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Posts posted by balrok

  1. ok i've pushed a new bg_commands version (you maybe have to pull -f, cause i recreateded this branch)

    changes are:

    .debug bg/arena is now .bg debg and .bg debugarena

    .bg create is available (look in the log for syntax)

    .bg join

    shiftlinks for battlegrounds

    cause i'm not at home yet, i couldn't test it - at least it compiles ;)

  2. * What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    the feature to display bg-instanceids with lower values

    * For which repository revision was the patch created?


    * Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.

    i don't think so..

    * Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.


    i've written a patch that the battlegroundinstance-ids, which are displayed to the clients aren't so high anymore (this is the behaviour from the retail server)

    those ids are unique for each battleground and they should be kept as low as possible (if i remember correctly)

    so if bg_wsg 1,3,4 exists and a new wsg will be created, this will get the id=2

    those clientvisible-ids don't have any other use then that - and i don't think it's worth the effort to rewrite the whole instance-system, to support this..

    also in this patch, i fixed a packet where instance-id should be sent, but was marked as unknown


    i tested it on my server, but could just create one instance for each bg - the only problem i could see with this patch is in the createclientvisibleinstanceid function - i'm not sure if my idea how to find the lowest id is ok, but as i could read in the documentation of std::set it should be ok in this way..

    giturl: git://github.com/balrok/mangos.git

    branch: bg_instance

    patchdownload from:


    bg_instance.patch is for master

    and bg_instanceid-0.12.patch is for mangos-0.12


    the next days i think i won't have internet, so i can't answer you so fast..

  3. through the latest changes, i don't have to cleanup so much code for this branch, so i've rewritten it, so that it applies to the newes mangos-version

    the new branch is called generic_queue_id @ git://github.com/balrok/mangos.git

    (i have some similar sounding branches, but they are wrong)

    again the problem is the same like in my first post described..

    my codechanges are mostly getting somehow bgtypeid to call the function with this..

    this also worked without any problems in every case, except the "battlegroundqueue::removeplayer" function.. where i have to remove some code, which doesn't work anymore..

    i haven't tested it yet, but i guess it works :)

    ps: also all patches from above are now wrong and can be ignored..

    edit: http://github.com/balrok/mangos/commits/generic_queue_id

  4. i've written a patch wich adds 3 commands for battlegrounds..

    they are:

    bg update
       Syntax: .bg update Seconds\\r\\n\\r\\nThe current battleground where
       you are in, gets an "BattleGround::Update"-call with x-seconds as diff
       specified.. so a .bg update 120 at the beginning, will let your bg instantly
    bg end
       Syntax .bg end Winner\\r\\n\\r\\nThe current battleground where you are
       in, gets ended with a Winner specified by you: Winnner=0->Horde,
    bg list
       Syntax .bg list\\r\\n\\r\\nLists all current open Battlegrounds and
       arenas - with some information about them

    if someone has other (reasonable) ideas for battleground-commands, please post them here - actually i have no idea what can be helpfull too..

    the patch can be found in:


    in branch bg_commands

    or at:


    this patch works for mangos-0.12 and master.. there are just some mergeconflicts with -0.12 but easy to solve..

  5. diff --git a/sql/mangos.sql b/sql/mangos.sql
    index 75158b5..97940a0 100644
    --- a/sql/mangos.sql
    +++ b/sql/mangos.sql
    @@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ INSERT INTO `command` VALUES
    ('gobject turn',2,'Syntax: .gobject turn #goguid \\r\\n\\r\\nSet for gameobject #goguid orientation same as current character orientation.'),
    ('gobject target',2,'Syntax: .gobject target [#go_id|#go_name_part]\\r\\n\\r\\nLocate and show position nearest gameobject. If #go_id or #go_name_part provide then locate and show position of nearest gameobject with gameobject template id #go_id or name included #go_name_part as part.'),
    ('goname',1,'Syntax: .goname $charactername\\r\\n\\r\\nTeleport to the given character. Either specify the character name or click on the character\\'s portrait, e.g. when you are in a group.'),
    -('gps',1,'Syntax: .gps [$name|$shift-link]\\r\\n\\r\\nDisplay the position information for a selected character or creature (also if player name $name provided then for named player, or if creature/gameobject shift-link provided then pointed creature/gameobject if it loaded). Position information includes X, Y, Z, and orientation, map Id and zone Id');
    +('gps',1,'Syntax: .gps [$name|$shift-link]\\r\\n\\r\\nDisplay the position information for a selected character or creature (also if player name $name provided then for named player, or if creature/gameobject shift-link provided then pointed creature/gameobject if it loaded). Position information includes X, Y, Z, and orientation, map Id and zone Id'),
    ('groupgo',1,'Syntax: .groupgo $charactername\\r\\n\\r\\nTeleport the given character and his group to you.'),
    ('guid',2,'Syntax: .guid\\r\\n\\r\\nDisplay the GUID for the selected character.'),
    ('guild create',2,'Syntax: .guild create $GuildLeaderName $GuildName\\r\\n\\r\\nCreate a guild named $GuildName with the player $GuildLeaderName as leader.'),

    the typo is, that there is a ";" instead of a ","

    in master i haven't found this

  6. making gm-commands is pretty easy, cause you can look at already existing ones and steal their code ;)

    add to chat.cpp a line:

    { "restore", SEC_PLAYER, false, &ChatHandler::HandleRestoreCommand, "", NULL },

    .restore can now be used with security-level player false means can't be executed in console

    and the &Chathandler:handle.. is our functionname

    add to chat.h a line

    bool HandleRestoreCommand(const char* args);

    ok now i'm not very sure, i think Level#Number.cpp is for every security level

    so #Number=0 is for sec_player

    #Numer=1 moderator

    and 2=admin

    if my assumption is right, add to


    bool ChatHandler::HandleRestoreCommand(const char* args)


    Player* pl = m_session->GetPlayer();




    now you should look at other commands how they get the variables and how they handle it

    so you have m_session with which you can get the player who is executing the command and also it's possible to parse some args (like .restore 10 - that you can read the 10 from the command) but this is again something you need to cheat from other commands

    if you want to create an errormessage, i think you have to add your errormessage-id to language.h and add an entry in the language-table

    if you want documentation about your command add an entry in the commands table

  7. like the topic said, this patch should implement displaying the average waiting time for battlegrounds (if you move with your mouse over the symbol you got after queuing to a bg, it should display a time, if a time is calculatable)

    also i tried to implement, that the time, how long a bg is running should be displayed in pvp-statistics-screen, but this didn't work yet (the packet is now sent right, but i think, the client expects it in another order)

    cause my computer has problems again, it would be nice if someone can test the patch..

    the patch can be found in my gitrepo:


    in branch


    and should work with master and mangos-0.12 (but i only made a compile-test with master)

    ps: maybe someone has a good idea how to calculate the average waiting time currently it's done this way:

    loop through all queued players count them for each faction and accumulate the waiting time to waiting_time_alliance and waiting_time_horde

    then look, which team has the fewest members - at 0 return unknown_waittime

    at all other values return waiting_time_[faction]/playercount[faction]

    if someone has a better idea, or even know how this is done on official, i'm open for discussion

  8. if the tutorial is realy saved per account, i think this name makes it much more clear.. on the other hand, it at least doesn't confuse anyone

    about the patch: i greped the code for all characters_tutorial occurences and they get all changed through the patch..

    but in playerdump.h the line "account_tutorial" doesn't need to be added, cause it isn't in the DTT_CHAR_TABLE (i think someone forgot to remove this comment some day)

  9. for alterac valley i used sniffitzt for battleground-sounds

    as gm you can do .debug sound #id and then try the sound again if your're unsure..

    also an idea is, you look for the right dbcs.. and hope they have some information about the sounds in it.. (maybe you can find out it's somehow connected to wdb - this will be cool)

  10. ok, this time it reaches the src/game dir (don't know what the previous problem was, maybe i had a dirty working-dir :/)

    but i still had to uncomment all "dirent"-includes (i think this cmake-files doesn't call the ace/configure-linux-generic script)

    now it goes until:

    [ 71%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/mangosgame.dir/src/game/Level0.o

    /home/mangos/mangos/mangos/src/game/Level0.cpp:31:26: error: SystemConfig.h: No such file or directory

    /home/mangos/mangos/mangos/src/game/Level0.cpp:32:22: error: revision.h: No such file or directory

    also i haven't found revision.h in the cmakelist, and don't know how this can be fixed, cause this file seems to be virtual created by a makefile

  11. hello, i've writte a gm-command which allows to enter a battleground with just one player (if minplayers in battleground_template is set to 1)

    to use it, enter ".debug bg" - this command is great for testing battlegrounds, so you don't have to start 2 clients for it..

    i post it here, cause i don't think this gets added, and maybe someone wants to rewrite it, or just use it

    patch can be found here: http://mangos-files.eu/patches/bg_test.patch

    todo: set minplayers to 1 even if not specified in bg_template

    add mysql-entry for gm command

    maybe merge it with .debug arena (but it seems, that current .debug arena has some bugs)

  12. Description:

    .goname and .namego currently doesn't work if one player is in a battleground

    - i made them work again








    i don't know the real reason, why this wasn't allowed before my change, but after some tests with this patch, my server hadn't crashed at all..

  13. if you do git log you can search it when you type a dash / and your searchwords

    for example arena implementation, type /arena after you opened git log

    for the next result you have to typ "n" for the previous "N" - but the search is case-sensitive, i dont know, where you can change it..

    but, if sha-hashes should go to the changelog have other peoples to decide, i just tell you how to workaround this..

  14. description:

    in arathi basin, if you die, you get teleported to the next grave, which your team owns - if an enemy player captures the node, where some people waiting for ressurection, they should all get teleported to the next grave..

    currently there is a bug, that sometimes players won't get teleported away

    - this patch should fix it, i think there was just a typo in this code..




    view: http://mangos-files.eu/patches/?file=ab_ghostlist.patch

    download: http://mangos-files.eu/patches/ab_ghostlist.patch

    i haven't tested it, cause this doing alone isn't so easy - but as far as i understand the code, this maybe was the problem..

    also i have a question, if you prefer, that i upload it to git or as patchfile?

    edit: if this gets accpted, its also a bug in mangos-0.12

  15. * What bug does the patch fix? What features does the patch add?

    it doesnt call std::find before erase, cause erase also accepts a key

    * For which repository revision was the patch created?


    * Is there a thread in the bug report section or at lighthouse? If yes, please add a link to the thread.


    * Who has been writing this patch? Please include either forum user names or email addresses.


    patch can be downloaded here: http://mangos-files.eu/patches/std_erase.patch

    and viewed here: http://mangos-files.eu/patches/?file=std_erase.patch

    this is mostly for better readablity - through shorter codet

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