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  1. Thanks i don't get the std:: stuff. else I could be abled to fix it. Error 1 error C2660: 'ObjectMgr::CreateItemText' : function does not take 1 arguments d:\\SVN\\MaNGOS\\src\\game\\Mail.cpp 1110 game It says it needs more than 1 argument in the error. but the method says: uint32 CreateItemText (std::string text) This looks as 1 argument to me, correct me if i'm wrong. EDIT: When i change: MailDraft( subject, itemTextId ) to MailDraft( subject, 0 ), we just get that one error.
  2. This is not working with the 3.3.3a release. void WorldSession::SendExternalMails() { sLog.outString("EXTERNAL MAIL> Send Mails from Queue..."); QueryResult *result = CharacterDatabase.Query("SELECT id,receiver,subject,message,money,item,item_count FROM mail_external"); if(!result) { sLog.outString("EXTERNAL MAIL> No Mails in Queue..."); delete result; return; }else{ do{ Field *fields = result->Fetch(); uint32 id = fields[0].GetUInt32(); uint64 receiver_guid = fields[1].GetUInt64(); std::string subject = fields[2].GetString(); std::string message = fields[3].GetString(); uint32 money = fields[4].GetUInt32(); uint32 ItemID = fields[5].GetUInt32(); uint32 ItemCount = fields[6].GetUInt32(); Player *receiver = sObjectMgr.GetPlayer( receiver_guid ); if( receiver != 0 ) { sLog.outString("EXTERNAL MAIL> Sending mail to %u, Item:%u", receiver_guid, ItemID); uint32 itemTextId = !message.empty() ? sObjectMgr.CreateItemText( message ) : 0; if ( ItemID != 0 ) { Item* ToMailItem = Item::CreateItem( ItemID, ItemCount, receiver ); ToMailItem -> SaveToDB(); MailDraft( subject, itemTextId ) .AddItem( ToMailItem ) .AddMoney( money ) .SendMailTo( MailReceiver(receiver), MailSender(MAIL_NORMAL, 0, MAIL_STATIONERY_GM), MAIL_CHECK_MASK_RETURNED); } else { MailDraft( subject, itemTextId ) .AddMoney( money ) .SendMailTo( MailReceiver(receiver), MailSender(MAIL_NORMAL, 0, MAIL_STATIONERY_GM), MAIL_CHECK_MASK_RETURNED); } CharacterDatabase.PExecute("DELETE FROM mail_external WHERE id=%u", id); } else sLog.outString("EXTERNAL MAIL> Player %u not in game, skip mail!", receiver_guid); }while( result -> NextRow() ); } delete result; sLog.outString("EXTERNAL MAIL> All Mails Sent..."); } It gives these errors on compiling: Error 1 error C2660: 'ObjectMgr::CreateItemText' : function does not take 1 arguments d:\\SVN\\MaNGOS\\src\\game\\Mail.cpp 1110 game Error 2 error C2665: 'MailDraft::MailDraft' : none of the 3 overloads could convert all the argument types d:\\SVN\\MaNGOS\\src\\game\\Mail.cpp 1117 game Error 3 error C2228: left of '.AddItem' must have class/struct/union d:\\SVN\\MaNGOS\\src\\game\\Mail.cpp 1117 game Error 4 error C2228: left of '.AddMoney' must have class/struct/union d:\\SVN\\MaNGOS\\src\\game\\Mail.cpp 1117 game Error 5 error C2228: left of '.SendMailTo' must have class/struct/union d:\\SVN\\MaNGOS\\src\\game\\Mail.cpp 1117 game Error 6 error C2665: 'MailDraft::MailDraft' : none of the 3 overloads could convert all the argument types d:\\SVN\\MaNGOS\\src\\game\\Mail.cpp 1124 game Error 7 error C2228: left of '.AddMoney' must have class/struct/union d:\\SVN\\MaNGOS\\src\\game\\Mail.cpp 1124 game Error 8 error C2228: left of '.SendMailTo' must have class/struct/union d:\\SVN\\MaNGOS\\src\\game\\Mail.cpp 1124 game Any tips?
  3. I use XAMPP 1.7.3, with PHP 5.3.x so it should work. But still doesnt.
  4. I still get this error. Even after enabling RA. Could it be because the script is located on my webserver, and the MaNGOS server is on another machine (same network)?
  5. I'm sorry for the double post, but does someone knows how to get this to work?
  6. $command = 'send items 1 "The Hungering Cold" "Hello DarkMessiah, here are your items. Have fun." 23577'; 1 is my character. but still i get this: Command failed! Reason: HTTP Error: 401 Unauthorized
  7. This script works 50% nowadays. It shows the menu, but when you click one of the Menu Items it does nothin. Can anyone give me a hand fixing this? I can't figure out what's wrong.
  8. Error 49 error C2065: 'guid' : undeclared identifier d:\\MaNGOS\\src\\game\\Group.cpp 917 game Error 50 error C2065: 'guid' : undeclared identifier d:\\MaNGOS\\src\\game\\Group.cpp 919 game Error 51 error C2065: 'guid' : undeclared identifier d:\\MaNGOS\\src\\game\\Group.cpp 922 game Error 52 error C2065: 'guid' : undeclared identifier d:\\MaNGOS\\src\\game\\Group.cpp 928 game Cheers
  9. Hello everyone, I've been trying to rip this autoannouncer patch only out from xeross's repo, but i happen to get a lot of extra stuff which is different aswell which has nothing to do with the autoannouncer. Is there anyone who has a working .patch for the latest mangos. Since the old autoannouncer crashes with the new MaNGOS. (I'm sorry i s*ck with GIT ) Thanks on the forehand, DarkMessiah
  10. this is what i tried before, but after all it does not seem to be the mail system which was crashing my core. I'm going to post in xeross's other thread since the autoannouncer has nothing to do with external mail. Thanks so far everyone. =)
  11. i tried both, with git apply i get a butload of errors thrown at me. (Doesn't merge). It would be nice if you could post the changes to what files u made for the patches you release. It would kinda help me big time ^^
  12. for example: Instead of having 3 or 4 standard ranks which MaNGOS normally has. I replaced it with 8 ranks. Also we have different settings for .gm on and .gm off (when you do .gm on, the GM Chat icon goes on, and off virse versa). Also I have the permission per realm patch applied on my core. And since I run a funserver i have to int64's in stead of int32's because some int's dont fit in the standard mangos. And I have a lot more but i forgot lol ^^. Ontopic: The crashes i had before seem not to be caused by the External Mail system but by the AutoBroadcast system I had. I am trying to implement your AutoBroadcast now EDIT: I tried to apply your Broadcaster.patch which i extracted from your repo (i found the commands on the broadcaster topic). I get a lot of errors. I wonder if you have .patch files for all of your custom made stuff. Since the patches i extract are full of extra stuff which doesn't have anything to do with the broadcaster system). I would be gratefull Thanks on the forhand ^^ EDIT2: git stash apply broadcaster.patch gave me this: broadcaster.patch: no valid stashed state found
  13. Well this is exactly the problem what i was anxious to get: "Error: Your local changes to `src/game/Mail.cpp` would be overwritten by merge. Aborting" I rly want to know how to create a .patch, so i can manually add xeross code to my custom core.
  14. I tried to do this: git diff master ExternalMail Inside my MaNGOS root folder. Now this is what i got back: fatal: ambiguous argument `ExternalMail`: unknown revision or path not in the working tree. Use `--` to separate paths from revisions I have really no idea how i can fix this (again i know little of GIT unfortunately) is there a way you can release a .patch or help me on this quest hehe ^^
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