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Posts posted by Eden

  1. i copied the some useful c++ classes from mangos (ByteBuffer, Sha1Hash, BigNumber), that helped me to get realm auth working, but anyway i have figured the auth code out with some papers, packet dumps, the old LudM!ll@ packet documentation and the srp6 documentation. the world auth code was easy to do, i just looked which answers mangos expected.

  2. you will see what it does when you are logged in and standing near the bot.

    so far bogie is right, not much more then chatting implemented ( i have hardly time to code xD), there is also a simple silly following fuction, but i have noticed that it crashes the server unsure.gif

    more updates will come when i have more time dry.gif you are welcome to post a patch or improvement anyway ^^

  3. @danny: NO! the models are client based, and if i wanted to use those models i either had to draw them myself (lol!) or extract them wink.gif guess whats easier^^

    this client does not depend from any data; what i was actually talking about was that you could basically suck a whole server's db and store it, then extract as .scp or sql data =)

  4. no additional data are loaded, no dbcs, maps, etc, this will come later. they are either in the core( like language names, race names, classes) or they get cached during beeing in the world (like playernames, and, in future, items/mobs/etc [like original W*W's WDB-cache system]).

    for now its iportant to make it stable and to fix the memory leaks smile.gif (120 MB ram used after 15 mins of runtime tongue.gif).

    does somebody know a website where i can download the wowmapview sourcecode? this would help A LOT! (you can find the tool at www.wowd.org -> developer information -> tools -> ... or so, i cant access the site atm, im posting from school and the site is locked here.)

    thank you. smile.gif

    btw: as soon as loading of copyrighted material is implemented, the project will be illegal. lol. we will see that later.

  5. didnt you read the readme? there is NO graphical user interface yet! wink.gif

    about pseuwow.exe, its strange that there is none for you in the archive... blink.gif

    just redownloaded it to be sure, and i can confirm, pseuwow.exe is there, right in the folder where traypseuwow.exe is.

    what virus scanner do you have? maybe it gets wrongly detected as some virus and deleted unsure.gif

  6. eehehe no you wont have work with openGL tongue.gif -> its still console and its primary usage intention for now is to be a bot to help admins. but yes, i would be very pleased to see a working gui on it one day. shouldnt be that hard because it uses SDL ( www.libsdl.org )

    the sources will be included with the next version i upload. if there are more people willing to work on it im going to create a SVN on opensvn.

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