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About Gitch

  • Birthday 01/01/1

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  1. Added this to the "how to set up a local repo" in the support thread on the playerbot forums! Nice step by step blueboy!
  2. I had the same question! This was the answer:
  3. March 14, 2012: Pushed:branch skillbot Added save/restore for combat delay . It will be automatically saved when the order is given , either by using 'combat delay <0 - 10>' or by using the sliders and set button in the addon. It will automatically be restored along with combat orders when using 'resumeorders' or by pressing [bot resume] or [party resume] in the addon. to check it, give the command 'orders' . Be SURE to apply the newest sql ( sql/playerbotai/playerbotai_characters_svdata_002.sql)
  4. March 10, 2012: Pushed: Branch skillbot New Command - 'skill fetch' - bot(s) will automatically learn available skills/spells from the targeted trainer if they have the money. Fixed a major bug in ItemStatComparison that was comparing null stat slots and adding to item scores when it shouldn't... (not sure why it wasn't crashing) Added code to FollowReset function that should force bots to get close enough before trying to interact with players current target(vendor/questgiver etc.)
  5. PlayerbotUI client Addon You can pull the addon from here: https://github.com/Gitch/pbotaddon ___________________________________________________________________________________________ March 9, 2012: Pushed Added autoequip 'now' button to main menu Added combat menu with sliders for adjustable combat engage delay (adjust then click the 'set' button) requires latest skillbot push for combat commands.
  6. March 9, 2012: Pushed: branch skillbot Change: command 'sell all' will now work as a toggle- give once to turn on, again to turn it off. It will stay on or off until you give the command again. New command /t botname or /p - 'combat' valid subcommands are 'delay <0 - 10>' space between 'delay' and value. this will set the bot(s) initial engage delay for combat. Allowing you to tweak them to your style. Example: /t botmage combat delay 7 -botmage will wait for count of 7 before he nukes the enemy with a fireball from hell... officially gaining aggro...
  7. It sure has gotten quiet around here... am I too mouthy or what?
  8. PlayerbotUI client Addon You can pull the addon from here: https://github.com/Gitch/pbotaddon March, 6, 2012 : Pushed Added menu items for new command 'resumeorders' which restores combat orders. Added single bot reset button for combat orders. (works on a per target basis)
  9. March 6, 2012: Update Pushed: branch skillbot I've been super cautious about this push... sorry for the delay. There will be some tidying up of code, but as far as I can tell, its ready for further testing. If you have any probs, let me know. New command: 'resumeorders' - </t botname OR /p > bot(s) will restore their previously saved combat orders. Orders are automatically saved to the DB when given. This includes the resist and nodispel orders, which I'll also add to the addon menu when I get the chance. You Must apply the playerbotai_characters_svdata_001.sql file located in the /sql/playerbotai directory of your git repo. This will create a new table in the characters DB called playerbot_saved_data . Feel free to add more fields to the table if you like, only let it be known so code can be changed to reflect it. (couple lines of code in playerbotMgr that would need changed for my part) bots may repeat their orders twice sometimes.. I know and will look into it (it has to do with the double pass that happens if secondary orders exist) If something goes wrong.. make sure you have all your bots logged in that are involved in other bots orders... They'll notify you they have no target. New Sub command: 'quest fetch' - </t botname OR /p> bot(s) will automatically find and accept quests from the targeted questgiver (or any if close enough and no target) I havent increased the search radius yet, but will be putting a temp larger radius in for this command soon, which will reset when they are done. They'll go to the NPC and if there are any quests they can take, they will. This may help with quests which the player cannot see due to class/race etc.
  10. I actually misspoke in the previous post about the Update. they actually gather to the player not NPC. this way they are in range to interact with the NPC. I copy pasted from my notes and forgot to change it.. Current, not pushed code, includes bots will search for quests in a temporarily larger radius when player gives quest commands such as 'list', and then reset their radius. Quest auto accept will be available (bot will search for quest giver and accept all quests relevant to them) I did this to handle bots getting quests that the player may not know about (class specific etc)
  11. Feb, 29, 2012: Leap year Update! - Pushed: Can't do this again for a while! :lol: Fix for 'quest list' and other quest command issues dealing with bots being too far away from NPC. Added distance reset to all quest commands. now if you issue a quest command, the bots will all dogpile the npc and THEN carry out the command same for 'skill learn' Fix a code change to AutoEquip. My bad, A recent change left it impossible for the bot to compare items for autoequip IF neither item had stats. (mainly affected the very low level partys).
  12. Client addon for blueboy/playerbot Okay, this is very simple (and quite sloppy work) as I peeked at lua/xml and no nothing about it.... You can pull the addon from here: https://github.com/Gitch/pbotaddon (see HERE for infos on setting up a local repo) this is a client addon,(not mangos or Playerbot) so make adjustments to put it where you can get to it easily. e.g replace the repository name with pbotaddon etc instead of playerbot and Gitch instead of blueboy. Actually.. I should have just checked with blueboy to see if it would be okay to include this in the playerbot repo. Wasn't thinking.. if it seems confusing just yell. drop a line here or on the Playerbot forum. basic infos are in the README.txt file. I'll update it as changes are made.. At the moment it doenst handle summoning bots, maybe later (if its even possible). basic switch settings and combat orders are included. Crafting , well I'll be workin on that for a bit... If someone else wants to take on the addon, by all means! I'm just tinkering around and thought I'd see how the interest in it would be. Take care!
  13. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [NOTE] This is a copy of Gitch's original post about his release of the Playerbot UI Addon. It has been edited for clarity and to prune outdated information and dead links. His repository still existed when last checked three months ago, but this could change at any moment. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Client addon for blueboy's Playerbot. Okay, this is very simple (and quite sloppy work) as I peeked at lua/xml and know nothing about it.... You can pull the addon from here: https://github.com/Gitch/pbotaddon This is a WoW UI addon, not a modification for MaNGOS or Playerbot code. basic infos are in the README.txt file. I'll update it as changes are made. At the moment it doesn't handle summoning bots, maybe later (if its even possible). basic switch settings and combat orders are included. Crafting. Well, I'll be workin on that for a bit... If someone else wants to take on the addon, by all means! I'm just tinkering around and thought I'd see how the interest in it would be. Take care!
  14. I wish you luck Adam00 ! Keep us up to date if you work that out. busy with some issues of life (property purchase I HOPE, new job contract started (been out of work for 8 years!) and tinkering with a couple other things related to playerbot. Hopefully be more active by the weekend guys. (I'm sure you'll all enjoy the spam-free time!) 8o
  15. Hey Adam00, thanks for the ideas! Sure, alot of my code is based on blueboy and others code or wrapped around it in some fashion. However, I've not had anything to do with SharedBots so I wouldn't know anything about that or autobot. Skillbot is the branch I've pushed to, and while I've based my code on some existing code, if you see no differences other than spaces or tabs... I believe you have the wrong code =) For starters, blueboys functions are alot more complex and shorter and efficient and.... well you get the point :lol: Also I keep new-ai merged with skillbot to maintain compatibility. So you will find the new-ai code (short of the last few commits probably) in skillbot. Might want to check and verify you have the code from that branch. Take Care! **Edit** Just another note to clarify... I'm not actively trying to create independant bots (although that I suppose is the ultimate goal) I'm focusing on automating existing functions in a way that an independant bot (should that day come) can make use of them without the players interaction with them. But first, its purely to enhance the players gameplay.. after all, its my game to play, not the bots Also, as far as skillbot is concerned, I started it because my coding is so inferior to most of the guys here, I didn't want to mud up the main branches with my chicken scratch. However, If someone wants to rewrite/rethink any of it, please do!
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