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Posts posted by sjizzle

  1. Rendevous point would maybe be a good temp solution, but you have to code it well ( which is maybe harder then it seems ) else they still get out of sync ( there're for example timers creatures have to wait at one point before moving to another but this won't do the trick ).

    But anyway the problem is related to the follow system in my opinion. This isn't smooth, you can't create creature formations in a nice and smooth way, which almost every dungeon and raid contains ( patrols ). This can't be done using waypoint because they will get out of sync when you're waitin some minutes.

    In my opinion a really big issue of MaNGOS because other cores 2/3 years ago already had this feature.

  2. Hello,

    Gnomisch Battle Chicken isn't working.

    Can someone help me fix this.


    In SpellEffect.cpp there is a dummy spell for the spell:

    [== C++ ==]
    case 23133:                                 // Gnomish Battle Chicken
    if (!m_CastItem)
    m_caster->CastSpell(m_caster, 13166, true, m_CastItem);

    This makes the caster cast spell 13166. However that spell isn't doing anything ( only a effect ).

    This spell Battle Chicken, has effect summon. However it doesn't do anything..

    I found the spell has:


    However when I use debug logs on this effect it seems the spell isn't coming that there..

    Someone knows where to look from here ? ( I'm using MaNGOS Zero )

  3. I read:

    ==== Features in development ====

    * Mmaps

    * Warden system

    * Rewrite MovementHandling, especially due to limitations of MotionMaster

    Who is workin on: * Rewrite MovementHandling, especially due to limitations of MotionMaster

    And how is progression? I would love to help him/her if possible.

  4. Added a bug that I discovered last night to the bottom of my list. It seems as though turning in the Echeyakee quest in Crossroads results in random spells being applied to players. My girlfriend and friend got one with a guy's picture, but each functioned differently, and my shaman got "Sapta Sight". We were all supposed to get "Echeyakee's Grace".


    Yes, I mined the deposits two or three times. Either way, when it was orange you got a skill point every time you mined successfully in the official WoW. Not randomly. Also adding a bug I just thought of where when you mine or do another skill such as skinning, it insta-fails instead of going through the progress, then failing like on official.

    Well if it's a quest reward ( something you get by turning in the quest ) then you should look in the database.. Find the quest entry and look at the corresponding quest rewards.

  5. Hello guys,

    // Not in combat or they have regeneration

    if( !isInCombat() || HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_REGEN_DURING_COMBAT) ||

    HasAuraType(SPELL_AURA_MOD_HEALTH_REGEN_IN_COMBAT) || IsPolymorphed() )

    In this code I saw 2 aura types:



    I have a question about these types.

    When are these applied? because it seems not all my characters have these auras resulting in some problems.

  6. Indeed, movementHandling is a big issue I think within MaNGOS. If that can be rewritten, it has a MAJOR effort. Other cores already have it.

    This will be great for Creature formations in ALL dungeons and RAIDS which is a BIG improvement in my opinion because alot of gamers are mainly doin raids/dungeons/battlegrounds. All these are way more improved with creature formation/ better MovementHandling.

  7. Hello

    I have a question:

    in bool Unit::AddSpellAuraHolder(SpellAuraHolder *holder)

    When a check returns False, this is always used:

    delete holder;

    return false;

    Why is delete holder always used with a return false? What is the purpose of this?

  8. Hm not what I searched for.

    So again, what I search for is WHERE the spell like sunder armour gets stuck stacking when different caster comes in. I am new but someone who works with it longer or maybe took part writing the code should know something.

  9. What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    Uhm, I think the chance is minor however, when I was looking to GameObject::Use is noticed a missing check maybe.

    For which repository revision was the patch created?


    Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.


    Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.




  10. Hello guys,

    There are some spells that are allowed to stack ( sunder armour ) is probably the most fimiliar example. It does stack. However, when someone else( different caster) casts a spell like ( sunder armour ) sunder armour is replaced by a new one. Causing stack counts resetted.

    Anyone know how and where to solve this? I tried somethings in IsNoStackSpellDueToSpell but think this is not the right place.


  11. To stay on topic, I had some time last week and looked into the follow system and such. However I have to dissapoint you guys, I'm really motivated to learn but so far I didn't made any progress ( I am new to C++ and to MaNGOS ) and this is in my opinion quite a hard issue. Maybe someone who want to help share his ideas/code on this one so we can share thoughts. Dunno is someone is working on this atm or willing to ?

  12. When someone is polymorphed he walks to a point ( random ) when reached he faces to the player and then walks to new point.

    This is happening over and over again until polymorph is finished.

    I commented all:




    It still happens, where can this also be done cause it looks ugly and not like it is supposed to.

  13. I was in quite a rush so let me explain it in futher detail.

    If creatures use the getmotionmaster()->MoveFollow() or something to follow other creatures, then the follow system isn't working smooth ( Looks like the the coordinates of the one they are following aren't updated often enough ).

    I am not as good as other devs and I only do it for learning experience.

    I was looking at pets, pets also follow though they follow players not creatures. However their follow is smooth.

    So I was thinking, can't we look at the way pets follow and implement that system for the "not" working follow ( in the above described cases )?

    AND would it be hard to write that to the current movefollow for creatures ?

    I would love to hear a opinion from a more experienced MaNGOS Dev. Also when this is a bad idea, I learn from it when it is explained why it is bad, and what other and better posibilities are there.

    This way I maybe can do some coding and post it here.

    In the roadmap posted earlier on the forums I saw someone was improving the mangos follow system for creatures, I want to help with this.

    Those devs do have more information, so I hope to get a response from them.

  14. Is there anyone that can help me find / solve problems with creatures aggro through walls and floors ?

    For example in blackrockspire mobs from LBRS can be pulled while in UBRS, or thrash can be pulled trhough walls though they are in a other room.

    Where are these problems coming from and does someone know where and how they can be solved?

    Thanks in advance

  15. When Creatures cast Charge on a random player except the Tank, the random player is hit but the creature doesn't Visually charge the player..

    Is there some work arround for this or can this be solved ?

    I tried the SetCombatMovement(false) ,MonsterMoveWithSpeed ( but doesn't work correctly ).

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