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Posts posted by tobmaps

  1. This attribute is clearly wrong as "can't reflected", so maybe it is "ignore LoS"...

    i can confirm. For example spell 7720 that is placed in mangosd.conf as spell that should ignore LOS has this flag ;) There also some pet spells 7812 (voidwalker's Sacrifice), 48743 (death pact) - they also has this flag and should ignore LOS (i've already asked about this from offy players - they confirms)

    I'm only not sure about Seed of Corruption explode spell - maybe it should only make you able to cast spell through walls but shouldn't make damage to targets of effects that stays near your victim

    think reflecting should be only checked by spell damage class and by some other generic checks

  2. ...

    This change will not affect at Charge because charge uses PointMovementGenerator instead of Targeted that is changed by this commit.


    Where is this coming from?

    Charge do not use point movement generator, or any movement generator at all. Charge calls MonsterMoveByPath() directly, which in tern forces the destination.

    okay, forget about previous code :)

    Now using MonsterMoveByPath from EffectCharge and this does same result for me - you can easily fall under map if trying to charge enemy that on mountain or even behind

    maybe i will record more video from offy that shows how it works against mountains

  3. Given examples (movies), show only one thing : retail ensure that if succeeded casting charge, it will get you to the destination. I can grantee, this is not done by having 2nd set of maps, but by appending destination to any generated path.

    This is what already happening in our code as well, from the last set of changes https://github.com/faramir118/mangos/commit/6cd0ec8f9a37604d1a74c02ba5d08cbf60adb7cc.

    I haven't had the time to properly test this commit, but feel free reporting the results.

    This change will not affect at Charge because charge uses PointMovementGenerator instead of Targeted that is changed by this commit.

    Now I've tried to change it for charge

           bool forceDest = false;
           // allow charging to cheat while generating paths
               forceDest = true;
           PathInfo path(&unit, i_x, i_y, i_z, false, forceDest);
           PointPath pointPath = path.getFullPath();

    But with this change sometimes you still running around wide mountains :/ In most cases you just runs through mountains and have a big chance to fall under textures :S

  4. Just some interesting facts about pathfinding and charge-pathfinding http://filebeam.com/c5ce986b6e31758ac2c248743ee0a143 (3 of 4 videos captured from official server)

    as you can see Charge effects can even climb at mountains under 90 degrees %) and mobs can even jump from these mountains

    I think we need to change


    to 90 instead of 60 and use it as parameter in path-selecting functions (to determine when we need to use paths generated for 90 degrees)

    It can be implemented?

  5. if no feedback at the forum then someone will start thinking that's all is ok and will try to use this anticheat at populated server, better to warn them about existing of cheat types that aren't detected before they do any questions like "wtf this anticheat isn't working - i have cheaters anyway". I just doesn't said how to find these cheats for public because it will produce more cheaters :S

    PS: yes i have big troubles with english xD hope you understand anything

  6. can you upload "wardend.ico" not in GIT format? when i'm patching my sources i just doesn't create this file,

    so i result i getting this :S

    1>..\\..\\src\\wardend\\wardend.rc(19) : error RC2135 : file not found: wardend.ico

    tried to resolve it by renaming copy of mangosd.ico to wardend.ico xD

    using MSVC 2008 Express and my VC also won't open wardendVC90.sln by clicking on it (just nothing happened when i trying to open it).

    I was did a trick - open VS and then use drag-and-drop method with wardendVC90.sln moving to VC screen xD

    So for now i compiles fine

    ========== Build: 2 succeeded, 0 failed, 6 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========


    tested with WEH and seems it doesn't detects it. and i seems i know why...

    2011-03-30 04:55:21 Starting Warden system...

    2011-03-30 04:55:22 ERROR:Warden Daemon is not reachable, disabling this function

    but both process are running. What can be wrong?

    edit again...

    ok, it happened because i've started mangos and then warden, if i start wanden and then mangos all is ok Oo

    are you sure that it's really tries to reconnect?

  7. Note: Reconnection from mangosd in case wardend crashes is not yet implemented

    this is only one thing that stopping us from using it at populated servers :(

    so let me understand...

    no more speed hack, climb hack, fly hack, teleport hack, dupe item hack, etc?

    I have cheat which not detected by warden.

    anyway it's better to have wow-emu hack protection because any noob can download it and use... sometimes they just use Track function from cheat that can't be detected from server-side

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