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Posts posted by cristinel

  1. Updated my Insider42 git ;)

    i have this error:

    ..\\..\\src\\game\\Spell.cpp(253) : error C2819: type 'ByteBuffer' does not have an overloaded member 'operator ->'
           d:\\server\\mangos - copy\\src\\shared\\ByteBuffer.h(55) : see declaration of 'ByteBuffer'
           did you intend to use '.' instead?
    ..\\..\\src\\game\\Spell.cpp(253) : error C2232: '->ByteBuffer::rpos' : left operand has 'class' type, use '.'
    ..\\..\\src\\game\\Spell.cpp(253) : error C2819: type 'ByteBuffer' does not have an overloaded member 'operator ->'
           d:\\server\\mangos - copy\\src\\shared\\ByteBuffer.h(55) : see declaration of 'ByteBuffer'
           did you intend to use '.' instead?
    ..\\..\\src\\game\\Spell.cpp(253) : error C2232: '->ByteBuffer::size' : left operand has 'class' type, use '.'
    ..\\..\\src\\game\\Spell.cpp(255) : error C2100: illegal indirection

  2. I have a problem:

    The problem is that 2 different players: one is creating a new character at opposite faction and the second one is killing this one near the graveyard and they make very fast honor...

    How can i block that after 2 kills or 1 they will not receive anymore honor on the same player??

  3. Some one can fix this... Any way the problem is that blood tap is not working as well. Any speel that convert's the runes in death runes are not working.

    I have seen that in Trinity Core they have fixed this spells and i have tried to import from there the codes and convert them but it's not working... i still get build errors.

  4. But there it's still a bug... you cannot buy some of the armors from vendors i have season 7 vendor without any costs and when paladin try to buy the waist,wrist and boots he will not receive any item like that ites is not there

    *I found that is not the s7 the problem is the problem to all the vendors you cannot buy the first item from left at the first page.

  5. I test items with extended cost including new mutiply same item with diff extanded costs case.

    But i will test your example npc case.

    [added]Ok, reproduced in this case. So checking. Thanks for info...

    [added]In fact problem related not to extended cost but to items usable only some classes/races and then not showup in vendor lists for another race/class

    And the only way to fis is to revert of revision 9716? Or it will be a new fix for this?

    Thank You!

  6. Well the last rev making problems... [you have been added new folders like _layout and i think its the problem.]

    XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
    Location: [url][/url]
    Line Number 781, Column 36:    <xsl:Param name="suffix" select="''" />

    the same problem here...

  7. Just try to make a quest for dk's only, with 46 talent points... It's more easy than other methods (in my opinion).

    Here you have my quest from my server in case you need it:

    REPLACE INTO `quest_template` (`entry`, `Method`, `ZoneOrSort`, `SkillOrClass`, `MinLevel`, `QuestLevel`, `Type`, `RequiredRaces`, `RequiredSkillValue`, `RepObjectiveFaction`, `RepObjectiveValue`, `RequiredMinRepFaction`, `RequiredMinRepValue`, `RequiredMaxRepFaction`, `RequiredMaxRepValue`, `SuggestedPlayers`, `LimitTime`, `QuestFlags`, `SpecialFlags`, `CharTitleId`, `PlayersSlain`, `BonusTalents`, `PrevQuestId`, `NextQuestId`, `ExclusiveGroup`, `NextQuestInChain`, `RewXPId`, `SrcItemId`, `SrcItemCount`, `SrcSpell`, `Title`, `Details`, `Objectives`, `OfferRewardText`, `RequestItemsText`, `EndText`, `CompletedText`, `ObjectiveText1`, `ObjectiveText2`, `ObjectiveText3`, `ObjectiveText4`, `ReqItemId1`, `ReqItemId2`, `ReqItemId3`, `ReqItemId4`, `ReqItemId5`, `ReqItemId6`, `ReqItemCount1`, `ReqItemCount2`, `ReqItemCount3`, `ReqItemCount4`, `ReqItemCount5`, `ReqItemCount6`, `ReqSourceId1`, `ReqSourceId2`, `ReqSourceId3`, `ReqSourceId4`, `ReqSourceCount1`, `ReqSourceCount2`, `ReqSourceCount3`, `ReqSourceCount4`, `ReqCreatureOrGOId1`, `ReqCreatureOrGOId2`, `ReqCreatureOrGOId3`, `ReqCreatureOrGOId4`, `ReqCreatureOrGOCount1`, `ReqCreatureOrGOCount2`, `ReqCreatureOrGOCount3`, `ReqCreatureOrGOCount4`, `ReqSpellCast1`, `ReqSpellCast2`, `ReqSpellCast3`, `ReqSpellCast4`, `RewChoiceItemId1`, `RewChoiceItemId2`, `RewChoiceItemId3`, `RewChoiceItemId4`, `RewChoiceItemId5`, `RewChoiceItemId6`, `RewChoiceItemCount1`, `RewChoiceItemCount2`, `RewChoiceItemCount3`, `RewChoiceItemCount4`, `RewChoiceItemCount5`, `RewChoiceItemCount6`, `RewItemId1`, `RewItemId2`, `RewItemId3`, `RewItemId4`, `RewItemCount1`, `RewItemCount2`, `RewItemCount3`, `RewItemCount4`, `RewRepFaction1`, `RewRepFaction2`, `RewRepFaction3`, `RewRepFaction4`, `RewRepFaction5`, `RewRepValueId1`, `RewRepValueId2`, `RewRepValueId3`, `RewRepValueId4`, `RewRepValueId5`, `RewRepValue1`, `RewRepValue2`, `RewRepValue3`, `RewRepValue4`, `RewRepValue5`, `RewHonorAddition`, `RewHonorMultiplier`, `RewOrReqMoney`, `RewMoneyMaxLevel`, `RewSpell`, `RewSpellCast`, `RewMailTemplateId`, `RewMailDelaySecs`, `PointMapId`, `PointX`, `PointY`, `PointOpt`, `DetailsEmote1`, `DetailsEmote2`, `DetailsEmote3`, `DetailsEmote4`, `DetailsEmoteDelay1`, `DetailsEmoteDelay2`, `DetailsEmoteDelay3`, `DetailsEmoteDelay4`, `IncompleteEmote`, `CompleteEmote`, `OfferRewardEmote1`, `OfferRewardEmote2`, `OfferRewardEmote3`, `OfferRewardEmote4`, `OfferRewardEmoteDelay1`, `OfferRewardEmoteDelay2`, `OfferRewardEmoteDelay3`, `OfferRewardEmoteDelay4`, `StartScript`, `CompleteScript`) VALUES
    (70000, 2, 0, -6, 1, 80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 46, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 'Death Knight Talents', 'You have to complete this quest to receive the rest of the talent points you need.', 'Take the quest and give it back to me!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

  8. Mangos Version: 9637

    Custom Patches: Dual spec, Insider42 branch

    SD2 Version: 1653

    Database Name and Version : YTDB

    The Death Rune Mastery is not working. When you put points to this talent it doesn't take effect. The frost and unholy runes are not changing to death runes. And this talent is important for death knight on blood.

    And the reaping talent is not working two, the same as Death Rune Mastery.

  9. Mangos Version: 9618

    Custom Patches: Insider42 branch, dual spec

    SD2 Version: 1653

    Database Name and Version: YTDB 540

    The anticheat detects you in a lot of part one of it is in undercity when you go near elevator you are detected...

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