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Posts posted by crashuncle

  1. I use since a while a similiar SQL configuration as nanounico does and I cant complain with the performance, you only need enough RAM.

    The only part which I don't really get is...

    query_cache_size = 356M

    query_cache_limit = 64M

    Are you sure that it is a good idea?

  2. Enough RAM and some alcohol in form of Vodka is the solution for all your problems.

    Seriously, we cant help you much if you don't define your problem more detailed and if you may post us your Server / SQL configurations and if needed any related logs.

    Such a machine can hold 1500+ players easily with the correct configuration and MT maps patch.

  3. Hi all.

    I updated from 3.1.3 to the latest rev of mangos 3.2.2a, applied all the SQL updates everything is ok no errors, but when I try to log in with an old character the server crashes.

    If i create a new character i can play without any problems.

    Any ideas what is the cause of this issue ?


    May post the logs here? It could have thousands of reasons.

  4. Mangos even works fine on a P3 Dual Server (Well it cant hold much players but 50-100 are no problem depending on the settings). The problem here is not the hardware itself, its your bad knowledge about servers and Mangos itself. Your server can run Mangos fine and adding even more CPU cores will not help you at all, use the search function here and inform yourself first.

    I guess that you are using 64bit Linux cause Windows is really not acceptable at all together with Mangos, so configure your system first with tutorials like this one http://www.linux.org/lessons/beginner/index.html you may have a chance then to get in 1-2 months a stable server.

    Oh and it is not a good idea to talk about such topics here cause public servers are in some countries not completely legal, you should remove the root advertisement else you might get banned.

  5. A kind of "Stable Revision" thread is really missing here, all other forums have such a thread and I even saw similar things on the Russian Mangos forum. I'm quite curios how the latest 0.12 (2.4.3) revisions are, and I didn't heard anything about that Reflective Shield issue yet. The old 2.4.3 revisions from Nov08 are at least very stable (3-4 day uptime, 1k online) but I cant tell you anything about the new ones.

  6. Hello, i have been working around on this problem for a few days now - and could not find a solution.

    I would like to force the client to have a custom patch installed, and else my realm server wont let him login.

    i found this code snippet in AuthSocket.cpp

     char tmp[24];
    sprintf(tmp, "./patches/%d%s.mpq", _build, _localizationName.c_str());
    FILE *pFile = fopen(tmp, "rb");
    { etc..

    tried around, but could not get this to work for my needs.

    do you have an idea how i could check if the client has a special file in his Data folder? (for ex. my-patch.mpq)

    thanks for all responses in advance,


    That is for patch downloads only so clients can download official patches from the server. You cant use custom patches for it, at least not with the basic code because it checks the MD5 hash of the file.

    I see no possibility to check if the client has a specific MPQ, but there might be some hacky ways. I remember that I made a addon check years ago on the WoWEmu and it worked fine, you were able to stay online only when you had addon X else you get kicked.

  7. If anyone wants my sourcecode I have it compiled for wow 2.4.3 with the GUI disabled

    I made a similiar version a while ago for 2.4.3 but removed the related code parts completly and added some features like Blizzlike chat colors. So its a pure chatlclient which is quite resource friendly (5MB RAM, 1MB Bin).

    Its sad that PseudoWoW has such a slow development because the idea itself is not that bad and the results look so far good.

  8. Well, with some custom patches my friends had 4.5k+ ppl online on their Quad Xeon, 16 GB RAM server w/o VMAPS :) So yeah, we have a progress in performance tuning, just need time to make patches production-ready :D

    That is very impressive on such a CPU, but I guess it wasn't very stable yet?

    I guess all "testers" connect of course per LAN since anything else wouldn't be allowed *cough*. I personally still use as basic a revision from November08 with Mtmaps and some crashfixes of newer revisions and get with 1000 "testers" around 4-5 days uptime till I mostly restart manually and there is no lag at all. If you don't want lags with the current hardware and Mangos revision then simply set a player limit and keep your database clean. Some members here really demand sometimes "Fix this crash now!" instead of solving it themselves and support the project that way and may even learn something new.

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