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Posts posted by trx

  1. Hello again,

    Just an update here; I've found a collection of tools on github.com ( https://github.com/notagain/Tools ) That appears to contain all the tools you need to start diggin around in the WoW files. There are a few dbc tools in there, including dbc2sql 1.0.0 that is able to properly extract dbc files into sql files.

    As I expected, I was missing data and it does appear that all factions have a base reputation value. Now to figure out how to apply for each race. :)

    Also found this: https://mangoszero-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/file-formats/dbc/faction.html

    Which seems to have less columns than the extracted Faction_dbc file (21 vs 57), but that is ok I guess.


  2. Hello all,

    I'm working on a webtool that will eventually be able to migrate characters and accounts between MangosTwo and TrinityCore335, but I first wanted to make a sort of amory page where all the character data is visible (and eventually selectable for migration) similar to ingame view. (see it here: http://jazz-corp.net/wcc/ )

    So far, I can make sense of all the database entries, but Reputation has me stumped. When I lookup a characters reputation ingame, I've found that it is displays a number from 0 to whatever the reputation rank is: 0-3000 to Friendly, 0-6000 to Honored, 0-12000 to Revered and 0-21000 to Exalted. Now, when I lookup the Reputation values in the database, they seem to add up, meaning if theres a value of 4250, the character has 3000 (Friendly) + 1250 = 4250 into Honored. However, this doesn't work for all entries especially going beyond Honored. 

    Another example: a character is Exalted 999 ingame, but the database entry shows 38999. so 3000+6000+12000+21000+999=42999, not 38999?

    It seems as if there's a starting Reputation value for some factions that is not 0, but I can't find those offsets anywhere in the database. I imported a handmade faction_id list to resolve the factionnames from the id's because the dbcdump.exe tool doesn't seem to open Faction.dbc nor FactionTemplate.dbc properly, while it did do so for ItemDisplayInfo.dbc (*.sql versions of those Faction.dbc and FactionTemplate.dbc files would also be greatly appreciated.)

    For migration purpose, I suppose there's no need to convert these values, I just want the 'armory' page to properly display the Reputation rank and its progress value for that rank the same way it is displayed ingame.

    If anyone can shed some light on this, I would greatly appreciate it!


    Regards, trx

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