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  1. hm new is good, but it would be great you will update mmaps, i dont think what in the core patch related part would be any changes in nearest time. senk.
  2. can you tell me how much it supports per process?
  3. I vote multi processing because on windows64 you can use only 4gb per process:), but only multi threading or multi processing why not to start code that will implement multi threading and multi processing .
  4. Hello, browsing the code dubugcmds.cpp i found something strange: bool ChatHandler::HandleSendQuestPartyMsgCommand(const char* args) { uint32 msg = atol((char*)args); if (msg >= 0) m_session->GetPlayer()->SendPushToPartyResponse(m_session->GetPlayer(), msg); return true; } bool ChatHandler::HandleSendQuestInvalidMsgCommand(const char* args) { uint32 msg = atol((char*)args); if (msg >= 0) m_session->GetPlayer()->SendCanTakeQuestResponse(msg); return true; } As you know, uint can take only not negative values, so check if it positive is meanless :huh: Or i missing something. same in SocketHandler.cpp void SocketHandler::Get(SOCKET s,bool& r,bool& w,bool& e) { if (s >= 0) { r = FD_ISSET(s, &m_rfds) ? true : false; w = FD_ISSET(s, &m_wfds) ? true : false; e = FD_ISSET(s, &m_efds) ? true : false; } } void SocketHandler::Set(SOCKET s,bool bRead,bool bWrite,bool bException) { DEB( fprintf(stderr, "Set(%d, %s, %s, %s)\\n", s, bRead ? "true" : "false", bWrite ? "true" : "false", bException ? "true" : "false") if (s >= 0) { if (bRead) { if (!FD_ISSET(s, &m_rfds)) { FD_SET(s, &m_rfds); } } else { FD_CLR(s, &m_rfds); } if (bWrite) { if (!FD_ISSET(s, &m_wfds)) { FD_SET(s, &m_wfds); } } else { FD_CLR(s, &m_wfds); } if (bException) { if (!FD_ISSET(s, &m_efds)) { FD_SET(s, &m_efds); } } else { FD_CLR(s, &m_efds); } } } SOCKET s is uint, meanless to check again if (s>=0).
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