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Everything posted by Jub

  1. I still have those errors, can't get through with several temptatives. Does anyone can please help me point out what I did wrong ?
  2. The path is : C:\\Mangos\\src\\bindings\\ScriptDev2\\ Is it correct ?
  3. Much more efficient since I found the 2008 release of Visual C++ ! But there are errors when compiling. As the tutorial said, I tried to clean and restart the compile, but nothing get better. Shall this affect the error I have on Scriptdev2 : I can't find this mangosd.lib in Mangos directory, where is it supposed to be ? The file is too big to be quoted here, but I think it is the only error reported.
  4. I've deleted everything, downloaded again each file to be sure of them, and I'm trying again this evening. Thanks for your help !
  5. And by the way : you can't know how warm it is not to feel alone in this C++ mysterious world...
  6. I tried to select Release Mode, something had changed (it takes much more time to finish), but the end is the same : failed. There are a lot of errors like this one : 1>..\\base\\escort_ai.cpp(344): error C2039: 'HasSplineFlag' : is not a member of 'Creature' 1> c:\\mangos\\src\\game\\Creature.h(452) : see declaration of 'Creature' or this one : 1>..\\ScriptMgr.cpp(103): error C2065: 'barGoLink' : undeclared identifier 1>..\\ScriptMgr.cpp(103): error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'bar' 1>..\\ScriptMgr.cpp(103): error C3861: 'bar': identifier not found 1>..\\ScriptMgr.cpp(104): error C2065: 'bar' : undeclared identifier 1>..\\ScriptMgr.cpp(104): error C2228: left of '.step' must have class/struct/union 1> type is ''unknown-type'' I'm trying to find a 2008 version, it's too hard to find the right ways in the new one, and I can't understand where my errors come from.
  7. * mangos was compiled first * both are in win32 release * BUT when I double-click on the sln files, nothing happens... I thought it was another "new thing" of my 2010 release, so I opened them with File / Open / File... (in Visual C++ 2010 Express) I'll try to be sure to be in release mode, not debug. Thanks for your help, you both !
  8. I think I could pass this one, but while trying : I had this error message (I tried to translate, because original is in french) : 1>------ Build started: Project: ScriptDev2, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------ 1> Extracting revision 1> '"C:\\Mangos\\src\\bindings\\ScriptDev2\\..\\..\\..\\win\\VC100\\genrevision__Win32_Debug\\genrevision.exe"' is not recognize as an internal or external 1> command, executable programm or command file. 1>C:\\Program Files\\MSBuild\\Microsoft.Cpp\\v4.0\\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(151,5): error MSB6006: "cmd.exe" exited with code 9009. ========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ========== The first part, with mangosdvc100, seems to have succeded. A lot of things have changed in C++ 2010 Express, it takes a lot of time to find them at another place (it is the case for example to verify the win32 release, that is know in "properties" and then you choose in a rolling list just after "Configuration"). Any finger to point the way for me ? Thank you very much !
  9. Thank you very much (there was an help with "?" but the link didn't sent to an answer...). I'll check tomorrow ! I don't speak english fluently so sometimes I miss important informations...
  10. Hi everyone, There's a problem with Visual C++ 2010 Express, I can't apply that : Because there is no VC++ Directories in the new release (image available here). Can someone indicate me how to go ahead ? Or, like Schmoo said, is it possible to jump to part 8 without doing nothing ? Thank you for your help.
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