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  1. I compiled successfully with 6494, no problems with merging.
  2. I've tested the quests: Hellfire Fortifications (Alliance), In Defense of Halaa, Spirits of Auchindoun (Alliance). The first two quests work. Spirits of Auchinodoun should be fixed, you can finish it without completing the objectives. I think these are all the daily quests for outdoor pvp.
  3. Here is a fix for the fire bomb: <div class='sqltop'>SQL</div><div class='sqlmain'>insert into `eventai_scripts`(`id`,`creature_id`,`event_type`,`event_inverse_phase_mask`,`event_chance`, `event_flags`,`event_param1`,`event_param2`,`event_param3`,`event_param4`,`action1_type`,`action1_param1` ,`action1_param2`,`action1_param3`,`action2_type`,`action2_param1`,`action2_param2`,`action2_param3`, `action3_type`,`action3_param1`,`action3_param2`,`action3_param3`,`comment`) values (1822501,18225,11,0,100,0,0,0,0,0,11,31961,0,4,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Fire Bomb Target cast Fire Bomb on Spawn'), (1822502,18225,0,100,5000,0,5000,0,0,0,37,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Fire Bomb Target Despawn'); </div> I've tested and it works.
  4. Attanar, Arena works fine, haven't seen any change. However I haven't tested .flusharenapoints.
  5. Finally finished testing Everything works fine, except one thing. In Haala, when you take the wyvern to drop bombs, the bombs do not deal damage. Instead of exploding it summons an infernal. The server doesn't crash after completing a opvp objective, but it also doesn't show any message. It just applies the +5% dmg aura and that's all. Hellfire, Terokkar Forest and Zangarmarsh outdoor PvP work just perfect, if you update the database with the necessary sqls. The only problem is that the Fire Bomb does not deal damage. And by the way, if you do not use all 10 bombs in one flight, they remain in your bag, and you can use them further. But again with no dmg. , Here are the sql files: http://filebeam.com/8f5d4a5b818cdd31b0e9f61ea6283eb4 Big Thanks to w12x for creating the patch, and to Domingo for updating it. P.S. This patch is compatible with Arena Patch. I had no errors patching or compiling it.
  6. Downloading and testing immediately. Hope it wont give errors when patching or compiling. Thx a lot for your work.
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