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Posts posted by Delor

  1. Mangos is almost free of core related hacks and tricks (gm rights, cache editing, gold dumps). Not even blizzard servers are free of hacks and other tools from client side. Even the mighty Warden is not solution for everything. The most used anti-hack tool in blizz servers is report player, because hacks get more and more advanced (for real money profit). Pretty well works relaxed anticheat, not to disable hacks, but it a realy nice tool for reporting and monitoring.

    There is surely some ways how to make perfects antihacks, but it will use all your hardware resources to keep them up.

  2. i made a little test - 2037 spellpower, shadow priest (shadow talents), no procs, only 5 Shadow Weawing


    1936 - 1944 dmg, with sp (160%) +3259 = 5195 - 5203 untalented, tick for 650 (i this part i dont know how exactly all bonuses stack with each other, but the difference is 223 damage - cca 34% increase)


    8x tick for 873 dmg, Imp. Devouring instant for 2650 = 6984x0,3=2095,2*1,15 (ShadowForm) = 24 9 * 1,1 (Darkness) = 2650

    no problem on my side

    But, maybe there is a problem. Imp. Devouring Plague instant damage is afficted with Shadowform+Darkness twice, becouse all bonuses are in damage calculation itself (6484 base). But i dont know if it is a problem or not.

  3. Mangos Version: 9857

    Custom Patches: none

    Database Name and Version : UDB 0.12.0 (390)

    BUG 1

    How it SHOULD work: Mind Sear is afficted by your spellpower/haste/crit/hit rating and level.

    How it DOES work: Mind Sear is correctly afiicted by your spellpower/haste/crit/hit rating but as a level of caster count with level of afficted creature.


    Level to 80 lvl and spawn two NPC. One level 7 and other level 80. If you cast Mind Sear on 7 level, 80 lvl npc wont get any damage, becouse 7 level is nearly unable to hit 80 lvl with spell.

    BUG 2

    This spell have very low dmg.

    There are two spell power coeficients for this spell 28.57% (per tick, totaling 142.86%) and 31.57% per tick (total 157.86%) with Misery talent.

    With 2194 spellpower and max rank i should be with Misery talent:

    233 - 251 base dmg, + (2194*0,3157=692)= 925 - 943 dmg without any increase from Shadow Form (15%) and Darkness (10%)

    Currenty is with no Shadow Weaving, only with Misery (31,57% coeficient), Shadow Form (+15%) and Darkness (+10%) 729-742, crit for 1092-1116

    BUG 3

    How it SHOULD work:Mind Sear stack Shadow Weaving on every hit. For example, you have group of 4 NPC, you cast Mind Sear on one, other 3 will recieve dmg from Mind Sear, and you have 3 Shadow Weaving stacks on your priest. With 6+ NPC you should instantly recieve max 5 Shadow Weaving stacks.

    How it DOES work:Mind Sear doenst tigger Shadow Weaving at all.

  4. Try

    INSERT INTO `spell_proc_event` (`entry`, `SchoolMask`, `SpellFamilyName`, `SpellFamilyMask0`, `SpellFamilyMask1`, `SpellFamilyMask2`, `procFlags`, `procEx`, `ppmRate`, `CustomChance`, `Cooldown`) VALUES
    (20185, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0),
    (20186, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 15, 0, 0);

    It simply set PPM rate of JoL and JoW to 15 PPM.

    According to http://elitistjerks.com/f76/t44764-jow_proc_chance/ both judgements are most likely using ppm mechanic and 15 PPM is nearly correct.

    Those debuffs have a separate ICD for each person attacking the victim.

    This functionality isn't in mangos. Yet.

    There are maybe using separate ICD, but fix above solves proc on every hit issue.

  5. Mangos Version: 9582

    Custom Patches: none

    Database Name and Version : UDB 0.12.0 (388)

    There are different categories of buffs/debuffs:

    Armor Debuff (Major): [Acid Spit] (exotic Hunter pet), [Expose Armor], [sunder Armor]

    Armor Debuff (Minor): [Faerie Fire], [sting] (Hunter pet), [Curse of Recklessness]

    Physical Vulnerability Debuff: [blood Frenzy], (2nd Talent Spec TBA)

    Melee Haste Buff: [improved Icy Talons], [Windfury Totem]

    Melee Critical Strike Chance Buff: [Leader of the Pack], [Rampage]

    Attack Power Buff (Flat Add): [battle Shout], [blessing of Might]

    Attack Power Buff (Multiplier): [Abomination's Might], [Trueshot Aura], [unleashed Rage]

    Ranged Attack Power Buff: [Hunter's Mark] (only Hunters benefit, so no need to exclude against other class abilities)

    Bleed Damage Increase Debuff: [Mangle], [Trauma]

    Spell Haste Buff: [Wrath of Air Totem]

    Spell Critical Strike Chance Buff: [Moonkin Aura], [Elemental Oath]

    Spell Critical Strike Chance Debuff: [improved Scorch], [Winter's Chill]

    Increased Spell Damage Taken Debuff: [Ebon Plaguebringer], [Earth and Moon], [Curse of the Elements]

    Increased Spell Power Buff: [Focus Magic], [improved Divine Spirit], [Flametongue Totem], [Totem of Wrath], [Demonic Pact]

    Increased Spell Hit Chance Taken Debuff: [improved Faerie Fire], [Misery]

    Percentage Haste Increase (All Types): [improved Moonkin Aura], [swift Retribution]

    Percentage Damage Increase: [Ferocious Inspiration], [sanctified Retribution]

    Critical Strike Chance Taken Debuff (All types): [Heart of the Crusader], [Totem of Wrath]

    Melee Attack Speed Slow Debuff: [icy Touch], [infected Wounds], [Judgements of the Just], [Thunderclap]

    Melee Hit Chance Reduction Debuff: [insect Swarm], [scorpid Sting]

    Healing Debuff: [Wound Poison], [Aimed Shot], [Mortal Strike], [Furious Attacks]

    Attack Power Debuff: [Demoralizing Roar], [Curse of Weakness], [Demoralizing Shout]

    Stat Multiplier Buff: [blessing of Kings] [Drums of Forgotten Kings]

    Stat Add Buff: [Mark of the Wild] [Gift of the Wild] [Drums of the Wild]

    Agility and Strength Buff: [strength of Earth Totem], [Horn of Winter]

    Stamina Buff: [Power Word: Fortitude] [scroll of Fortitude]

    Health Buff: [Commanding Shout], [blood Pact]

    Intellect Buff: [Arcane Intellect], [Fel Intelligence]

    Spirit Buff: [Divine Spirit], [Fel Intelligence]

    Damage Reduction Percentage Buff: [Grace], [blessing of Sanctuary]

    Percentage Increase Healing Received Buff: [Tree of Life], [improved Devotion Aura]

    Armor Increase Percentage Buff: [inspiration], [Ancestral Healing]

    Cast Speed Slow: [Curse of Tongues], [slow], [Mind-numbing Poison].

    In each category, you can only benefit from the most powerful spell granting that effect. For example, Fel Intelligence grants spirit and intellect, both weaker than Arcane Intellect and Divine Spirit. If a player has Fel Intelligence and receives a stronger Arcane Intellect buff, he will gain the intellect value from Arcane Intellect and the spirit value from Fel Intelligence.

    In most cases, fully-talented players will have exactly equal power on the strength of these buffs and debuffs. Fel Intelligence is an example of where one ability is weaker than others. The buffs in the "Increased Spell Power Buff" category are also not all the same potency, as they scale and grow in radically different ways. In virtually every other case, however, the buffs are equal. This means, for example, that fully-talented Battle Shout and Blessing of Might now grant the exact same amount of attack power.

    In addition to this change, we also needed to address the "mana battery" roles in a raid. The mana regeneration effect they grant is no longer limited to their own party, and it no longer depends on the amount of damage they deal. Each time they trigger the mana regeneration effect, 10 people in their raid group will receive a buff which causes them to regenerate 0.5% of their maximum mana each second. This buff, Replenishment, will be given preferentially to raid members with the lowest mana, but will re-evaluate which raid members receive it each time it is fired. Replenishment is provided by Shadow Priests, Survival Hunters, and Retribution Paladins.

    Finally, we have modified Heroism and Bloodlust to affect the entire raid. However, all affected raid members will be unable to cast or benefit from Bloodlust/Heroism for 5 minutes.

    Almosts every of these buffs/debuffs stack on mangos servers.

  6. the double duration is absolutely blizzlike, so there should be no problem to implement it in mangos core and then wait for solution to bonus problem, so modified patch form above:

    diff --git a/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp b/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
    index 0b6737a..1503512 100644
    --- a/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
    +++ b/src/game/SpellEffects.cpp
    @@ -2568,6 +2568,20 @@ void Spell::EffectApplyAura(uint32 i)
    +    if(caster->GetTypeId() == TYPEID_PLAYER && Aur->GetSpellProto()->SpellFamilyName == SPELLFAMILY_POTION
    +        && caster->HasAura(53042))
    +    {
    +        SpellSpecific spellSpec = GetSpellSpecific(Aur->GetSpellProto()->Id);
    +        if(spellSpec == SPELL_BATTLE_ELIXIR || spellSpec == SPELL_GUARDIAN_ELIXIR || spellSpec == SPELL_FLASK_ELIXIR)
    +        {
    +            if(caster->HasSpell(Aur->GetSpellProto()->EffectTriggerSpell[0]))
    +            {
    +               duration *= 2.0f;
    +            }
    +        }
    +    }
        if(duration != Aur->GetAuraMaxDuration())

    Can anybody of developement make a comment?

  7. So it looks like only way to fix it in blizzlike way is implement double duration in SpellEffects.cpp and make new special mixology_db_table with bonuses and link it with SpellEffect. New table becouse there isnt any accurate formula to add bonuses, so we need to define them manualy. I can provide nearly accurate data of bonuses of all elixirs/flask in game from wowdb sites, or even from my own research on blizz servers, but im realy not able to implementing things to the core.

  8. You can see mixology bonus only in stats/defenses/spell tab on your character, tooltips of elixirs/flask remain the same, so it is completly server side. And maybe there is realy another db table for mixology. But we need more data from to do it accurately, thanks to 3.2. mixology buff we can just guess the right values on the low level elixirs. Or make it mixed, low level 3.0.3 mixology bonus and high 3.2. mixology bonus.

    But i think for now we can solve this bug with patch above. The double duration is absolutely right in this patch. The flat 130% increase off all effect is realy not accurate, but it was made pre 3.2.2 alchemy buff, so is realy underpowered!. With this change it will look like

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46376 120spellpower*1,3=156 spell power (172 on live now)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=39666 45*1,3=58,5 (65 on live now)

    It will give alchemy some bonuses, it will not be working like on life servers it will be nerfed.

    So please, in know this is not a complex solution but for now, we/you can just let it work with this reduced effect, and wait for more complex solution.

    Or maybe, there is even dirtiest way to fix it, but only for top level players. Remove http://www.wowhead.com/?item=47499 Flask of the North flask=(guardian+battle elixir) status, so high level player can have buff from flask of the north (=bonus from mixology) at the same time with any other flask/elixir

  9. it should? but how? I have looked to wowhead to more dataz (i know that it isnt any "official ingame data" but it may help to take a picture of how it works, or it can even completely misguide me :) ):

    All have information about Mixology bonus in comments. Sorted according to item level. 1.66p means 1.66666-endlessly, 1,57cca means 1,547868797.... All entries with 3.2+ game version should be accurate on offic. servers.

    syntax: [wowhead link]_[bonus]_[bonus with mixology]=[bonus with mix/normal bonus] [game version of information]



    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=2454 4 6=1.5 (3.0.3)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=6373 10 15=1.5 (3.0.3)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=3391 8 13=1.625 (3.0.9.)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=8949 15 25=1.66p (3.0.9.)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=9155 20 32=1.6 (3.0.3)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=9187 25 36=1.44 (3.2.0)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=13452 25+10 30+15= 1,2+1,5 (3.2)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=28103 24+24t 37+32= 1.54cca+1,33p (3.0.9)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=28104 15 21=1.4 (3.2.0)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40068 90 122=1.35) (3.0.3)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44325 45 65=1.44p (3.2.2)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44331 45 65=1.44p (3.2.2)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44327 45 65=1.44p (3.2.2)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=39666 45 65=1.44p (3.2.2)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40076 20 28=1.4 (3.3.2)


    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=2458 27 42=1.55p (3.0.3)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=3383 6 11=1.833p (3.0.3)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=3389 150 220=1.466 (3.0.3)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=32067 30 38=1.266p (3.0.3)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44328 45 65=1.44p (3.2.0)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40078 350 550=1.57cca (3.2.0)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40109 30 40=1.33p (3.0.9)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44332 45 65=1.44p (3.2.0)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40097 800 1080=1.35 (3.2.0)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40072 50 70=1.4 (3.3.2)


    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=13511 65 85=1.30cca (3.0.3)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=22854 120 160=1.33p (3.0.3)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44939 50 90=1.8 (3.2.2.)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40079 50 90=1.8 (3.2.2.)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46376 120 172=1.376 (3.3.2)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46377 180 242 = 1.34p (3.3.2)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46378 45 65 = 1,444p (3.3.2)

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46379 1300 1950= 1,5 (3.3.2)

    So it realy seems not too simple. Give all flasks/elixirs "hard" precentage bonus is realy not the cleanest way, but im not able to think any clean and easy solution, different to give bonuses one by one to each elixir/flask. At least the double duration is unquestionable.

  10. I dont thing that simply item level is the way to implement the bonus so made a little research (with mixlogy/normal) - ( p means the number is reapeating to eternity :) )


    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46376 172 spellpower = 1.376

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46377 242 AP = 1.455p

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46378 65 mp/5s = 1,444p

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=46379 1950hp = 1,5


    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44325 65 hit rating = 1.444p

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44331 65 haste rating = 1.444p

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=44327 65 crit rating = 1.444p

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=39666 65 agil = 1.444p

    http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40076 28 all stats = 1.4

    Elixirs are nearly the same, but flask are different. So it realy needs more scripting that just one number, with 140% (alchemy in 3.2. was buffed) precentage it works, but not accurately.

    Simply precentage bonus is realy not correct, but that double duration is absolutely right.

    So it will be nice to include this patch even without the "Aur->GetModifier()->m_amount *= 1.3f" line in next revision. Mixology will only double duration of flasks/elixirs, and we can wait for someone who can write more complex impelentation of the bonus with this most important alchemy advantage partialy working.

  11. Mangos Version: MaNGOS/0.16.0-DEV (* * Revision 9499 - *) for Win32 (little-endian)

    Custom Patches: Clean

    SD2 Version: latest

    Database Name and Version : UDB 0.11.6. (387)

    How it SHOULD work: Trinket http://www.wowhead.com/?item=40373 "Each time one of your spells deals periodic damage, there is a chance 788 to 1312 additional damage will be dealt."

    How it DOES work: It doest work at all. In db item_template trinket is correctly linked with proc aura http://www.wowhead.com/?spell=60487 in spell_proc_event, but the aura doesnt work. Any chance to fix/bypass this mechanic?


    Only trinket with same proc i was able to find is http://www.wowhead.com/?item=34470, and it is broken too.

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