangos@ubuntu:~/build$ make
    Scanning dependencies of target ace
    [  0%] Building CXX object dep/acelite/ace/CMakeFiles/ace.dir/ACE.cpp.o
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58:17: fatal error: stropts.h: No such file or directory
       58 | #  include /**/ <stropts.h>
          |                 ^~~~~~~~~~~
    compilation terminated.
    make[2]: *** [dep/acelite/ace/CMakeFiles/ace.dir/build.make:63: dep/acelite/ace/CMakeFiles/ace.dir/ACE.cpp.o] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:631: dep/acelite/ace/CMakeFiles/ace.dir/all] Error 2
    make: *** [Makefile:152: all] Error 2

    Prior to this, I ran the cmake as follows, with no apparent errors:-

    mangos@ubuntu:~/build$ cmake ../sources/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/wow/install/mangos -DCONF_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/wow/install/mangos/conf
    -- The C compiler identification is GNU 9.3.0
    -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 9.3.0
    -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc
    -- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/cc -- works
    -- Detecting C compiler ABI info
    -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
    -- Detecting C compile features
    -- Detecting C compile features - done
    -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++
    -- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/c++ -- works
    -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
    -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
    -- Detecting CXX compile features
    -- Detecting CXX compile features - done
    This script builds the MaNGOS server.
      Options that can be used in order to configure the process:
        CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX    Path where the server should be installed to
        CONF_DIR                Path to the configs, can be absolute or relative.
        DEBUG                   Debug mode (strict compile, all warnings)
        ACE_USE_EXTERNAL        Use external ACE
        BUILD_MANGOSD           Build the main server
        BUILD_REALMD            Build the login server
        BUILD_TOOLS             Build the map/vmap/mmap extractors
        SOAP                    Enable remote access via SOAP
       Scripting engines:
        SCRIPT_LIB_ELUNA        Compile with support for Eluna scripts
        SCRIPT_LIB_SD3          Compile with support for ScriptDev3 scripts
    #   Modules:
    #    PLAYERBOTS              Enable Player Bots
      To set an option simply type -D<OPTION>=<VALUE> after 'cmake <srcs>'.
      Also, you can specify the generator with -G. see 'cmake --help' for more details
      For example: cmake .. -DDEBUG=1 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/mangos
      Note: On UNIX systems, CONF_DIR is relative to the bin folder.
    -- Detected 64-bit platform
    -- Found Git: /usr/bin/git
    -- OpenSSL library: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so
    -- OpenSSL headers: /usr/include
    -- OpenSSL version: 1.1.1g
    -- Found MySQL library: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmysqlclient.so
    -- Found MySQL headers: /usr/include/mysql
    -- Found ZLIB: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so (found version "1.2.11")
    -- Found BZip2: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libbz2.so (found version "1.0.8")
    -- Looking for BZ2_bzCompressInit
    -- Looking for BZ2_bzCompressInit - found
    -- Install server to     : /opt/wow/install/mangos
    -- Install configs to    : /opt/wow/install/mangos/etc/
    -- Search configs from   : etc/
    -- Support for SOAP      : No (default)
    -- Script engine Eluna   : No (default)
    -- Script engine SD3     : Yes (default)
    -- Build main server     : Yes (default)
    -- Build login server    : Yes (default)
    -- Build tools           : Yes (default)
    -- Build in debug-mode   : No  (default)
    -- Linking against dependent libraries statically
    -- Configuring done
    -- Generating done
    -- Build files have been written to: /home/mangos/build


    This now what happens when trying to cmkae and build...

    mangos@ubuntu:~/build$ cmake ../sources/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/wow/install/mangos -DCONF_INSTALL_DIR=/opt/wow/install/mangos                                                                                                           /conf
    This script builds the MaNGOS server.
      Options that can be used in order to configure the process:
        CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX    Path where the server should be installed to
        CONF_DIR                Path to the configs, can be absolute or relative.
        DEBUG                   Debug mode (strict compile, all warnings)
        ACE_USE_EXTERNAL        Use external ACE
        BUILD_MANGOSD           Build the main server
        BUILD_REALMD            Build the login server
        BUILD_TOOLS             Build the map/vmap/mmap extractors
        SOAP                    Enable remote access via SOAP
       Scripting engines:
        SCRIPT_LIB_ELUNA        Compile with support for Eluna scripts
        SCRIPT_LIB_SD3          Compile with support for ScriptDev3 scripts
    #   Modules:
    #    PLAYERBOTS              Enable Player Bots
      To set an option simply type -D<OPTION>=<VALUE> after 'cmake <srcs>'.
      Also, you can specify the generator with -G. see 'cmake --help' for more details
      For example: cmake .. -DDEBUG=1 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/mangos
      Note: On UNIX systems, CONF_DIR is relative to the bin folder.
    -- Detected 64-bit platform
    -- OpenSSL library: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so;/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcrypto.so
    -- OpenSSL headers: /usr/include
    -- OpenSSL version: 1.1.1g
    -- Install server to     : /opt/wow/install/mangos
    -- Install configs to    : /opt/wow/install/mangos/etc/
    -- Search configs from   : etc/
    -- Support for SOAP      : No (default)
    -- Script engine Eluna   : No (default)
    -- Script engine SD3     : Yes (default)
    -- Build main server     : Yes (default)
    -- Build login server    : Yes (default)
    -- Build tools           : Yes (default)
    -- Build in debug-mode   : No  (default)
    -- Linking against dependent libraries statically
    -- Configuring done
    -- Generating done
    -- Build files have been written to: /home/mangos/build
    mangos@ubuntu:~/build$ make -j2
    Scanning dependencies of target storm
    [  0%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/adpcm/adpcm.cpp.o
    [  0%] Building CXX object dep/acelite/ace/CMakeFiles/ace.dir/ACE.cpp.o
    [  1%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/huffman/huff.cpp.o
    [  1%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/jenkins/lookup3.c.o
    [  1%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/lzma/C/LzFind.c.o
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_Thread.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:6,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_sched.h:47:6: error: conflicting declaration ‘typedef struct cpu_set_t cpu_set_                                                                                                           t’
       47 |    } cpu_set_t;
          |      ^~~~~~~~~
    In file included from /usr/include/sched.h:44,
                     from /usr/include/pthread.h:22,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_pthread.h:51,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_Thread.h:31,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:6,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/bits/cpu-set.h:42:3: note: previous declaration as ‘typedef struct cpu_set_t cpu_set_t’
       42 | } cpu_set_t;
          |   ^~~~~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:75:39: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct strbuf’
       75 | class ACE_Export ACE_Str_Buf : public strbuf
          |                                       ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:166,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl: In constructor ‘ACE_Str_Buf::ACE_Str_Buf(void*, int, int)’:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:23:9: error: ‘class ACE_Str_Buf’ has no member named ‘maxlen’
       23 |   this->maxlen = max;
          |         ^~~~~~
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:24:9: error: ‘class ACE_Str_Buf’ has no member named ‘len’
       24 |   this->len = l;
          |         ^~~
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:25:9: error: ‘class ACE_Str_Buf’ has no member named ‘buf’
       25 |   this->buf = (char *) b;
          |         ^~~
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl: In constructor ‘ACE_Str_Buf::ACE_Str_Buf(strbuf&)’:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:31:9: error: ‘class ACE_Str_Buf’ has no member named ‘maxlen’
       31 |   this->maxlen = sb.maxlen;
          |         ^~~~~~
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:31:18: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct strbuf’
       31 |   this->maxlen = sb.maxlen;
          |                  ^~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:166,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:32:9: error: ‘class ACE_Str_Buf’ has no member named ‘len’
       32 |   this->len = sb.len;
          |         ^~~
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:32:15: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct strbuf’
       32 |   this->len = sb.len;
          |               ^~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:166,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:33:9: error: ‘class ACE_Str_Buf’ has no member named ‘buf’
       33 |   this->buf = sb.buf;
          |         ^~~
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:33:15: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘struct strbuf’
       33 |   this->buf = sb.buf;
          |               ^~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:166,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl: In function ‘int ACE_OS::putmsg(ACE_HANDLE, const strbuf*, const strbuf*,                                                                                                            int)’:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:159:43: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘const struct strbuf’
      159 |       result =  ACE_OS::write (handle, ctl->buf, ctl->len);
          |                                           ^~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:166,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:159:53: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘const struct strbuf’
      159 |       result =  ACE_OS::write (handle, ctl->buf, ctl->len);
          |                                                     ^~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:166,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:164:43: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘const struct strbuf’
      164 |       result = ACE_OS::write (handle, data->buf, data->len);
          |                                           ^~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:166,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:164:54: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘const struct strbuf’
      164 |       result = ACE_OS::write (handle, data->buf, data->len);
          |                                                      ^~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_unistd.inl:11,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_unistd.h:371,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:5,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:171:37: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘const struct strbuf’
      171 |       ACE_NEW_RETURN (buf, char [ctl->len + data->len], -1);
          |                                     ^~
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_Memory.h:185:37: note: in definition of macro ‘ACE_NEW_RETURN’
      185 |    do { POINTER = new (ACE_nothrow) CONSTRUCTOR; \
          |                                     ^~~~~~~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_unistd.inl:11,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_unistd.h:371,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:5,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:171:49: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘const struct strbuf’
      171 |       ACE_NEW_RETURN (buf, char [ctl->len + data->len], -1);
          |                                                 ^~
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_Memory.h:185:37: note: in definition of macro ‘ACE_NEW_RETURN’
      185 |    do { POINTER = new (ACE_nothrow) CONSTRUCTOR; \
          |                                     ^~~~~~~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:166,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:172:31: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘const struct strbuf’
      172 |       ACE_OS::memcpy (buf, ctl->buf, ctl->len);
          |                               ^~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:166,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:172:41: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘const struct strbuf’
      172 |       ACE_OS::memcpy (buf, ctl->buf, ctl->len);
          |                                         ^~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:166,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:173:32: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘const struct strbuf’
      173 |       ACE_OS::memcpy (buf + ctl->len, data->buf, data->len);
          |                                ^~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:166,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:173:43: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘const struct strbuf’
      173 |       ACE_OS::memcpy (buf + ctl->len, data->buf, data->len);
          |                                           ^~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:166,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:173:54: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘const struct strbuf’
      173 |       ACE_OS::memcpy (buf + ctl->len, data->buf, data->len);
          |                                                      ^~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:166,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:174:47: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘const struct strbuf’
      174 |       result = ACE_OS::write (handle, buf, ctl->len + data->len);
          |                                               ^~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:166,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.inl:174:59: error: invalid use of incomplete type ‘const struct strbuf’
      174 |       result = ACE_OS::write (handle, buf, ctl->len + data->len);
          |                                                           ^~
    In file included from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/os_include/os_stropts.h:58,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_stropts.h:32,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/OS_NS_sys_socket.h:30,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.inl:8,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.h:881,
                     from /home/mangos/sources/dep/acelite/ace/ACE.cpp:3:
    /usr/include/stropts.h:51:41: note: forward declaration of ‘struct strbuf’
       51 | extern int getmsg (int __fildes, struct strbuf *__restrict __ctlptr,
          |                                         ^~~~~~
    [  1%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/lzma/C/LzmaDec.c.o
    make[2]: *** [dep/acelite/ace/CMakeFiles/ace.dir/build.make:63: dep/acelite/ace/CMakeFiles/ace.dir/ACE.cpp.o] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/Makefile2:631: dep/acelite/ace/CMakeFiles/ace.dir/all] Error 2
    make[1]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
    [  1%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/lzma/C/LzmaEnc.c.o
    [  1%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/pklib/explode.c.o
    [  1%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/pklib/implode.c.o
    [  1%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/sparse/sparse.cpp.o
    [  1%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/FileStream.cpp.o
    [  1%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SBaseCommon.cpp.o
    [  1%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SBaseDumpData.cpp.o
    [  1%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SBaseFileTable.cpp.o
    [  1%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SBaseSubTypes.cpp.o
    [  2%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SCompression.cpp.o
    [  2%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SFileAddFile.cpp.o
    [  2%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SFileAttributes.cpp.o
    [  2%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SFileCompactArchive.cpp.o
    [  2%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SFileCreateArchive.cpp.o
    [  2%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SFileExtractFile.cpp.o
    [  2%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SFileFindFile.cpp.o
    [  2%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SFileGetFileInfo.cpp.o
    [  2%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SFileListFile.cpp.o
    [  2%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SFileOpenArchive.cpp.o
    [  2%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SFileOpenFileEx.cpp.o
    [  2%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SFilePatchArchives.cpp.o
    [  2%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SFileReadFile.cpp.o
    [  2%] Building CXX object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/SFileVerify.cpp.o
    [  3%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/rsa/rsa_verify_simple.c.o
    [  3%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/misc/crypt_libc.c.o
    [  3%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/hashes/hash_memory.c.o
    [  3%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/hashes/md5.c.o
    [  3%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/hashes/sha1.c.o
    [  3%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/math/ltm_desc.c.o
    [  3%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/math/multi.c.o
    [  3%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/math/rand_prime.c.o
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    [  3%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/misc/crypt_argchk.c.o
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    [  3%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/misc/crypt_find_prng.c.o
    [  3%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/misc/crypt_hash_descriptor.c.o
    [  4%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/misc/crypt_hash_is_valid.c.o
    [  4%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/misc/crypt_ltc_mp_descriptor.c.o
    [  4%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/misc/crypt_prng_descriptor.c.o
    [  4%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/misc/crypt_prng_is_valid.c.o
    [  4%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/misc/crypt_register_hash.c.o
    [  4%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/misc/crypt_register_prng.c.o
    [  4%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/misc/zeromem.c.o
    [  4%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_decode_bit_string.c.o
    [  4%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_decode_boolean.c.o
    [  4%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_decode_choice.c.o
    [  4%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_decode_ia5_string.c.o
    [  4%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_decode_integer.c.o
    [  4%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_decode_object_identifier.c.o
    [  4%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_decode_octet_string.c.o
    [  5%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_decode_printable_string.c.o
    [  5%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_decode_sequence_ex.c.o
    [  5%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_decode_sequence_flexi.c.o
    [  5%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_decode_sequence_multi.c.o
    [  5%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_decode_short_integer.c.o
    [  5%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_decode_utctime.c.o
    [  5%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_decode_utf8_string.c.o
    [  5%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_encode_bit_string.c.o
    [  5%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_encode_boolean.c.o
    [  5%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_encode_ia5_string.c.o
    [  5%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_encode_integer.c.o
    [  5%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_encode_object_identifier.c.o
    [  5%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_encode_octet_string.c.o
    [  5%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_encode_printable_string.c.o
    [  6%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_encode_sequence_ex.c.o
    [  6%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_encode_sequence_multi.c.o
    [  6%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_encode_set.c.o
    [  6%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_encode_setof.c.o
    [  6%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_encode_short_integer.c.o
    [  6%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_encode_utctime.c.o
    [  6%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_encode_utf8_string.c.o
    [  6%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_length_bit_string.c.o
    [  6%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_length_boolean.c.o
    [  6%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_length_ia5_string.c.o
    [  6%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_length_integer.c.o
    [  6%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_length_object_identifier.c.o
    [  6%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_length_octet_string.c.o
    [  7%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_length_printable_string.c.o
    [  7%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_length_sequence.c.o
    [  7%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_length_utctime.c.o
    [  7%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_sequence_free.c.o
    [  7%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_length_utf8_string.c.o
    [  7%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/asn1/der_length_short_integer.c.o
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    [  7%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtomcrypt/src/pk/ecc/ltc_ecc_projective_add_point.c.o
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    [ 16%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtommath/bn_mp_unsigned_bin_size.c.o
    [ 16%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtommath/bn_mp_xor.c.o
    [ 16%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtommath/bn_mp_zero.c.o
    [ 16%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtommath/bn_prime_tab.c.o
    [ 16%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtommath/bn_reverse.c.o
    [ 17%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtommath/bn_s_mp_add.c.o
    [ 17%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtommath/bn_s_mp_exptmod.c.o
    [ 17%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtommath/bn_s_mp_mul_digs.c.o
    [ 17%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtommath/bn_s_mp_mul_high_digs.c.o
    [ 17%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtommath/bn_s_mp_sqr.c.o
    [ 17%] Building C object dep/StormLib/CMakeFiles/storm.dir/src/libtommath/bn_s_mp_sub.c.o
    [ 17%] Linking CXX static library libstorm.a
    [ 17%] Built target storm
    make: *** [Makefile:152: all] Error 2


    I wondered if anyone would have any clues as to what the problem is. I had a little dig around myself and I am sure I fould the stropts.h file, but hey I'm not a C++ programmer and I don't know enough.



  16. I will will be running this on linux, if I get it going... The reason for this is that I have a Ubuntu server running and it seemed the obvious choice. Not only that but I know quite a bit about linux.

    As you know, ExtractResources.sh is a shell script and not able to be run on windows. The files map-extractor, mmap-extractor and vmap-extractor do not individually run on my machine (windows), even though I converted them to executeable, because they throw the same errors as above - cannot execute binary file: Exec format error. The only reason why ExtrractResources.sh runs on my machine is because I have git-bash installed. WoW runs on windows or Mac,, so for windows why are there bash scripts? Am I expected to copy the entirety of the wow client, including the tools directory, to a linux box and then run the script - I would say no because the script calls windows executeables (map extractors).

    I have been trying to install MaNGOS for years (since 2015) but never succeeded because I have always run into problems, and in the end I gave up. Most of the time, the problems were due to incomplete and unclear instructions. As a systems engineer, I am finding these challenges difficult, to say the least, because I don't know for sure what needs to be done to be able to create a server, although I do have a good idea. BUT, there are big gaps. To the average man in the street, this whole thing must be a nightmare.

    I did get some help from Madmax and he suggested I post my questions here, and I would appreciate some guidance on this whole procedure so I can successfully create a server.

    I created the database on mysql and most of the other stuff, but now all that remains is this data extraction problem.

  17. I tried extracting the data but get lots of these errors below and no mmaps, vmaps etc. Also it appears that ExtractResources.sh was not in the tools directory but in the bin directory above, so I moved it into tools. Then I copied the entire contents of the tools directory to my wow directory, where wow.exe is. I then used a git bash session to run ExtractResources.sh and got a load of the following as I cannot proceed any further:-

    Can anyone please help with this?


    Build Summary:
    2 CPUs selected:
     CPU 1: Maps: 0 534 560 309 533 568 509 30 532 469 33 209 289 329 564 580 529 572 269 531 230 429 34 43 229 249 349 369 389 409 449 450 540 550 552 553 554 555 37 451 13 29 35 42 44 598 25
     CPU 2: Maps: 1 530 543 585 36 489 47 562 566 548 559 48 70 90 109 129 189 542 544 545 546 547 556 557 558 565 169

    Starting to create MoveMaps
    ./MoveMapGen.sh: line 202: ./mmap-extractor: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
    ./MoveMapGen.sh: line 202: ./mmap-extractor: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
    Sat, Jan  9, 2021  7:43:24 AM: (Re)created map 1
    Sat, Jan  9, 2021  7:43:24 AM: (Re)created map 0
    ./MoveMapGen.sh: line 202: ./mmap-extractor: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
    ./MoveMapGen.sh: line 202: ./mmap-extractor: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
    Sat, Jan  9, 2021  7:43:24 AM: (Re)created map 530
    Sat, Jan  9, 2021  7:43:24 AM: (Re)created map 534
    ./MoveMapGen.sh: line 202: ./mmap-extractor: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
    ./MoveMapGen.sh: line 202: ./mmap-extractor: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
    Sat, Jan  9, 2021  7:43:24 AM: (Re)created map 543
    Sat, Jan  9, 2021  7:43:24 AM: (Re)created map 560


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