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  1. More stuff from me! recent push to new-ai: Implemented Resist combat order -Just 1 order that takes any of the four resist types (fire, frost, nature, shadow) -Works as a secondary order so a shaman can eg. resist and dps or a paladin can tank and resist -For now it only effects shaman totems, I havn't looked at the paladin AI yet Only other class effected will be hunter, the rest(eg. priest) can resist without impacting any other spells The orders are single strings eg: 'resistfire' or 'resistnature' It didn't like spaces It will also tell you that they are resisting 1-4 instead of names, since it uses enums, I don't think this is a large enough issue to bother with. I don't envision it being used much but since they have the capability I figured they should be able to use it if anyone wanted to. If someone's really keen it might even be used to make them wear resist gear, lol As always, I appreciate any feedback on how it works
  2. Hey guys, Just pushed a new shaman AI to new-ai -Enhance and Elemental rotations have been implemented/updated -Shields are now handled slightly differently and will be refreshed in comabt if needed -No progress on weapon buffs or totem stacking yet, still looking for a way to make them work Its got some pretty radical changes, if anyone tests it I'd be interested to know how they perform
  3. Hey guys, Updated shaman AI so they don't iterate through their totems only to end up with nature resistance or something stupid The totems are spec based and are set for now as there is currently no way to tell which totem is active (aura checking doesn't seem to work) Its set so they will only replace their totems if they go out of range (30 yds) or if the totems run out I'll be working on a way to tell if a totem or equivalent buff is active so they can choose totems accordingly As always, testing is appreciated @blueboy I pushed to new-ai(I'm pretty sure) and I think I figured out what was giving you problems, I hadn't set git up correctly lol Should be fine but if you have any issues let me know
  4. Hey guys, I noticed my healbots weren't dispelling, so I went ahead and implemented it! I didn't comment the code yet so i'll post it here and add a few in case anyones interested: The bots will dispel by default(and also with heal orders) but for fights that you might not want auto dispels (Heroic Lich King for example >.>) I added a combat order ORDER_NODISPEL that won't(I hope) dispel This needs heaps of testing so if anyone finds anything wrong with it, or even if they don't I'd appreciate feedback
  5. Hey guys, I just pushed a new method that returns the spec of the bot based on the talent tree with the deepest talent It works based on the talent tiers which was about as good as I could get it to allow for hybrd specs The code works as follows: As you can see the return values are based on dbc so the numbers are annoying (i'm also not sure if they will hold for vanilla/bc) I still think this could be quite useful If anyone finds anything wrong with it please let me know
  6. That does seem to work quite nicely (though it took me a while to realise they had to be on assist to do anything, lol) For me my mage kept evocating at high levels of mana? shouldnt this line if ( EVOCATION > 0 && ai->GetManaPercent() >= 10 && !m_bot->HasSpellCooldown(EVOCATION) ) { ai->CastSpell(EVOCATION); } be less than 10? Its also done again in non combat actions(with a different mana %) Regarding blizzard, it seemed to work fine for me, at least when I manually tell the mage to cast it The only other major thing I had with the mage ai is they don't conjour the appropriate level food/water
  7. I know its giong back a bit but did this ever get fixed? I fixed this rather crudely using a stat comparison where it sets to melee if agility is greater than int (holds for shaman and druid melee specs, at least for wrath) Obviously there are drawbacks with this and it would be easier if it could be spec based Is there a way to get the number of points in a tree? I would like to do something like make it based on the highest so to allow for hybrid specs(as opposed to checking certain spells)
  8. For anyone trying to compile Playerbot for Mangos One, there is a line missing in PlayerbotMgr.cpp that line is: #include "config.h" That should let you compile
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