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Everything posted by dexter2012

  1. Im sorry Im new to this. it seems when I add querys they seem out of date because they wont execute. From "NOTICE: This part is somewhat tricky and can be hard to explain, but I'll do my best. The updates must be done in proper order or else things can get messed up, so please follow the next steps carefully! Go into your updates folder and open the first update pack, copy the contents, then paste them into the query box (similar to the ScriptDev2 query stuff we did earlier) Take notice to which database needs to be selected; most update packs will be named in the following pattern: update#_patchtype_databasename_revision#_to_revisi on#, so for example 388_corepatch_characters_9311_to_9582.sql Look at the database name part of the filename, this is the database that you need to select before pushing the play button (this is VERY important, in my example filename above I would have to select the "characters" database) Push the play button Repeat the update steps above for every update pack that was downloaded You may need to add additional updates depending on the progress of database content You can check your database revision number by clicking the "+" next to the database name in the database list, clicking the "+" next to "Tables" then finding the corresponding table for each database: Characters: Characters_DB_Version Mangos: db_version Realmd: Realmd_DB_Version (click here for an image) You can then click the "Tables" tab on the right of SQLyog (shown) to see the table information Somewhere in the table information (there isn't much within the db_version tables, so look for it), there will be something that says "required" in it, such as "required_9803_01_mangos_spell_bonus_data" Go into your MaNGOS source folder then into the "sql" folder and find the required update (it will have the same name) and do all the updates after it (all the newest ones) SQLyog will be disabled while running updates; when it is enabled again, you'll know that that's when the update has finished" down none of the directions work. Where are the new databases that need to be executed? thank you
  2. Does anyone know what the problem is. I spent a while trying to figure it out with no luck.
  3. I followed the setup guide step by step and when i try to run the realmd and mangosd executables it shuts down immediatly. if i open it many times it says it could not find the conf files but they are right there. http://i909.photobucket.com/albums/ac295/dexter2012/errors.jpg
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