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Posts posted by blackbahamut

  1. Mangos Version: 9549

    SD2 Version: for mangos revision 9444+

    How it SHOULD work: The Need Before Greed loot system will be the unalterable default looting system for pick-up groups in the Dungeon Finder and has been updated.

    Need Before Greed will now recognize gear appropriate for a class in three ways: the class must be able to equip the item, pure melee will be unable to roll on spell power items, and classes are limited to their dominant armor type (ex. paladins for plate). All items will still be available via Greed rolls as well as the new Disenchant option should no member be able to use the item.

    Players will be able to roll on items with a required minimum level higher than a player's current level.

    How it DOES work: P layers can roll for all items.

  2. hi to all

    Mangos Version: 9549

    Custom Patches:

    SD2 Version: scritpdev2 for mangos 9444 ?

    How it SHOULD work: Players will now be able to trade soulbound items with other raid or group members that were eligible for the loot. This system will work like the Item Buy Back system and allow 2 hours for players to trade an item after it has been looted. Players who choose to enchant or add gems to the item will get one last confirmation before losing the ability to trade the item.

    How it DOES work: Atm, items bind as soon as we loot them, as it used to happen in lower patches.

    P.s I'd like to mention another bug refering to raids. Master loot mode is not working as intended; players can loot items if enable Autoloot mode.

    thanks for reading, and excuse my english.

  3. mangos revision:9245 linux_x64

    udb: 0.11.6(386) for mangos 8994 SD2 SQL rev 1516


    I want to tell about some bugs that i test in raid groups:

    1. For example, if we are 20 person and I add someone to the raid, this player appears in Group 1, independently if this group is full.

    2. Sometimes i see disconnected people who aren't.

    3. Group teams are confused.. people in group one appears a group five and viceversa..

    4. When i give help leader status to one player and he wants to use his habilities like invite another players, game said error mensaje like 'you are not the leader'

    5. Trouble about Master Loot.(anywhere can loot,and leader cannot give the items).

  4. hi to all

    Mangos revision: 9260 linux x64

    Scriptdev2 for mangos 9245+

    udb 0.11.6 (386) for mangos 8994 SQL for revision 1516

    Master loot is bugged, If you're master looter you can't give the items. If you're not master looter,you can loot items with autoloot

    with master loot,if you're master loot,you can give the items ,and others with autoloot, they can't loot items with autoloot.

    sorry my english is bad.

  5. Hi friends

    Mangos revision 8543

    linux x64(little endian)

    scriptdev 8443+

    How it SHOULD work: Mass dispel, Can remove the paladin's bubles

    How it DOES work: Mass dispel, doesn't remove paladin's bubles

    How it SHOULD work: dispel magic, the must remove 2 efects dangerous for you,or remove 2 magic efect's from the oponent

    How it DOES work: dispel magic: they only remove 1 efect dangeros for you,or remove 1 magic efect from the oponent.

    :) thanks to read it

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