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Everything posted by ghoti

  1. <insert some witty remark about searching> OR <insert some other witty remark about it not being out yet> I believe they told you this at trinity too, eh? Ask again though, the answer might change if you ask enough </sarcasm>
  2. I didn't figure it would help, but you never know. Thanks tho I might try it out in the future, just to see - wouldn't hurt to try it out at least
  3. I am somewhat befuzzled as to how this works exactly, but I do have a question: Should/will multithreaded maps increase performance on a single core cpu?
  4. I'm curious, I personally use a headless system too and simply use openssh to get to my server(s), is there an advantage to using vnc? I use openssh on all my machines and have never had troubles, but have heard many people insisting that vnc is the only way to go.
  5. Ubuntu is based off of Debian, not red-hat, and I would recommend it for learning and all that jazz, gentoo is much more powerful, but does have a steep learning curve and can scare a new person away quite quickly. There are server editions (that do not by default include a desktop manager), I would stick with those as they ask you important questions about mysql, apache, etc when installing) If you _must_ use a fancy gui screen for a server (might I recommend learning the terminal? it is harder, yes, but you will learn more and quickly, google will always help) stick with somethign real lightweight (xfce is a good choice). As said before, it's really all on how much you know, and how much you want to learn, stick with it though, any linux can be very rewarding
  6. You are cloning the mangos repo, but not going into the actual folder you cloned into.so it should be: $ git clone git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git (it does its thing) $ cd mangos $ git am <path/to/file/patch.patch> edit; I guess I should read all the replies before going through all that... answered twice
  7. I AM A CREATURE OF HABIT AND I FEAR CHANGE AND/OR LEARNING NEW THINGS! ...sorry :-p I think I posted this at Trinity too, since this has come up there as well.. Firstly, this is a "learning" project. Learning shouldn't be the goal, learning should be a pre-requisite. And then the main point.. The main contributors to the project (read: the devs and those supplying multiple patches) should in no way be catering to us, the leeching users. If they want to use git/svn/somerandomthingnoonehaseverheardof because it is easier or better for them to develop with, then hey(!) maybe they should be allowed too. I wouldn't be so inclined to code for some project if I disliked or couldn't efficiently submit my changes, etc. Migrating to git (in my own opinion) was a smart move, a sign that mangos and co is evolving. If you don't feel like evolving with the project, well... there are other WoW servers that still use svn (I don't say much, but whew...)
  8. You are absolutely correct, i forgot to write a step. Yes, git fetch rebase impconfig/impconfig is the same as git rebase impconfig impconfig - either works Should have been: git fetch origin git fetch impconfig (download latest of each, but not apply yet) [b]git rebase origin (to apply the latest mangos commits) [/b] git rebase impconfig/impconfig (this will start at impconfig's latest commit, then apply the latest mangos commits [again], then apply the scriptdev patch) configure, compile, install, ??, profit again? (lol again) Just like you said, it's important to not forget a step :-p
  9. I don't know if it is really related, but this is how I do it (with the impconfig settings): git clone <mangos git url> (clone mangos) git am src/binding/scriptdev2/patch/<the latest patch> (apply scriptdev2 patch) git remote add impconfig <impconfig's git url> (add impconfig fork) git fetch impconfig/impconfig (download, but not apply impconfig) git merge impconfig/impconfig (merge latest impconfig with mangos) configure, compile, install, ??, profit? (lol) to update: git fetch origin git fetch impconfig (download latest of each, but not apply yet) git rebase impconfig/impconfig (this will start at impconfig's latest commit, then apply the latest mangos commits, then apply the scriptdev patch) configure, compile, install, ??, profit again? (lol again) I like git, been using it for a long time (Wine, linux kernel, etc) This is useful if you follow the "interesting git branches" thread or have patches that you use (like scriptdev, etc) It _should_ show you when conflicts arise too, like when the scriptdev guys use a new patch etc. I believe git-diff will show you the problem areas in this case, don't quote me on that, i don't remember exactly right off
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