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Posts posted by blackbahamut

  1. hi friends I don't know where I must post this bug. I don't know if is a DB problem,or MaNGoS bug.

    how it's work.

    http://www.wowhead.com/item=45022 Horde

    http://es.wowhead.com/item=44998 alliance

    if you buy http://www.wowhead.com/item=47541 your item=45022/item 44998 your pet learns to ride a mount. while are mounted,You've got te posibility to your pet be a banquer,repair or vendor for 3 mins,but 4 hours CD to use another time.

    you learn item:47541 your item:45022/44998 doesen't ride and item 47541 doesen't do nothing,and disappea. and NPC can't repair,bank or vendor.

    thanks to read it :)

  2. there are a little bug from any skills what are generating a LOL agro,for example: http://www.wowhead.com/spell=586 IF you have boss agro,and you use this,are working,but when effect is finished,when debuff expires,you win all agro,for example:

    tank are tanking a boss and boss Summon a add,you have Agro 0 with boss,and you attack to add,andyouuse this,when effect is finalized,you have agro 100% from boss, and add,if you're un world and are 6 people fighting withmobs,and you're fighting with a mob,you win all agro from all players fighting in a zone :S if you use http://es.wowhead.com/spell=58984 the same,you win agro from battles what you're not involved :S

    P.D too are skills what doesen't generate agro,but they generate a gran cuantity of agro,for example spell=48078 or any talents for example this talent 33202

  3. with a quickly arm for tank. they activate 7 times for minute, with a slowly arm 3,2 seconds it's 35-40% chance to activate in every melee's hit, with a quickly arm 1,8-2,5 seconds the posibiliity down how to ibex 35 in this last cuadrimetre of crisis.

    sorry my english is bad I'll found it in blizzard spanish forums.

    thanks to read it,my english is bad

    P.S in trinity core is working fine,with a proc

  4. Mangos Version: 10224

    Custom Patches: SD2 and UDB

    Database Name and Version : UDB 391

    how it works: 53408 and 20271 it's not a proc

    How it SHOULD work: 53408 and 20271 SHOULD must be a low proc

    with this bug ,DPS supper heal in healing, and heal is not needed :S

    thanks to read it

  5. hi to all,

    Mangos Version: 9979

    Custom Patches: SD2 UDB

    SD2 Version: 9832

    Database Name and Version : linux64 little endian

    How it SHOULD work:

    -bestial wrath:While enraged, the beast does not feel pity or remorse or fear and it cannot be stopped unless killed.

    -beast within: Increases all damage you deal by 10% and while your pet is under the effects of Bestial Wrath, you also go into a rage causing 10% additional damage and reducing mana costs of all spells by 50% for 10 sec. While enraged, you do not feel pity or remorse or fear and you cannot be stopped unless killed.

    How it DOES work:

    you and your pet are not inmune from fear,stun...

  6. The ManGOS core not support vehicle + mount yet and if you want to see Traveler's Tundra Mammoth in action

    just spawn npc 32640 or npc 32633 (for Draenei only) and for Grand Ice Mammoth just spawn npc 31857 (they are only for fun for now)


    not understand what it's: 'meca jarley' and better give me the English name or npc ID

    thanks friend, meca harley it's item=44413 the moto

    thanks to respond me ^^

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