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Everything posted by djalex

  1. Dbscript 4.3.11 23.09.2010 http://wow.chg.su/dbs/filemgr.php?c=a6f3 +add script generator (compare) — allow create script for compate two tables, generate table or script for content (not exist in 1 table) and can start it. (test mode) You can show and create diff script in editor. +Can be used standart mysqldump utilite *Fixed shows pages in search +File dump can be uploaded from dump menu *Dump script simplified *Fixed no values generation code +allow dump one table. (no all db)
  2. bump ! ^) Dbscript 4.3.08 released! http://eternity.chg.su/dbs/filemgr.php?c=2036 +autoupdate now supported updating languages from SVN +filemgr share hash now have 4 UUID (no more 32 letters lenght) if UUID already exists generated link in old format. All old files link supported. +added key show not downloaded files *search in FDB-DAT tables improved — fullfield parameter now supported in link +added internal and external support jQuery +added function select all options, and uncheck all options (on search for mass actions) requies Jquery *Added small help for installing without Zend Optimizer. *Fdb added to master of linking *Сonverter reselect bug fixed (no more requires reopen editor to leave menu) +when generating SQL code you can allow list of fields for query (only one query will be generated contain all data) *Fixed select for SQL tables (for mass operations)
  3. http://wow.chg.su/dbs/filemgr.php?c=babe13c32e7d32228b44e508f3bb273e Dbscript 4.3.0 04.09.2010 +added function cleancode ($file,$from,$to) . Removes all contains from $from to $to. +added autoupdaet from SVN (only after pressing key check update) . +added sinchronization from server (setting in admin-panel). Any selected config can be updated, even gmdata. *fixed minor bug directedit (incorrect descriptor '-' fixed) If you have php 5.3 and you cannot install this application - please post here
  4. http://wow.chg.su/dbs/filemgr.php?c=ee7b6d4883cf6fcb863197ab3df32f0a Dbscript 4.2.6 27.08.2010 *Fixed blank screen on csv table (if not extension mysql) *Fixed converters Mysql ↔ CSV, DAT (Dbscript 4.x) (Excel, Openoffice compactible) (can be used for simplified backup tables (without properties of fields)) +filemgr: multiple file select added: functions : copy, move, delete., for renaming used name with adding number (started from 0). +You can create files and directories , just mark >1 options in filemgr , and give it name (adding number is automatically)
  5. Dbscript 4.2.5 http://wow.chg.su/dbs/filemgr.php?c=eb8c295c50052fafb1e6baec8389c8d6 +Adding users on testing mode enabled *Fixed add users menu *Array error in messages fixed *Fixed:administrative test configuration - auto del fixed *Added to logs - backup ,restore configs
  6. Now i present new version dbscript 4.2.4 http://filebeam.com/f6b79c2f34f271f980ad2e81945e0207 managing DB , (any changes to db) including patches and dumps can crosslinking tables allow GM right to edit some selected data can be used GMs (not knowing SQL or another language) for simple fixes allow managing Files and sharing on server have serverstatus (online , offline , world, realmd, db, ftp ...etc) Official site- dj.chg.su/dbscript Video (how to install) http://code.google.com/p/db-script/downloads/detail?name=dbscript%204.2.4%20full.zip&can=2&q= http://code.google.com/p/db-script/downloads/detail?name=dbscript_4_install.ogv&can=2&q= SVN (outdated) http://code.google.com/p/db-script/source/checkout Please tell me what components using your Linux, and version OS? Apache, Php, Mysql , Zend optimizer? Actions checked and supported on database: +View commands, and change plevel for use it. +Programm use aliases, not direct connect to tables (you can select only needed tables), and program automatically fix some inside settings with every Mangos update +Editing teleporting spells (change coords) +editing creatures spawns,creatures, it loot +editing gameobjects spawns, loot +editing items and any loot type tables +editing quests,quest-related items,creatures,go (but Quice still do it better) +editing accounts and bans +editing any NPC, vendor inventory, trainer spellbook +dbc can be viewed if it saved as csv (!) +direct executing sql queries with logs of course +changing SQL, and DAT headers, it structure +dblinker for automatic creating connection list can be used in service +characters (simple version) can be edited any no in'data' fields (mass change works with DATA and separator 'space') +you can view,change or remove: level,class,race,money,name,honor,kills, pet, spells, items (hard to add),..... and adding spells for pet )) . +guilds - can editing any guild and guild bank data ... everything you plugin with dblinker can be viewed,edited if you want. Multiinstancing programm If you want use program for 10 servers and with one userset,or other config just place all copies in one folder , and enable multi-instance in every copy If you planning create multiinstance after install: (not recommened) Next you must remove inside _conf files of program to outside _conf folder. Outside _conf files have higher priority, and applied by all program copies Inside _conf work only with one copy program.
  7. how to run server without a segmentation fault while execting battleground section , in newest rev? server Log - segmentation fault http://wow.chg.su/inside/filemgr.php?c=c6947effc96d05c6417a44e0b3b250e3
  8. Core 8557 DB: Ytdb Ubuntu Linux 64bit server Log - segmentation fault http://wow.chg.su/inside/filemgr.php?c=c6947effc96d05c6417a44e0b3b250e3
  9. i resolved problem , using git clean and redownload mangos + sd2 1 times.
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