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Posts posted by Darkruler

  1. in yours :P

    My commits are the same as Salja's (used the same source, Traponinet and Tasssadar) so the only difference is that i use Insider42's commits :confused:

    hope someone can test Insider42's GIT without vehicle patch, can't imagine the vehicles can f*** up DK start zone

  2. Salja, your vehicle repo causes rogues to not be able to gain combo points.... also i've had reports that warlocks couldnt gain soul shards. could someone please update salja's or the good ol' Tassadar vehicle branch?

    somewhere around line 661 of PetHandler.cpp

    try changing

    -       //recvPacket >> targets.ReadForCaster(pet);
    +        recvPacket >> targets.ReadForCaster(pet);

    I am using insider's42 repo and some of my changes...

    If i will pull salja's repo it's not working...

    i will update my Insider42 repo for you :)

  3. Salja's repo has more features and is updated more frequently...


    i don't have much time to update it because:

    i'm working on an application that downloads source from a github repo, automatically compiles it and filters all compile errors and puts those in seperate logs (one for SD2, one for the core) and it can also use SVN to receive a database and import it :)

  4. Darkruler did i ever tell you i love you? >.>

    no you didn't :P

    not tested this, but atleast it compiles

    Aura *aur = GetAura(71905, EFFECT_INDEX_0);
    +	if (aur && uint32(aur->GetStackAmount()) == 1)
    +		CastSpell(this, 72521, false);       // First Effect
    +	if (aur && uint32(aur->GetStackAmount()) == 6)
    +	{
    +		RemoveAurasDueToSpell(72521);       // remove First Effect
    +		CastSpell(this, 72523, false);       // Second Effect
    +	}
    if (aur && uint32(aur->GetStackAmount() + 1) >= aur->GetSpellProto()->StackAmount)
    +		RemoveAurasDueToSpell(72523);       // remove Second Effect
    	RemoveAurasDueToSpell(71905);       // remove Shards
    	CastSpell(this, 71904, true);       // Chaos Bane
    	return true;

    This is the first time i write something for a spell, before this i've only made custom configs for various stuff, so i would appreciate it if someone more experienced can respond on this :P

  5. Sorry, just woke up so this might be completely bullshit, but seems to me this should work (or atleast partially)

    // Item - Shadowmourne Legendary
    case 71903:
      if (!roll_chance_i(triggerAmount))
         return false;
    Aura *aur = GetAura(71905, EFFECT_INDEX_0);
    if(GetStackAmount()== 1)
      caster->AddAura(72521, caster);
    if(GetStackAmount() == 6)
         caster->CastSpell(caster, 72523, false);
    if (aur && uint32(aur->GetStackAmount() + 1) >= aur->GetSpellProto()->StackAmount)
         CastSpell(this, 71904, true); // Chaos Bane
         return true;

    added part is between


    don't try to use it, i know it's wrong but i need some caffeine before fixing it :P

  6. I don't want to be rude... but can anyone translate above post to normal english i don't really get it :P

    i will answer the part i do understand:

    - Dual-spec is officially included in MaNGOS as of Rev [9715]

    - Vehicles aren't yet as the developers would like to see them.. so it needs some more attention (i don't have time to develop it further though...that's up to Traponinet and Wojta...and ofcourse the other collaborators on the patch)

  7. i tray to get Insider42's repo with vehicle patch , but i can't . i use this command

    git clone git://github.com/Darkrulerz/mangos.git Insider42


    git clone git://github.com/Darkrulerz/mangos.git

    git checkout -m Insider42

    you can't select a branch in a clone

  8. Hopefully, someone will come along and sort this mess into a unified patch and/or Git repository. I've been wanting to try the Vehicles mod, but things are such a confused mish-mash of fixes, updates from several different people, and a very old repo that I've just not had the will to endure sorting through the mess to have a working patch.

    Time to call out the janitors.

    working on it... will make github branches based on insiders repo and one on plain mangos with vehicles and keep track of comming updates

    Will post a link tomorrow

  9. I wasn't talking about simple merge errors, but the whole repo is sofar out of date that the DB changes are not even in there. If it was a simple merge error I wouldn't have commented plus this topic is getting so blasted confused I can't even keep up.

    mmh ok.. if someone gives me an updated file (with previous fixes posted here)..i will maintain a GIT and put all posted updates in it

  10. Updated to rev.6! If you have any suggestions to make this work even better feel free to share them

    thank you! :)

    edit: forgot I was the last one to post before this lol sorry about that.

    edit: Updated to rev.9 :)

    make it so that when this patch is turned off (disabled), Dalaran is a zone where you can freely fly :P (so disabling results in the exact opposite)

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