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Posts posted by Caskast

  1. Hey guys this is a little random but i've always wanted to know, when somone asks 'Where are you from' and i reply 'i'm from england'.. or what ever they usually respond with 'Omg england is so great i've always wanted to go there' why is england so great? and/or are people just being polite? lol i don't usually reply saying 'Your country is great'


  2. Hello there, this bug has existed for a while now, i've tried it with 3 different dbs and it still happens, so basicly when i initate .reload all it does about 5 tables then the "World kicks out" / crashs are you guys aware of it? or not?..

  3. Hello there, I'm not sure what revision this started but it seems if you try and put more then 3 special gems in your gear it causes a client crash, im guessing this is caused by 3.3.5, but im not actually sure also "non- socketed" gems do not appear on your gear, so you have to shift click to actually see the gems.

    Thanks for reading

    -- Caskast. :)

    Edit: Can't even see what enchants you have on your gear.

  4. Mangos Version: 10132

    Custom Patches: None.

    SD2 Version: ScriptDev2 (for MaNGOS 10112+)

    Database Name and Version : PSDB**

    How it SHOULD work: Shouldnt crash the server while in bg?

    How it DOES work: Crash's the server

    Hi there,

    Ok so me and one of my gms were running round bgs today, picking up the flag and dropping it off ect, testing (lol, more like having fun)

    Anyway, suddenly encounterd a crash, all it said on my screen was "(Name) Has dropped the alliance flag"..

    Here is the crash results.


    Thankyou. :)

    Edit: Ok sorry, the other gm just told me he did /afk to get out of the bg? seems as soon as a player leaves a bg the server crash's, and i cannot hit "leave group" while in a bg because it tells me i have a "trial account"...

  5. Hello, I did a breif search and i couldn't find much on this, i wonder if anyone can help me.

    We currently have a realm under development and it would be very helpful if i could set the level to DEV so players cannot get into that 1 realm, but when i set "AllowedSecurityLevel" string in the realmd/realmlist it just resets back to 0?

    Is there somthing im missing or is this just a general fault?

    Thanks, Regards


  6. Thank's i'll check it out now.

    Edit: I'm not a C++ Expert, i will post code from vehicle.cpp

           for (uint32 i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLE_SPELLS; ++i)
    >> Line 169:      if(!GetVehicleData()->v_spells[i])
               SpellEntry const *spellInfo = sSpellStore.LookupEntry(GetVehicleData()->v_spells[i]);
               if(spellInfo->powerType == POWER_MANA)
               if(spellInfo->powerType == POWER_ENERGY)
                   SetMaxPower(POWER_ENERGY, 100);
                   SetPower(POWER_ENERGY, 100);

    If you need more then i'll put the whole vehicle.cpp on pastebin.

  7. Hi, When i spawn a gameobject like a House the gameobject will load after the player so it causes players to fall through the gameobject is there anyway to keep players on the gameobject, or make gameobjects load first?

  8. Hi, I'm not sure if it is just me, but when i clone Rev. 10018, Im missing the file /src/shared/revision.h the file is still included in src/mangosd/main.cpp so? is it missing? or is it just me o.O

    Edit: I cloned git://github.com/mangos/mangos.git on my home pc too and its not there.

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