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Posts posted by angeleyes

  1. Mangos Version: 11928

    Custom Patches: -

    SD2 Version: 2484

    Database Name and Version : UDB 403

    How it SHOULD work: Heroic dungeons in Northrend should only be accessible at level 80 (examples are: Violet hold, Azjol'Nerub, Utgarde Keep, Utgarde Pinnacle)

    How it DOES work: Dungeons of Northrend on heroic mode, can be entered at the levelrequirement for normal mode.

    - Violet Hold -> level 70

    - Utgarde keep -> level 68

    - Utgarde pinnacle -> level 75

    - Azjol'Nerub -> level 67

    These are just random examples, but I think this goes for all Northrend heroic dungeons.

  2. According to some comments I googled, this is not a bug but a fix :)

    From wowhead comments (3.2.2)

    It's pretty difficult to make a short tooltip that correctly describes the functionality of this gem There are two sides of it: For META requirements: one nightmare tear will count as 3 gems (1 red and 1 blue and 1 yellow) For socket bonuses: one nightmare tear will count as 1 gem (1 red or 1 blue or 1 yellow)

    From wowpedia

    A prismatic gem on your gear counts for all meta gem color requirements. One [Nightmare Tear], for example, is enough to activate your [Destructive Skyflare Diamond].

  3. I recently bumped into the same problem using UDB 403.

    I've searched all the tables in the database, but there is no table where I can possibly fix this.

    So I think it might be a mangos problem.

    The problem probably is due to the 'Unarmed' skill. I tested wearing a fist weapon on a DK and a paladin and both can wear it when both should not be able to wear it.

    It could be, as stated above, that unarmed means you can wear fist weapon, but I don't beleive that because:

    a) why is 'fist weapon' written in red

    b) why, according to below (just a few) sources, DK cannot wear fist weapon on bl!zz servers

    some forum post

    old wowhead


    edit: did some more testing, when hitting with a fist weapon equiped and not max skilled, you improve your unarmed skill. so it realy is related to unarmed on mangos+udb/ytdb but it should not according to the above mentioned sources

  4. Mangos Version: 11840

    Custom Patches: -

    SD2 Version: 2326

    Database Name and Version : UDB 403

    How it SHOULD work: Spell 52956 (Prophet of Akali Convocation) should summon 29028 (Prophet of Akali) when you are standing at 191123 (Convocation summoning circle)

    How it DOES work: When you are outside the circle it says it needs the circle (which is correct), but when you are at the circle it says 'invalid target'. So it seems it does know that you are standing in the circle but somehow it still does not want to summon.

  5. dungeons in the dungeon finder can be skipped by changing the leader and then join again.

    tip: make sure this is not possible as with using this 'feature' the goal of the random dungeon finder is gone, namely playing different dungeons every time. People now can still choose which dungeon they play and still get the bonus of 2 eof (or 2 eot if the used the rdf already that day).

  6. Yes, on our server to, but related to random dungeon finder we think. Or maybe it's the same problem in both BG and RDF?

    Problem with RDF: you join an RDF waiting for the teleport to a dungeon, than when you are on a taxi and at that moment the teleport occurs, you're bugged as described above.

  7. I would love to, but unfortunately, between my job and my study at university there is only a small amount of free time left (if any) which I spend on fixing the bugs on our server on the database. I do know a lot about SQL, but C++ is just not something I have the time or the energy for to learn from scratch.

    I hope to contribute by sometimes pointing out the things missing in Mangos that are in my eyes badly needed.

    Hope you understand the situation. I do understand that the people that do development at Mangos have time restraints as well and I always think your private and professional (or student) life should come before working on Mangos.

  8. I have a question: how can you spawn an npc on a moving object? For example on the zeppelin's in icecrown and on the ghostship Sister Mercy in Howling Fjord.

    When you spawn NPCs here, as soon as the object starts to move they stay behind and thus fall off. Any ideas?

    I've already asked @ UDB forum and was told that it's not supported by Mangos yet. Someone working on it? Especially in Icecrown you miss a lot of NPC's and thus quests because they cannot be spawned on the zeppelin's.

  9. I've asked around some more, here are my findings:

    On wowhead they come to the following conclusions.

    Wowhead: on 3.3.3 live servers the 4p bonus causes BOTH your lava burst to extend flame shock duration and causes it to tick at least two more times."

    We: The Flame Shock duration becomes longer (propably 6 seconds) AND 2 ticks are added.

    Wowhead: "The reason the wording is so strange is simply because it adds as many ticks as can fit within 6 seconds of ticking. If your haste lowers the tick time down to 2 seconds, it will add 3 ticks. If your haste lowers the tick time down to 1.5 seconds, it will add 4 ticks. If you have no haste at all, it will add 2 ticks. Thus, "at least two ticks"."

    We: So the Flame Shock duration becomes 6 seconds longer and in those 6 seconds Flame shock ticks 2 times if you have 0 haste, but it can tick more often. That's why it says "at least two ticks".

    Wowhead: "So I may just be an idiot, but at first, I though that this meant your lava burst would squeeze in an extra two ticks into your haste-affected flame shock duration. I was surprised when it increased the duration of my flame shock for the duration of to extra ticks."

    Wowhead: "Clearly this 4p bonus wasn't intended for use with 4.0.1 talents. I had my flame shock dot with 2 minutes left because of all the extra LvBs I get to throw with the new Lava Surge talent."

    Trouble is, the "at least two additional" is a bit vague. What it is really saying, is that your Flame Shock will be increased by two more ticks before it expires. This does not take into account other modifiers, such as Haste. The higher your haste and other modifiers, the more damage ticks can fit within the 6-second duration.

    According to wowhead haste needs to be added to the formula.

    I have no idea where your player got the idea it was supposed to add 6 seconds to the duration time, unless Cataclysm put such changes in place, because that is not how it works in 3.3.5a.

    So how do you thinks it should work in 3.3.5a then?

    Results of testing it on our 3.3.5 server:

    Troll Shaman with 4p T10, 294 Haste, no Talents.

    Flame Shock DoT lasts for 16.48 seconds according to the tooltip. Should be correct.

    Flame Shock DoT ticks 6x in those 16.48 seconds.

    Lava Burst on Flame Shocked Target has no effect to the Flame Shock: duration is not longer and Flame Shock keeps ticking 6x.

    Hope it helps, if not let me know, we'll investigate some more.

  10. I'll ask my friend @ retail, I don't play retail myself. Thanks for follow up.

    Just asked and my friend told me that at Cata there is no weaponsskill anymore.

    Or did I understand you wrong?

    Please elaborate.

    He tells me he can take a level 50 wpn, or test with a level 60 alt.

  11. I previously posted this info incorrectly at the " ... under review [Patch] Glancing Blows [1.12]" post.

    However my problem with glancing blow is not with 1.12 but with 3.3.5.

    Mangos Version: 12792

    Custom Patches: -

    SD2 Version: 2279

    Database Name and Version : udb 402

    How it SHOULD work: Glancing Blows should only appear 25% of the time

    How it DOES work: Glancing Blows appear 40% of the time

    At 3.3.5 there should be 25% of glancing blows, but there is 40% of glancing blows (which is an older value, so for 1.12 this is correct, but not for 3.3.5)

    The code as it is incorporated in Mangos (3.3.5) is as follows:

    // Max 40% chance to score a glancing blow against mobs that are higher level (can do only players and pets and not with ranged weapon)

    if ( attType != RANGED_ATTACK &&

    (GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER || ((Creature*)this)->IsPet()) &&

    pVictim->GetTypeId() != TYPEID_PLAYER && !((Creature*)pVictim)->IsPet() &&

    getLevel() < pVictim->GetLevelForTarget(this) )


    // cap possible value (with bonuses > max skill)

    int32 skill = attackerWeaponSkill;

    int32 maxskill = attackerMaxSkillValueForLevel;

    skill = (skill > maxskill) ? maxskill : skill;

    tmp = (10 + 2*(victimDefenseSkill - skill)) * 100;

    tmp = tmp > 4000 ? 4000 : tmp;

    if (roll < (sum += tmp))


    DEBUG_FILTER_LOG(LOG_FILTER_COMBAT, "RollMeleeOutcomeAgainst: GLANCING <%d, %d)",

    sum-4000, sum);




    So according to this code glancing can be 40% maximum.

    However according to http://www.wowwiki.com/Glancing_blow#Gl … low_chance it should only be 24% as of patch 3.0

    Now I've had some friends wacking on dummies both on bl!zz and on our own mangos server and the results are that the friend on Bl!zz never had more than 24% glancing blows while the friend on our own mangos server had 40% glancing blows. I assume the formula used should be changed to:

    tmp = (10 + (victimDefenseSkill - skill)) * 100;

    which is also what is mentioned by http://www.wowwiki.com/Glancing_blow#Gl … low_chance at the post 2.1 comment.

    victimDefenseSkill for a raidboss is: 83*5 = 415

    skill is: 400

    So in the current formula you'll get:

    tmp = (10 + 2*(415 - 400)) * 100 = 4000

    Where it should be:

    tmp = (10 + (415-400)) * 100 = 2500

    Results from testing on our mangos 3.3.5 server:

    15001 Melee hits: 100%

    6011 Glancing blows: 40.1%

    3842 Hits: 25.6%

    3412 Crits: 22.7%

    1736 Misses: 11.6%


    And the results from Bl!zz



  12. welcome back. I don't know if it has your attention already, but some dungeons will not give the reward for using rdf. This is caused by the fact that those dungeons have 1 or more bosses not spawned or bugged.

    Some examples are: violet hold, utgarde pinnacle, nexus, ahn'kahet.

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