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Everything posted by coolmon

  1. Thanks for the updated Registration page. in r265 its working but only if i stay belove PHP 5.3.0 But now when i go edit my new created account i get following error. SELECT account AS acct, name, gender, race, class, level, (SELECT gmlevel FROM `realmd`.account_access WHERE `realmd`.account_access.id=`characters`.characters.account) AS gmlevel, (SELECT username FROM `realmd`.account WHERE `realmd`.account.id=`characters`.characters.account) AS login FROM `characters`.characters WHERE level IN (SELECT MAX(level) FROM `characters`.characters WHERE account='7') AND account='7' Table 'realmd.account_access' doesn't exist And if i change my account level to 2 i don't get the error.
  2. Thank you for the reply here. I have tried to register on http://coremanager.strangled.net/ but for some reason i can't register.. To prevent automated registrations the board requires you to enter a confirmation code. The code is displayed in the image you should see below. Confirmation code: Preview Find the specified animal and enter it's word: But no image show up, I have tried diferent computers, with FireFox 3, 4, 5, and ie 8 and nine. and some times i get this error. Fatal error: Cannot access empty property in C:\\Program Files\\Apache Software Foundation\\Apache2.2\\coremanager_site\\includes\\ucp\\ucp_register.php on line 250
  3. Thanks for this wonderfull site. I have a minor issue, i cant find any information on any webpage or the CoreManager forum. I have also tried to register but gets lots of error. Everythings seams to work fine except when a new user try to register at my coremanager page. i get following issue. INSERT INTO account_access (id, gmlevel, RealmID) VALUES ('9', '0', '-1') Table 'realmd.account_access' doesn't exist I guess that Mangos don't use account_access but account and if i change it to account then RealmID is missing. if i add that to the table list. it give some other errors and so on. I have ceck the config file and have tried all the option in core. I really hope some can help me to get register.php to work. BTW: if i log in as administrator and create the new account, from the menu i have no issue to add the accounts i need.
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