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Everything posted by bjutmark

  1. Thanks. I want to know which model I should mark as MOD_M2 and which model I should mark as MOD_WORLDSPAWN? What is the different between MOD_M2 and MOD_WORLDSPAWN?
  2. When should we use getHeight on server? Now I know that the server loads heightmap and can calculate the height of any pair of x and y. But I do not know when should I use the function of getHeight. You know that the position, include z, is sent to the server by the client, So I do not know What the function named GetHeight is for. Shall I check whether the z is correct sent by the client every few secends or millisecends? Thank you!
  3. thanks. There is a question I asked and no one has answered. When the player walk accross the fence, Does the server check whether it can cross?It needs intersectRay? And I have a new question here. There is a function named UpdateGroundPositionZ. It is for what? Check the players' z-position? Now my biggest question is that I know intersectRay and intersectPoint is used in GetHeight, GetAeraInfo, GetLocationInfo and maybe other place. Now I want to know where is the other place? I think GetAeraInfo and GetLocationInfo is to check whether the player is indoor.If the player is indoor, then some spells like Mounts are not allowed to use. Am I wrong? And if the player is standing on a box or a building, the function named GetHeight will do intersectRay but not calculate the height only by the heightmap in order to find the real height of the player. Am I wrong? I think Only the heighmaps are not enough. If the monsters are in a buliding, how to calculate their height?
  4. Any information about collision on server in mangos, please tell me. Thanks.
  5. Though there is Warden system against all cheating, BIH, intersectRay, intersectPoint is for what? The server loaded heightmap. It is for what?
  6. 1. Where does Warden exist? client or server? if server, can you show me some class about it? 2. indoor/outdoor and area entry detection is for what?I have so few knowledge about it. Thank you for your help!
  7. In addition. I want to know when to use intersectRay and when to use intersectPoint?
  8. to herhong first, Thank you! 1. I know that Client sends movement packets to server, but i need to know whether the info is correct. I mean that It may be sent by plug-in.The server need to check? 2. When the player walk accross the fence, Does the server check whether it can cross? 3. there is a function named Map::GetAreaInfo, it is for what? whether it check the value of z? If anyone have more information about collision on server, Tell me! Thank you.
  9. Now I'm learning mangos,but I have some trouble. 1. How the server knows the player's height(value z)? 2. There is a function named Map::GetHeight.and I want to know when to use it. 3. The Class of RandomMovementGenerator is for what?
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